Notes from the trail: Amy Demboski picks Nick Begich and Gov. Dunleavy hits the campaign trail


Endorsements: The Nick Begich for Congress campaign announced on Wednesday that Amy Demboski, a former political rival, endorsed his candidacy for Congress. Demboski is a former Anchorage Assemblywoman who ran for mayor in 2015 and is now the municipal manager of Anchorage. Begich ran against her for Assembly once — his first foray into election politics — and he lost to her. Her endorsement is important, as she is considered a solid conservative leader.

Fundraiser: The Dunleavy-Dahlstrom for Governor fundraiser on Wednesday, Aug. 3, from 6-8 pm promises great weather, good friends, and a strong message from the governor for his vision of Alaska’s future. If you want to talk to Suzanne Downing from Must Read Alaska, she’ll see you there.

Walker says he knows better on dividend: Gubernatorial candidate Bill Walker says a big dividend means the state will have to enact massive taxes and end the Permanent Fund dividend program in the future. “It’s that simple,” he said. So simple!

“It takes political courage to be honest with Alaskans about budget troubles and work to find solutions that both ensure economic stability and guarantee dividends for future generations. Buying votes with false promises of huge dividends is fiscally irresponsible and downright dishonest. Alaskans deserve better,” Walker said. His plan “doesn’t depend on the rise and fall of oil prices, and we will always be honest with Alaskans.”

Alaskans door-knocking for Nick Begich are meeting their neighbors.

Knocking for Nick: Americans for Prosperity Alaska has knocked on more than 11,000 doors and talked with 6,000 Alaskans about the congressional campaign.

Senate Candidate Kelly Tshibaka at Wasilla Rotary.

Tshibaka at Rotary: Kelly Tshibaka, who is challenging Sen. Lisa Murkowski, discussed rank choice voting at a Rotary Club meeting in Wasilla, which was also dinner to honor the most recent Medal of Honor recipient, Earl Plumlee, who received the medal on Dec. 16, 2021 for going above and beyond the call of duty during his service in Afghanistan.

RNC Convention news: Nashville’s city council has votes down a contract with the Republican National Committee for the 2024 GOP convention, which probably means Milwaukee is going to be the host city. Milwaukee hasn’t had any significant riots since 2020 but the year is young.

Palin at CPAC: A week and a half before the Aug. 16 primary-general election, congressional candidate Sarah Palin will be in Texas for the Conservative Political Action Conference — CPAC, which is having its summer conference Aug. 4-7 in Dallas. Palin is one of the speakers, along with Donald Trump and other luminaries; the line-up of high-powered speakers is here. Key for her opponents is that Palin won’t be in Alaska talking to voters for the better part of two days during the crucial few days leading up to the special election for Congress.


  1. As far as I’m concerned, Palin can stay in Texas. They can have her. I don’t want her representing Alaska in Washington. She’s an embarrassment. Wouldn’t that be a pair to draw to — Palin and Murky!!!

  2. It seems that Sarah Palin is always everywhere except Alaska talking to Alaskans.
    Of course bill Walker knows better than Alaskans and what is good for Alaskans.
    He wants to give our dividends to all his Union buddies and other special interest groups and or phony nonprofits.

  3. Amazing endorsement Amy, especially since you where opponents in 2008 vieing for the same voter base Google Nick Begich Donations. The endorsements just keep rolling in.

    • Sarge, you mention that one should Google who supports Nick Begich. I have Donated to Nicks campaign both last year and this year and also have read his disclosure reports . Turns out I knew many of the people who donated to Nick. I’ve known some of them for 4 or 5 decades. All very Conservative or Libertarian or Constitutionally aligned. I would be proud if these folks supported my campaign. Clearly Amy’s support of Nick is not surprising either.
      I suppose you are referencing a story in the “Landmine” where some “lefties” fronted Nick a couple of bucks for his failed Assembly run in 2016. I think it’s pertinent that his Uncles tossed some cash his way then but I haven’t seen a report where they have supported his current run, have you?
      Meanwhile after reading Sarah’s disclosure i was stunned to see how few Alaskans had donated to her cause as the majority of her cash was from Illinois, New York, Florida or Arizona.
      Thanks for bringing up the subject and please remember to rank the red!

      • The few lefties have names and numbers—NEA, IBEW, APD, TEAMSTERS, $1000 each Sarah endorsements include people she has campaigned for —Donald Trump said I Owe Her, Nikki Haley, Rand Paul, TED Cruz have all benefitted from her campaigning for them. I agree with you, rank the red. We are fortunate to have such GOOD and DIVERSE people to vote for. Go with God.

        • Sarge, I don’t see where any of the Alphabet organizations donated to Nick for his run for Congress. Looks like that was in 2016?
          And yes, Vaya Con Dios my Amigo.

          • I make a lot of mistakes typing with these smart I phones. I have lived in this cabin on the backside of Wasilla for 45 years. New the Hated canidate for a long time. We both don’t want to see our friend hurt. Your the first NBIII person I have talked with and I appreciate you keeping it on the up and up. As you said Rank the Red and we will both be happy–sorta. My Spanish is worse than my English. See you at the
            Top–Nam phrase. We Are Going With God.

  4. I’m for the US Constitution and the guaranteed confederate republic form of government until Jesus Christ’s Kingdom is revealed here on earth.

  5. China Walker you are an A Hole , I will not ever vote for you and further I will discouraged everyone I come in contact with not to consider you for any office, you were the worst , and you are bough and payed for by China , and special intrusts it would be nice if you would go away ,

  6. May I translate for Walker speak?

    “It takes political courage to be honest with Alaskans about budget troubles and work to find solutions that both ensure economic stability and guarantee dividends for future generations. Buying votes with false promises of huge dividends is fiscally irresponsible and downright dishonest. Alaskans deserve better,” Walker said. His plan “doesn’t depend on the rise and fall of oil prices, and we will always be honest with Alaskans.”

    It takes moral disregard to lie to Alaskans about bloated budget desires and work to find ways to ensure governmental largesse whilst taking away due dividends to current and future generations.

    Buying votes with lies that the government is more deserved of said dividend monies than the citizenry is my goal, and Alaskans can go to hell.

    The rise and fall of oil prices are not a part of my plan, as I will take the majority of whatever profits arise from said prices, as well as tax Alaskans at each opportunity given, and I will always lie to Alaskans.

    • Randy Lee Jedi ,
      Nice try pal, but swallowing Kool-Aid isn’t for everyone. First off, the P-Fund was never supposed to fund General Government. It belongs to the people. Secondly , Bloated Budgets are the product of special interests and parasitical political types who exist to suck the host dry.
      Are you a State employee?

      • Apologies, OTA, for not making it clear that my missive was to translate what Walker’s political forwarded quote unto what it truly means, not to what mine own thoughts are regarding the forwarded quote.

        I despised Walker then, and I despise Walker now.

        I shall strive to in the future make my comments more easily understood.

        Respect and regards,

  7. Walker honest with Alaskans! Ha! Just like he was honest about his running mate Bryon Mallott. You know the saying, lying by omission!

  8. If we want to at least try to tame the rampant corruption in Washington, DC it is imperative that we elect someone to Congress who will stand by Trump when he is elected President in 2024. RINOS Begich & Murkowski and Democrat Peltola are not to be trusted.

    • Give Trump what he wants so when becomes President in 2024 he can look at congress and see A Majority of faces that he campaigned for and Chose to to be there with him. He has not taken Nick Begich under his wing. He has not confrensed with him. All Nick Begich has is 19% of what’s left of the Old Sturgelusi Republican Party vote. Mary P gets 30% of the Loyal Democrat Vote. And Sarah gets 51% of Independent voters many who have arrived in Alaska and and have GOOD MEMORIES of her campaigning for folks life Nikki Haley, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, And Donald Trump. These voters don’t Hate Sarah, they admire here. Like most Independent/ Undecided voters they quiet about their politics. They are not going to argue with Sarah Haters. They are quietly gonna vote for Sarah on or before Aug 16 Just like they did on June 12. Only much more of them, like maybe 51%. Vote Trump, vote Sarah, Vote Kelly. Make America and Alaska Great again.

    • to fishing for food, try researching instead of blobbing flash words. Nick was raised by his mother’s parents in Florida in a conservative Christian home. Did not come back to Alaska until was an adult and a married man. Uncle Mark and Aunt Bonita held a fundraiser for his opponent at their home!! Go back into must read and pull up his remarks on the video Suzanne did in the Juneau forum last week. Clear the cobwebs So many lies so many!! He did not hide the fact he voted for a democrat once. How many things have you done wrong then had the guts to publicly admit? Maybe a legislator you helped send to Juneau?

  9. Palin is showing where her priorities lie. Obviously the limelight will be much brighter in Dallas this week than in trudging door-to-door and sitting through endless luncheons here in Alaska, where she would actually have to explain herself to voters.

    I’m having a tough time with the idea of having to rank her at all, but Peltola is much worse. How did we get here, Alaska?

    • Well as a 19%er I can see why your upset. Far better for Sarah to be Campaigning in Texas where she is appeciated and effective to Trump. Rather wasting everyones time arguing with Sarah Haters, People as miserable a bunch of Democrats.. So wring your hands over your second choice. Sarah is gonna get 51%. Vote Trump, Vote Sarah, Vote Kelly, Make America and Alaska Great Again.

  10. Give Trump what he wants so when becomes President in 2024 he can look at congress and see A Majority of faces that he campaigned for and Chose to to be there with him. He has not taken Nick Begich under his wing. He has not confrensed with him. All Nick Begich has is 19% of what’s left of the Old Sturgelusi Republican Party vote. Mary P gets 30% of the Loyal Democrat Vote. And Sarah gets 51% of Independent voters many who have arrived in Alaska and and have GOOD MEMORIES of her campaigning for folks life Nikki Haley, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, And Donald Trump. These voters don’t Hate Sarah, they admire here. Like most Independent/ Undecided voters they quiet about their politics. They are not going to argue with Sarah Haters. They are quietly gonna vote for Sarah on or before Aug 16 Just like they did on June 12. Only much more of them, like maybe 51%. Vote Trump, vote Sarah, Vote Kelly. Make America and Alaska Great again.

    • Don’t kid yourself about her caring for those she campaigned for. Did it totally for her own selfish benefit.

      Talk to the people that wasted two years of free time working on her campaign, so she could quit the work because it actually started to get in her way. And who cares about being boosted by people that do not have to live here and put up with her disruption. can’t believe her campaign manager did not learn a lesson — she is back with her this time!! It takes more than someone that can snooze people to care about /all the people.

      VOTE NICK!!!! He has not walked away and won’t leave us to be to be embarrassed again.

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