Sarah Palin appeared in Toronto, Canada on Saturday with her boyfriend Ron Duguay, signing autographs and having her picture taken for cash at a card show. She sold autographs for $40, and photos with her for $50.
Duguay was there as a former hockey star with the New York Rangers. The Toronto Sport Card Expo ran Nov. 10-13. Duguay and Palin were on the Expo floor on Nov. 12.
Toronto’s Sport Card & Memorabilia Expo is Canada’s largest and longest-running sports collectables show, its website says, and gives collectors the chance to get autographs from hockey and other sports legends. Collectors can shop over 200 dealers & corporate booths and find rare cards and sports memorabilia from over 100,000 square feet of expo space.
Prices have come down since this summer, when Palin was charging $2,900 for a photo with her during the campaign.
Some visitors didn’t pay the $50 but got the picture of Palin the old-fashioned way:

Palin ran for Congress this year to replace Congressman Don Young, who died March 18. She is currently in second place, with 26% of the vote, and is not expected to win over Democrat Mary Peltola, who is currently serving the remainder of Young’s final year in office. The delay in the results is largely a product of the 2020 Ballot Measure 2, which ushered in open primaries and ranked choice voting in general elections.
Last week, Palin told her vast social media audience that she was feeling victorious and had hired her loyal friend Jerry Ward as her interim chief of staff. She said she was heading to Washington, D.C. to meet with the House Freedom Caucus and start working for Alaskans in anticipation of the announcement of her win.
Over the past two years, Palin has made substantial income selling “Cameo” custom videos that capitalize on her hard-earned fame.
That’s desperate. Those Canucks are hurting for any celebrity outside of Jeopardy.
They have Jim Carrey, Neil Young, Seth Rogan, Drake, Celine Dion, William Shatner, M.J. Fox, Pamela Anderson, Justin Bieber, Keanu Reeves, Elon Musk, Donald & Keifer Sutherland, Dan Aykroyd, Mike Meyers and of course “The Great One” , but I don’t see any of them showing up at the card show to sign for money.
(excuse me for all the liberals on this list, but it’s Canada after all)
Elon Musk is South African
Keifer was born in London, but has dual Canadian citizenship.
50 points from Canada for inflicting Celine Dion on the world. That’s a borderline crimes against humanity act
Who does she think she is a frigging rock star? No. She’s a failed Governor and failed everything when it comes to Alaska. But there she is with her old played out hockey star boyfriend Ron Duguay.
This shows you all you need to know about Sarah. Narcissistic idiot that thinks the world is interested in her.
Perhaps Sarah is recruiting for the UAA Hockey program?
She should recruit at the Junior level hockey leagues; I here cougars do really well there.
Most Alaskan kids would rather go play Div III or ACHA Hockey in the lower 48 than play at UAA, it’s barely above the Canadian College ranks which are just filled out with kids from Major Juniors anyway
Self-redemption goes a long way in today’s salvific economy. This being “Sunday the 13th,” give the gal some time for personal indulgence! (Myself, I’m fond of taking a swig of whiskey right out of the bottle shortly after listening to a sermon on damnation!) Be a little kind today, and you won’t feel compelled to show your face among the sorrowful “repentants” for a while! As an old timer told me, a bit o’ love shown at church and given to all the pretty women–and it need only seem sincere–will make getting into paradise all the more pleasurable!
It’s not pathetic if it brings in piles of money!! From willing payers. Its not like she has a day job right now. If she did this as a serving member of Congress, it’d be corruption like Democratic book publication
Give it a rest. Let “M” handle the ongoing Palin defense for a while.
While you’re here though, why would Alaska’s newest House Rep be spending time at a baseball card show in Toronto? Doesn’t she have work to do?
We all thought she was taking time to get up to speed with the Freedom Caucus…
Also, are you saying that Sarah isn’t capable of getting a real job? Spoiler alert: Most of us knew that already.
Alaska’s homegrown … “Show Pony”
Robbie, so Sarah’s a “show pony,” eh? Homegrown? The little woman ran your “ssa” into the dirt! To understand your loss, examine your own shortcomings! But, look, it is always nice to slurp down a six-pack or two and cry with the other “boys.”
It’s all about Sarah and it’s never been about Alaska. She built an empire, and is now trying to save it from collapse. There are words for her but this is polite company.
Ha. The unclaimed trust fund account in WA apparently slipped through Sarah’s hands. Back to selling her low-life goodies to the public. I hope Ron makes a clean escape.
No. It got transferred to Alaska coffers. Same CEO of the company that held the account and transferred it to Ritcher Investments. It’s a clusterfuk dude. Sarah got paid to be quiet.
Sarah, …..quiet? Oxymoron, dude. Someone is going down on this one. And it ain’t gonna be me.
What is this all about, please? Has Sarah commited a crime? Please tell.
As soon as Mary Peltola is sworn in, you’ll be hearing about it all. And don’t expect Sarah to be in Alaska addressing the matter to the press.
Sarah thinks she’s going to get sworn in. If so, RCV would win it for her. Then, another sitting member of Congress can go to prison.
Grifters gotta grift.
Palinheads? Spin this one.
All that “effort” since filing for US Rep in April is paying off!
Okay, 40 bucks a pop, Forty U.S. or Forty Canadian? Cuz in Toronto her autograph is worth mere 30 bucks U.S. if she is taking Canada dollars.
I’m happy that after destroying Alaska, Sarah and her new boy friend have found another outlet for feeding her ginormous EGO!
Way to go Sarah! Please stay far from Alaska from now on!
Forty dollars, eh? Hold on to your cash, and check out the “deals” around the corner!
Pity the country that needs heroes…
Quick recap…
Palin declares victory through a rambling video press release, appoints a chief of staff, flies to DC to meet with the freedom caucus. Shortly afterward she claims dominion voting machines rigged the election because she has millions of followers and isn’t winning. She tells the world that “they think we’re stupid” because her inevitable victory should be obvious to everyone. Less than 4 days after her election victory she flies to a baseball card show in Canada to sign autographs for $40.
Sarah Palin everyone!
Wonder if she will return to Arizona? What caused her to return to Alaska anyways? Maybe the weather? So here she is in Canada, trying to make hay while the sun shines. (that’s money while she can for you young ones) Can’t knock her for doing what comes natural.
Wow some of you are pathetic, I think you all should say “so what”. We all have a right to live life and not be judged by a bunch of hate mongers. I suggest you check yourselves. I would venture to say your hatefulness is actually jealousy! ???
She dissed Sean Parnell & gave us Bill (give your PFD to State employees) Walker.
She sided w/ the East Coast libs & went against Ted Stevens (then Mark Begich beat him)
She popped up, having no idea that we had RCV, split the GOP vote & told her cult not to rank Nick Begich (called him Baggage) helping Ms. Peltola into the US Congress.
She chased oil jobs out of AK with her ACES bill (just what Les Gara & the liberals wanted)
She signed a bill to give bennies to ‘domestic partners’ of State workers (before gay marriage happened)
She grew government while governor (w/ the ACES cash)
She’s dumb as a rock.
It’s not jealousy
Sarah Palin was on the first plane out of here for her imaginary meeting with the Freedom Caucus, but no photos, no press releases, no long Instagram reels. Nope. She is grifting campaign money so she can be in New York, Florida, Toronto with her boy toy, while leaving her young son back in Alaska. Off she goes, selling photos for $50 when the election isn’t over and she declared victory …. and we are not supposed to say a word about it. I’m not sure we’ve ever seen a bigger con artist in Alaska history.
Now she’s mad because she said to stop giving money to the Republican Party, and it didn’t go over well, so she’s trying to take it back and blame everyone for misunderstanding her. Sarah, why is it that everyone always misunderstands you? When will Alaskans wake up? Oh wait, 75% of us already did.
We’d have a real Republican headed to the House if this flipping Loon had decided not to prim her plumage. She’s used and spent goods from this day forward.
If all us Begich voters had been smart enough to vote her second, she would be our next congress person.
But at least she’s out there working for a living. Got to respect a hard work ethic.
Good for her for going to Canada. Like a lot of Alaskans she holds Canada in high regard wishing things were better for the two countries before the woke globalists started misleading nice people.
Nice people, eh? I’m with you, cookie: These kind of folks are either woke or deluded! Thank heavens, I don’t affiliate with them. And I suggest that you keep your distance from them, too: you don’t want to breathe in the air of brotherly love and contaminate you soul! Nice people, eh? Hallelujah!
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