Notes from the campaign trail II: Palin a no show in Bethel


Quitterville: Palin went to the airport in Anchorage, but the flight to Bethel was delayed and she did not make the forum that had been set up, with her, Tara Sweeney, Emil Notti, and Mary Peltola. The invitation was for two Republicans and two Democrats but it ended up with just Sweeney as the Republican. KYUK covers the story.

Stefanik endorses Palin: Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York has endorsed Sarah Palin. “Former Alaska Governor and first-ever GOP woman Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin is a trailblazer for GOP Women, a household name in Alaska, and a national leader for the America First movement. I am thrilled to join President Trump in endorsing Sarah Palin’s campaign for Congress,” said Stefanik’s statement.

Palin answered by saying Stefanik “has done an outstanding job recruiting strong conservative women leaders, many of whom are mama grizzlies who will shake Washington to its core.”

Pulling the wool: Adam Wool is running basically only in Fairbanks. This is a strategy not to run for U.S. House, but to stealth campaign for his House seat, which involves new district lines. Wool has found a loophole in state statute that prevents him from running for State House, by running for U.S. House and the Legislative Ethics Committee can’t — or won’t — touch him.

The “Paid for” disclaimer lacks a box around it, required by law.

Combing the ads: Rep. Adam Wool, the man who would like to be in Congress, has an ad running in Fairbanks that is out of compliance with the Federal Elections Commission — it lacks a box around the “Paid for” disclaimer. A fineable offense, but who’s going to tell him?

Open house: Nick Begich, running for Congress since October, is opening up his campaign office on Wednesday, May 11, right next to Once Upon a Child store. Open house begins at 5:30 pm.

Vice chair: Congress candidate Chris Constant, who serves on the Anchorage Assembly as vice chair, had a vinyl banner for the parade that the Democrats had for themselves in Seward during their state convention. He took his mask off briefly for the photo and held it awkwardly with his middle finger, making it appear he was flipping the bird to the camera, while biting his lower lip. In the background, Les Gara, running for governor, grins awkwardly. An observer at the Democrat convention said everyone was masked indoors and most kept their masks on outdoors too.

Revak shows up for work to vote for abortion funding: Absent from the Capitol a lot recently to campaign for U.S. House, Alaska State Sen. Josh Revak showed up to work today for the Senate floor session. Sen. Rob Myer introduced a measure to remove state funding for abortion in the operating budget. It was a $350,000 item in the Medicaid portion of the budget. Revak voted against the amendment.

Santa Claus was on the Must Read Alaska podcast: Check the Must Read Alaska Facebook Page for the audio and visual, or check out our podcast at any podcast platform you use — Spotify, Pandora, iTunes, Google Play, PodBean, etc. The candidate for Congress who is pro-choice, pro-union, pro-Pro Act, and pro-marijuana talked with John Quick and Suzanne Downing. Links to some of our platforms here.


  1. Revak should stop grifting on his constituents and simply change his registration to democrat. Maybe he was a Republican at one time but certainly no more!

  2. I understand all the pros and cons of Sarah Palin, but to describe her as a no-show doesn’t seem appropriate because it sounds like her flight was delayed?

  3. Well! At her best palin hasn’t quit on herself. In a state where men and women face daily abuse and abuse one another, palin, and a divorcee too, hasn’t let herself go if you ever were that sad to feel like eating was all that was left. Sarah palin maintained
    her body image and still looks as well as she did in 2006. That continued self focus and self care in her is admirable for a state that is weak in personal grooming, fitness, health, and appearence. Just because of we may facing abuse, doesn’t excuse you quitting on yourself and your appearence.

  4. Quitterville? Really? You are starting to sound like the ADN. Missing a meeting because of a delayed flight is…. not unusual. Should she have booked a trip to stay on Bethel for a week? Nobody should have to bear that cross.

  5. “……..He took his mask off briefly for the photo and held it awkwardly with his middle finger, making it appear he was flipping the bird to the camera,……..”
    Yeah, I was here flipping the bird back at him, but there are no masks here.

  6. One can only wonder why Constant thought flipping off the camera while grinning smugly, was a good look for his campaign…….

  7. What else would you expect from Adam Wool? The owner of the Blue Loon, a reggae/rap nightclub situated about 200 feet from the Parks Hiway where semis run at 65 mph. Over the span of 30 years, Wool sent hundreds, if not thousands, of drunk and marijuana high patrons out on that road. Wool is a reckless, self-absorbed, pot-bellied old man who cares only about Adam Wool. Hopefully, some cute, semi-literate, young snowflake will take him out this fall…….not on a date, but out of office.

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