Murkowski responds to Trump criminal indictment favorably


Sen. Lisa Murkowski responded on Tuesday to the announcement of new indictments from a Washington, D.C. grand jury against former President Donald Trump relating to his actions on Jan. 6, 2021, which the jurors said led to a riotous situation at the U.S. Capitol by his supporters.

Acknowledging that she voted to convict him during one of his impeachment trials, Murkowski used X (Twitter) to explain how she feels about the indictment:

“In early 2021, I voted to impeach former President Trump based on clear evidence that he attempted to overturn the 2020 election after losing it. Additional evidence presented since then, including by the January 6 Commission, has only reinforced that the former President played a key role in instigating the riots, resulting in physical violence and desecration of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Today, the former President has been indicted on four criminal counts. Like all Americans, he is innocent until proven guilty and will have his day in court. s that process begins, I encourage everyone to read the indictment, to understand the very serious allegations being made in this case,” Murkowski wrote.

X users were not especially charitable toward the senior senator from Alaska. There were well over 3,000 responses to her statement by 11 pm Alaska time on Tuesday.

“We already know you’re a communist!! You didn’t need to tweet it!!!” posted one person on X. “I sincerely hope your constituents vote to impeach you Madam,” wrote another. The bashing and venting went on and on throughout the day on Tuesday.


  1. This has nothing to do with evidence. While this is a huge stretch on the part of the prosecutor, this is personal with Lisa Murkowski. It always has been. Always will be. She suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. That man lives rent-free in her mind. This is yet another example of Lisa’s lack of clear judgment and ability to think objectively. Pro Tip: If the mentions the words, “good public policy,” be sure to hold onto your wallet and your rights. I would say that Peltola is the worst of Alaska’s Congressional delegation, but Lisa has done more harm to Alaska. She’s long overdue to be replaced with someone who has a little less fuzzy R after their name and a bigger bundle of conservative credentials. Lisa has to go.

  2. Corrupt Murkowski’s daddy is the only reason this garbage human was able to become a senator. They then put into place the rank voting system which in simple terms pretty much keeps this crypt keeper in office. A D.C. swamp liberal under the fake guise of conservative/republican. She is no better than Liz Cheney, another waste of oxygen. Shame on Murkowski. She is an utter embarrassment, and like many of the swamp politicians – should be allowed nowhere NEAR any political office. She doesn’t speak for her constituents. She cares only about one opinion and and that is hers. As long as her quality of life isn’t affected… SHE DOESN’T CARE. Get the HELL out of Alaska Lisa, you’re a fake COW. We don’t want you. You belong in California or New York. Better yet.. Go live along the Southern boarder you wrinkly old bigot. Good Riddance.

  3. My dream scenario is Kelly Thishbaka beats Mary Peltola in 2024, and 2026. Then in 2028 Kelly Beats Lisa.

  4. Also, if we are to believe the Jan 6, election was not rigged somehow by one of many different possible ways or rigged by all of the possible ways then she is obliged to know as a card carrying lawyer that President Trump was unimpeachable because of no longer holding the emolument. The certification of the election according to Pence, the fiduciary for the US Corporation election, said the election bundles had problems and certified them anyway (and the results) immediately and the quiscient msm media said the certification process was only ceremonial anyway. Two million conservatives went to Columbia Jan 6 – the largest crowd ever in the history of the United States to attempt to see their duly elected representatives about the constituents concerns regarding the conduct of the election. Some even went from Alaska. None got to see their representatives and were characterized badly by the public servants. I believe she is still unavailable to conservatives though her paychecks continue faithfully from the state of Alaska.

    • Now you’re saying the January 6th certification was rigged, in addition to the November general election? Man, you are really off the rails.

  5. Americans should not go to Columbia for any reason and they certainly should not send their younsters for any reason after the way Americans were treated by their own representatives. Why bother to go where Americans are not welcomed.

  6. She will bend over and dig stones to throw just to deflect the stolen campaign funds she is trying to hide from investigators looking for the stolen money Sam “TheBankman” Fried Krypto fraudster who thought Lisa would be a good useful puppet(He was right).
    She has vowed her allegence to the king puppet master in martha’s vineyard and awaiting marching orders from Joe sniffy. Gotta throw stones at the orangeman cuz Joes popularity amongst the peasants is dwindling.

  7. There doesn’t appear to be a lot of evidence to back up the indictments. But like so many long-term senators and congressmen, Lisa is happy in the swamp. It seems normal to her. All federal elective offices and state elective offices as well should have term limits. So much of the present corruption could have been avoided if there had been less chance to build a power base like Biden and so many senior senators and congressmen before him.

  8. Of course she did. She’s not gonna be happy until he’s dead or she’s Mrs. Trump.

    It’s gonna be interesting to see how she threads the needle when Biden is impeached.

  9. Also gonna be fun to see how the Princess cheerleaders spin this.

    Again, thanks to the PM radio host for working so hard to save her political backside.

  10. She is a liar and a thief, the sooner she is gone the better, she should be investigated. I am sure an indictment would follow, the vary name murkiwski gives me sick feeling deep down in my gut. I will never believe Biden won fairly, and if he is reelected that will be the proof.

  11. Too bad Lisa didn’t read Jonathan Turley’s comments before she favorable responded to Trump’s indictment.
    Jonathan Turley:” Special Council Jack Smith just issued the first criminal indictment of ALLEGED DISINFORMATION in my view. If you take a red pen to all the material presumptively protected by the first Amendment, you can reduce much of the indictment to Haiku. ”
    So there you go Lisa Haiku to you.

  12. No surprises here, all that money she takes from the Fed Gov she has to tow the line. Lisa really has become a bad person. I would like to see an audit done on her finances, both personal and professional. It’s obvious she’s getting a skim on the millons being sent here

  13. Lisa is a traitor to our country.
    Lisa is OWNED by Nancy Pelosi and the democrat party.
    Lisa is out to destroy Alaska and America, it is the democrat party plan and she is one of their many useful idiots. Her job is to destroy alaska.

    • Looks that way, but not – she’s owned by planned parenthood and the alphabet lobby. She definitely has turned her back on Alaska the last few years.

  14. Jack Smith’s indictments and Lisa’s support of them are little more than mind reading, bringing charges on what both of them believe that Trump was thinking. Second, the Feb 2021 impeachment and trial was a judicial proceeding conducted in congress. As such, Trump has been tried and acquitted of all charges associated with Jan 6, which makes these charges double jeopardy.

    Finally, there are over 75 million of us out here who believe some real sketchy stuff happened in the 2020 election, does that also make us liable for this sort of political persecution.

    Lisa needs to be very careful, as her support for this political prosecution all due to her well-documented personal animus against Trump, makes her look and act like the proverbial divorced wife perpetually using her kids and the family courts system to extract pain, agony, suffering and most importantly money out of her ex for the rest of his life.

    This sort of continued prosecution will end up getting Trump reelected for the third time. Cheers –

  15. Who wouldn’t be surprised that she who rode the short bus to repeatedly fail the Bar Exam is pleased? “Small minds, small wonders” as they say.

  16. In his speech that day he said”peaceably and patriotically” march to the capital. He was NOT responsible for those who organized on their own or antifa or embedded rioters. Murkowski needs to read his speech it’s out there and maybe she wouldn’t be so quick to convict! Rino wannabe demo. Just switch parties she would lose to Nick or Kelly if she did getting only the demo votes.

  17. Isn’t Lisa one of the ones that slithered up to the FTX Campaign Donation machine??

    Wasn’t Lisa the one that had to give that money back??? Why didn’t she donate it to the State of Alaska, instead of her Sister’s favorite hippie hangout???

    Slither slither slither.

  18. Lisa Murkowski flunked the law exam four times before passing it the fifth time. She’s a moron flunkie who originally gained her position by Nepotism from her daddy. She is not for Alaskans and she is not for America. She uses the deep state Democrat talking points because that’s what she is and she is too stupid to think anything herself that is original to help hard working Alaskans. She’s a self-centered fraud. But we Alaskans still love her and vote her into office time and again. Of course that’s because even though she’s a self-serving fraud she is OUR self-serving fraud.

    • Word is that the company that “coached” her had the test answers. Difficult to prove at this late date, but evidently the company got fined and she got a passing grade….

    • Flunking the Bar exam one time is easy. But you have to work real hard to fail it four times. Gotta give her credit for that. But let’s give her a break. It’s not her fault.

    • Mudd……..
      Let’s get the record straight. 6 failures on the bar exam. The year she passed the exam there were many complaints that the answers were passed out to some of the applicants… Lisa Murkowski.

  19. She is protecting the pedophiles, why else are they all trying to silence Trump, he’s the only one that will expose the Epstien and Maxwell clients and bring them to justice, if Brandon and his administration cared they would have ripped it open and charged everyone of those sick pedos but we dont see it, instead we see protection under the cover of a crooked DOJ and equally crooked administration, Washington is sick and corrupt, it is diseased and the rot must be cleaned out.

    • Lol. Her father reversed the Statute of Limitations on Rape in 2003. Then the First Peoples exposed the Catholic Church. I doubt she has been protecting pedophiles, that’s creepy and criminal.
      Lisa is just annoying and probably a little dingy.

  20. She is completely off her rocker, she’s obviously over medicated on some prescription drug. Or she’s just a flat out junkie, What a total flake!

  21. Come on Alaska Republican Party, do something! As long as Lisa calls herself a Republican, you owe it to the true Republicans to hold Lisa accountable for her actions. She should be answering to you, not you to her!

    • The censure they passed was ignored. The Party has very little power to kick anyone out or change their mind – and if they were to succeed, it would cement d’rat control over the Senate. Best we can hope for is to defeat her in an election. “Do something!” requires support of the AKGOP and many volunteers to get things moving. She’s easy to hate… but is a formidable candidate. She holds a lot of power as a swing moderate – I just wish she would use that power to benefit Alaska. My vote was and is with Kelly – NB3 for House.

  22. Pelosi and her comrades wanted and allowed that to happen so they could blame it on Trump. Democrats (including murkowski) are the most dispicable people on earth.

  23. A wise Senator would have stayed silent. Her job as a US Senator is to advance Alaska’s interests in the US Senate and make legislative policy decisions for the good of the country. (Gosh, she has made some bad ones recently…). Throwing rocks at someone being prosecuted for violating the law isn’t part of the job description. How childish.

  24. Except for a couple of the usual suspects, we all agree that lisa is corrupt or a half wit. So, what are we going to do about it? Are we going to get active in republican party matters at the local level? Are any of us going to go to Juneau for the big party meetings? Are we going to just sit back and b#$^ and moan when the party tries to continue supporting lisa? Or are we going to hold the party, itself, to the members wishes and NOT the ‘central committee’s’ wishes?

    Hey craig campbell and company! You’ve been amazingly quiet about lisa for months. Why are you (insert descriptive word here) clowns still hiding the fact that you want lisa to remain in office? Step out here and tell all of us that, 1) the Alaska Republican party will NEVER again support lisa for any public office, -OR-, 2) tell us why, exactly you all will keep supporting her no matter what the party members wish.

    • The AKGOP SCC has not supported Lisa in a long time – at least during the 7 years I was a district chair. Be careful of the bombs you throw friend. Yeah, you sir, need to get involved and learn how politics works and doesn’t… and what can and can’t be done and what might be effective. I like your opinions, but you need to be better informed.

      • Rest assured, I am involved and will continue to throw bombs with the likes of this ‘central committee’ controlling the path of the party. The fact that you state that I need to ‘learn how politics works and doesn’t’ tells me that you are most likely part of the problem. Claiming that the party hasn’t supported lisa for several years is a joke, right? Maybe you don’t recall how the party screwed Joe Miller in order to keep lisa? Or the claim that the party just can’t do anything simply because lisa has declared herself a republican. Hah! If you or anyone else on that ‘central committee’ thinks that this is some kind of game to be ‘played’ you need to step aside. People like lisa need to be called into the party heads meeting and simply told that she is no longer a member of our party and will no longer be given support. Then the same needs to be declared publicly and repeated ad nauseam. This idea that the party is just ‘stuck with her’ is ridiculous. And the idea that the ‘central committee’ does not know that the party members despise lisa is willful ignorance.

        Was that bomb thrown carefully enough? And you are not the first district person to be pissed at my views of the party.

      • Why is it the Democrats can police their ranks, raise more money, and turn out the vote effectively…

        While the AkGOP looks and acts like the Keystone Kops?

        Seems these things can be done, but not by the GOP.

    • I don’t think the want Princess per se, they are just too lazy and inept to bother to try to deal with her.

      Campbell’s “why we support Princess after failing to get her under control” (whatever the hell it was) did more to undermine confidence in the GOP than anything Princess herself ever did.

  25. When might our illustrious Senator Murkowski step forward and in the name of justice, ‘encourage’ the release of Epstein’s client list? Why wouldn’t she?

    • Gislane Maxwell Alice Rogoff Lisa Murkowski are three reasons she doesnt want Epsteins client list popping up.
      Three peas in a pod.
      Those three stooges have history together.

  26. Ironic that a judge changed election laws in 2010 when she was being elected, but she’s fine w/accusing Trump of that and worse. Apparently, she wants to see if Trump can win a write-in campaign as well.

  27. The seat of the true American government of, by and for the people which was not reconstructed after the Civil War, is in Pennsylvania, not DC which is a foreign enclave. The British Territorial and Municipal corporations reside in Washington DC. They were under contract to provide governmental services while the actual government was be constructed which never happened until recently. These corporation periodically go bankrupt and leave the people with their debts.

  28. If it was such an obvious crime that took place, why not let the courts handle it without insulting the large number of what are people who she is bound to represent by inserting her opinion. She should be taking neutral ground in respect for her constituents. Her opinions do nothing but breed hate and discontent and basically just don’t matter.

  29. Lisa didn’t even know what an indictment was, let alone being able to navigate through a federal charging complaint. No wonder it took her at least half-dozen attempts at the Bar Exam. How would you like Lisa Murkowski representing you as your attorney? It would be a disaster. And that’s why Frankie thought she was better suited to being a US Senator.

    • How would you like Frankie being your personal banker? When in doubt about your talent, education, and skill level…….. apply for the US Senate.

  30. Murkowski is an embarrassment to our State. Isn’t it strange that every time she votes against Alaska she will turn around later and pretend she didn’t know what the result would be.

    So, okay Lisa, are you just ignoring your job which includes reading bills carefully or are you just plain stupid?

  31. Just shows how frightened Murkowski is of the possibility of Trump being elected to the Presidency again! She knows that she will probably be thrown in prison for treason along with her pals Romney, Pelosi, Graham, Schumer, Schiff, Obama, Biden et al when Trump makes his Revenge Tour.

  32. Lisa is quite corrupt, and yes very much an embracement for the our state. Worse part is that ding bat is so dumb she doesn’t realize that the entire country knows her name and equates it with the worst of the Rino’s. She has been a problem for many years. I moved here 15 years ago and she was bad back then and has not improved or done anything good for Alaska in all these years.
    On a different note when it comes to all these incitements of President Trump, there is an advantage in stepping back and looking at this from the 40 Thousand foot view. Notice the pattern that has emerged? Every time information comes out that brings to light corruption etc. on the part of the Biden’s, within 24 hours there are more charges leveled against President Trump. Ironically often Trump being charged with what Biden has actually done. Dems do tend to deflect what they are doing on to their rivals at every turn. As frustrating as it is that the Rs in Congress have not gone forward with impeachment of Biden and most of his cabinet, they do need to go about this the right way and have all of the actual facts so that when the do proceed forward, the charges will be undeniable. Unlike the Dems with the rushed J6 Impeachment of Trump had no facts to actually back up any of their allegations, thus there was no way to actually convict Trump. Right now the Rs are putting together actual documentation and witness testimony that can stand up to scrutiny to get Biden actually impeached and hopefully removed from office, along with strong enough evidence to push forward to a criminal charges and hopefully putting the Biden Crime Family in jail where they belong. It is painful, but I think they are on the right track of nailing down the facts so that their evidence is strong enough to get the impeachment and hopefully after that criminal charges / jail time.

  33. Where charges are filed, has a lot to do about how they are adjudicated. Citizens need to remember, Washington D.C. is not subject to US Constitutional authority. The “District of Columbia” has its own constitution, and the ultimate authority is the United States Congress. Different set of rules, and every elected Congressman and Senator knows it!

  34. X equals Y, Y = write in: President Donald J Trump! I did shamefully, forLisa and never again! She’s floating again!

  35. There has never been a more perfect man to lead this nation than DJT. He has done nothing but give and give and give. This is scary to the woke leftists who only take and take and take! The fact that a self-made man, a billionaire, the icon of capitalism, can be so giving of himself and his wealth is just a pure threat to the woke leftists.
    Add to it that DJT has done more, and has promised to do more, and WILL do more! to advance our CHRISTIAN nation and you see what is truly a gift from God on high.
    But of course the woke left sees all aspects of DJT as a threat and they will attack him with everything they have. But he will prevail, because he has backing higher than any of us!
    DJT 2024!!

    • Yours too, bud! Brought to you by Frank Murkowski. The Dems favorite senator and governor, right? A brilliant, triple-chinned little monarch.

        • So THIS time he’s going to jail? What about the four years you spent crowing ‘This time . . . .’

          • I’ve lost count of how many times “this is it” and the “walls are closing in”.

        • Election fraud all over the map in 2020. It was real!! Joe Biden not elected to anything, but Democrats love perverts and serial liars, cheats and thieves. And they got a bonus in 2020……a child molester too.
          Hunter Biden and Jack Smith born at the hip. They even look like twins. A couple sickos who radically use their ineptness for personal gain. Protected by the corrupt DOJ. Cheered by the media. And puppeteered by Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein. The Democrat Party. A bunch of psychotic, twisted, mentally deranged, unpatriotic sophists who all have that similar look of death warmed over.
          In 2024, Trump will either cure their illnesses, or help put them out of their misery.

  36. From Alaskan conservative perspective President Trump displayed cordiality to Murkowski and was always unusually inclusive of Alaskan input in every way. What did he get for it? He received disrespect and refusal to work with him. Whatever Alaska received was because of his own support for the state’s needs not her actions securing Alaskan rights. She laughs at us and maligns us and our needs and interests just as she and her hordes laughed at him as he, the duly elected President, served to work for this state. She was an incorrigible example of a mocking elected representative (see previous comment) acting like working with the President was optional. We need a conservative senator to really represent of the state of Alaska.

  37. Murkowski is showing her hand. She knows if he gets in her reign of terror is over. Lisa, you are a criminal in the third degree and need your skeletons pulled out of the closet.

    I don’t know which is worst, you trying to convince people that Trump is a criminal with no evidence to back up that statement or the fact you are trying to convict and bear false witness against an innocent man.

    You make me want to puke! You and your ilk are why our country is failing. The storm is coming Lisa, your lies can’t stop it!

  38. Lisa is a fraud GOP member.
    Her hatred for 45 is NOT how I want to be represented from the 907.
    She is a corrupt loser who’s only platform is infanticide.

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