Notes from the trail: Dunleavy fundraiser raises $50.5K, and Juneau’s Ken Koelsch endorses Nick Begich


Money: Fundraising season — and it’s a big one this year — has not tapped every wallet, evidently. Gov. Mike Dunleavy had his most successful in-state fundraiser yet on Wednesday evening at a hangar near the airport. His re-election campaign raised over $50,500, at last calculation.

Spotted at the event were Mayor Dave and Deb Bronson, Rep. Sara Rasmussen, Rep. David Nelson, Mike Robbins, Judy Eledge, and a whole host of business owners and operators. Eledge was the emcee; she ran a slide show of old Dunleavy photos from his youth, and she had some humorous commentary for each one of the photos. The governor blushed a few times at the sight of himself wearing red sweat pants and white high-top basketball shoes, but seemed relaxed and enjoying the show; the photos were provided in secret to Eledge by his wife Rose Dunleavy.

Gov. Dunleavy watches a slide show with photos from his younger years in rural Alaska.
Bill Walker ad attacking the Permanent Fund dividend.

Running on a smaller PFD: Bill Walker for Governor’s new ad says “What good is a $6,700 PFD if it means no PFD in the future?” The ad is trying to make the point that smaller PFDs, like the pint-sized Permanent fund dividend that Walker gave to Alaskans in 2016-2018, is good medicine for them.

Peltola gives up on ANWR: Mary Peltola, the Democrats’ candidate for Congress, said at a Kenai candidates’ forum that she doesn’t think there’s anything that can be done to pursue more production in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Endorsements: Ken Koelsch, former mayor of Juneau and longtime Republican, endorsed Nick Begich for Congress.

Events: Valdez Gold Rush Days started Wednesday and run through Sunday.

Alaska Federation of Natives is having a “get out the Native vote” event on Aug. 9, from 9-11 am, via Zoom at this registration link.

Sarah Palin went to Dallas, Texas this week to appear on stage at CPAC.

Palin at CPAC: The interview with Sarah Palin at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Texas, on Thursday, where she was interviewed by Charlie Gerow for 19 minutes, at this C-Cpan link.


  1. Why is it that Sarah Palin is seen mainly with people from OUTSIDE of Alaska? Doesn’t she think much of Alaskans anymore, aside from securing votes from them?

  2. Given how much Palin is outside Alaska she is probably only running because she thinks that Trump will make her a VP pick in 2024. We’ll she aint getting no VP pick when she loses on the 16th.

  3. As usual her rhetoric was fast and furiously delivered. She is probably furious at that she has earned detractors in Alaska. She emphacized the rank choice voting apparatus.

    The Nick Begich positives are a steady, clear perspective without histrionics. Clarity of thought along with diligence in a chosen direction is good. What does he think of the condition of the republic. Are people who took oaths to defend the Constitution doing so or drifting from the ideals of liberty and justice for all?

  4. Walker asks. “What good is a $6700 PFD?”, when what he means is “what good is it if it isn’t lining my pockets?” Gassy Bill, please leave the State, and take your odorous running mate with you.

  5. I wonder if the governor shared his opinion about the hostile and illegal takeover of Anchorage by the assembly with Dave. As usual, not a word on record to the public, or did I miss something? I guess that I will not be able to rank him not knowing where he stands. On anything, for that matter. Or maybe us everyday Alaskans just don’t rate.

  6. Dunleavy, are you afraid of the courts???
    Brave precedent leaders which you are not have already won cases protecting our foundational rights and beliefs. Check out the recent Supreme Court victory, coach Kennedy!!!!
    Put some suspenders on , pull up your pants and lead for Gods sake!!! Pathetic

  7. Does anyone else notice that the US Constitution does not delegate to the states the obligation for the safety and protection of the people? Show me the cite. It says elected servants defend the sovereign people’s rights! Big difference. The US Constitution did not say “you must dictate medical mandates upon the people”. Show me where. It says “Defend Rights.” How exactly are rights everywhere defended equally in this nation. This NOT done.

    • SkyTrooper, Ken was the best Teacher we had at Juneau -Douglas High School some 50 years ago. I think he has the right opinion of Nick too. Sorry Skytrooper, we’ve been to the Sarah Show, I wish her lots of the National attention she craves, outside of being our elected Representative.
      BTW, remember to vote for Sarah # 2 and Nick #1, You will thank me later.

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