More homeless talk ahead: Anchorage Assembly chats with selves about sanctioned camps, hosts town halls


Last summer, the leftists in Anchorage called the mayor’s sanctioned homeless camp at Centennial Campground a “humanitarian crisis.” This year, the leftists on the Anchorage Assembly want to create several of them — one in every neighborhood in Alaska’s largest city.

The sanctioned camp plan is the subject of an Anchorage Assembly work session on Friday, held at City Hall, 632 W. Sixth Ave. There are two meetings listed on the calendar having to do with the homeless plans: the first starting at 10:50 am in Room 155, and the second at 1 pm. on the 8th floor in the mayor’s conference room.

Also, three Assembly-hosted town halls to present the the “Clean Slate Strategy” to house homeless will be held on Friday, Saturday, and Monday.

The Clean Slate Strategy is the process the leftist Assembly approved in March to come to a decision on a new permanent year-round low-barrier shelter this year. 

This, after the Assembly refused to erect a navigation center that it approved and that would have been available before winter set in last fall. The Assembly majority did not want to allow Mayor Dave Bronson to have a win on the homeless issue, and thus, the homeless spent the winter in the Sullivan Arena.

“I invite all members of our community to come to these town halls and let your voice be heard,” said Felix Rivera, District 4 Assembly Member and Chair of the Assembly’s Housing and Homelessness Committee. “These town halls will kick off the next phase of the Clean Slate Strategy where we will be talking about shelter, criteria for shelter, and what shelter should look like in the Municipality of Anchorage.” 

The town halls are:

Friday, June 2
5:30-8:30 pm
Loussac Library, 3600 Denali Street
Wilda Marston Theatre

Saturday, June 3
1-4 pm
Loussac Library, 3600 Denali
Wilda Marston Theatre

Monday, June 5
Loussac Library, 3600 Denali
Wilda Marston Theatre

At the June 6 meeting, the sanctioned homeless camps is on the agenda.

Resolution No. AR 2023-188, a resolution of the Anchorage Municipal Assembly supporting a plan for Sanctioned Camps within the Municipality of Anchorage, Assembly Member Rivera.

10.B.1.a. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 431-2023.

The planned sanctioned homeless camps are:

District 1, North Anchorage | Vacant Land that was formerly Viking Drive from Reeve Blvd. to Commercial Dr.
Total capacity: 50 to 75 individuals
Start date: May 31, 2023
Closure date: August 1, 2023
Structure: Tents
Population: Single adults
Model: Low barrier

District 3, West Anchorage | Clitheroe Center
Total capacity: 30 to 40 individuals
Start date: May 31, 2023
Closure date: September 1, 2024
Structure: Cars and tents
Population: Single adults
Model: Dry, i.e. non-substance use

District 4, Midtown | 40th and Denali, i.e. National Archives site
Total capacity: 50 to 75 individuals
Start date: June 19, 2023
Closure date: September 1, 2024
Structure: Tents; transition to Pallet Shelters and tiny homes
Population: Single adults
Model: Low barrier

District 5, East Anchorage | Centennial Park Campground
Total capacity: 50 to 75 individuals
Start date: May 31, 2023
Closure date: September 4, 2023
Structure: Tents limited only to established campsites
Population: Single adults
Model: Low barrier with structured supports; transition to an intentional camp

District 6, South Anchorage | 1805 Academy Drive
Total capacity: 20 to 40 individuals
Start date: May 31, 2023
Closure date: Year-round operation until such time as the building can no longer be occupied
Structure: ASD relocatable buildings and rooms in the building
Population: Current population staying at the Sullivan Arena
Model: Low barrier with structured supports

On Tuesday, Assemblyman Randy Sulte, Assemblyman Kevin Cross and Mayor Dave Bronson have a resolution on the regular Assembly meeting agenda to commit $7 million to build a shelter and navigation center near the intersection of Tudor and Elmore Roads. 

It’s a scaled back version of Mayor Bronson’s navigation center plan, which the Assembly refuses to pay for. Roger Hickel Contracting is now suing the city to get paid for the work he did on the building site.

The Sulte-Cross-Bronson resolution will be the subject of a public hearing and vote at the Assembly’s June 6 meeting:

Resolution No. AR 2023-182, a resolution of the Municipality of Anchorage appropriating not to exceed $7,000,000 of areawide general fund (101000) fund balance to the areawide general capital improvement projects (CIP) fund (401800), Maintenance & Operations Department, to be used for construction of a Navigation Center And Emergency Shelter at Tudor and Elmore (site 27), Assembly Members Sulte and Cross, and Mayor Bronson. 14.D.1. Assembly Memorandum No. AM 418-2023


  1. Just impose it already. They’re gonna do it anyway, and give less than zero what Anchorage thinks.

    This pretext of caring about the voters or the homeless is insulting.

    • Why are the Native corps not stepping in? It is mostly their village outcasts. They want the hand outs yet don’t want to give a cut to their share holders and turn a blind eye to the problem they cause.

      • For the same reason other corporations don’t help the homeless, they are running a business not a non profit. They can donate money to the cause if it fulfills their company’s goal. Native Regional corporations donate money to its Heritage nonprofits that continue Native culture, language, arts, history programs of that region including scholarships. The responsibility falls on ANTHC and SCF if our people weren’t so poor we could have Assisted living homes like providence owns for community members who can pay. ANTHC and SCF rely heavily on federal aid but also they are corrupt to the bone.

      • Because they know they can get away with pawning off the costs and the rest of the burdens of putting up with their refuse onto others while they pretend they’re, gosh, just another corporation – just like or at least kinda sorta like any other corporation, and because KTUU, the ADN, and the subversive pinkos on the assembly will spare no effort to try to pathologize you for noticing that the bulk of the stumble bums exhibit many of the same traits?

      • Denali: here’s an inconvenient fact for you. 42% of anchorage homeless are native. And why should native corporations be responsible? Homeless people are Alaskan citizens. It up to government.

        • City government is the problem . They administrate all the funds creating the problem . If they’d just enforce vagrancy laws that have been on the books ( city codes ) and use the police to enforce . We’d have no issue . The bigger the city governments , bigger the homeless issue is . Just ask Palmer and Wasilla ! Not much homeless issues up there as small govt ! City of Anchorage owns this issue !

        • It’s not a government issue, especially the inept assembly of Anchorage. Lock them them up for the various laws that they break and leave them in there for a few years. They will get the care they need. We tax payers have wasted how many millions on this issue when a solution was already planned only for our malfeasant assembly to change their obligations. Eaglexit, hurry up for good sake!

    • Amen to that, Masked Avenger.
      Makes sense when one realizes “town halls” are simply Delphi meetings, structured to assure conclusions reached in the meeting agree with a plan already decided by those who called the meeting.
      If current events are an indication, that plan will have something to do with expanding Anchorage’s burgeoning bum business, giving bums physical addresses so they can be registered to vote, manipulating True Believers into demanding resurrection of the bridge-to-nowhere debacle so more bums can be imported and stored across the pound, out of sight, but not out of mind for property speculators across the pond who’ll make millions selling land and services to government-run bum colonies.
      Imagine what’s coming to Fairbanks and Juneau if the plan is successfully forced on Anchorage taxpayers.

  2. If you give them “free” food, shelter, and care, they will come. More and more will come when they see the opportunity to be a substance abuser or crazy and the taxpayers are paying their bills. Liberal politicians never spend their own money.

    • Peterson: would you abandon you lifestyle for “free” food shelter and care? Are you a Christian?

  3. Welcome to the Anchorage Homeless Industrial Complex. Town halls, meetings, studies, etc. … will never end. As planned. Meanwhile a growing number of homeless arrive and more and more tax money is funneled to non-profits and government bureaucracy to deal with the ‘humanitarian crisis’ the Assembly created and doesn’t want tol ever end.

  4. Many years when I came to Alaska, and not earning a lot of money I was able to rent an apartment byMerril field in a complex called Martin Arms apt. My rent was equal to one half of what I earned delivering Pizza. When the city closed them down , again I was able to purchase an older mobile home in east Anchorage again for around half of what I earned . Two bedrooms a kitchen and 1bath.
    My point is that Anchorage has no low cost entry level housing. It takes two people working full time for a one bedroom apartment. That I believe is the reason for all the homeless population. The high cost of housing and the cost of groceries, driving an older car puts many people on the street. I don’t point the finger at anyone or any group. Costs to live do not match the ability to earn. The gap gets much wider every year. As land is at a premium in Anchorage , the costs to live in Anchorage pushed me to the valley many years ago, and if I was still young and earning minimum or slightly above I would probally be forced to move further out. Through good fortune and increases in income allow me to stay in the valley. Everything that the assembly proposes to do is just a bandaid on the problem. The solution is a better balance between wages and homes. If Alaska was serious about the homeless they would open more land for low cost housing and the jobs that go hand in hand. Build the Knik Arm crossing, open thousands of acres of land , build low cost housing, put in mobile home parks. Create jobs In construction, and the service industry. This won’t happen overnight. But we must do something better than campgrounds.

    • We just got a Covid induced wage increase and it raised the inflation. Anymore wage increase and I am going to get pushed out of Alaska! Raising wages is not the answer. I do see many apartments, four-plexes that could be turned into entry level single home ownership so one is not paying 1200-1900 to a landlord but to a bank for ownership. be a lot more cheaper for a single mother buy a 1 bedroom unit of a four plex with a garden space outside its door as I seen in my neighborhood on piper off taking a right tudor rd heading east and the landlord isn’t taking care of his blight four-plex, and it’s so cute- cute enough it make a cute single apartment home ownership with a co-op between owners.

  5. Bring the pain and spread it around. Put this right up in everyone’s face and make normal people suffer. Make things so bad most people will sign off on anything with the hopes it will go away.

    It won’t. However those in the homeless business will make even more money for themselves.


  6. Let’s find a place to let them live so a piece of property and nobody wants them by their house. So what to do offer each one a ticket and some money to any city that the weather and perks are better like free drugs.

  7. Reward bad behavior, what do you get? More bad behavior.
    Many of the bums have serious mental illnesses yet we have no psychiatric institute in which to have them committed.
    Many of the bums are AK natives. Do we not have a multi-gazillion dollar native medical center in which to commit them?

    • First, only 42% of anchorage homeless are native. Second, these American citizens can’t be committed (whatever that means in your restricted perception) without cause. But there are a bunch of programs available to them. But, for many reasons, they don’t accept. Plus, because of Bronson’s record breaking incompetence, the situation is far worse than it was three years ago. Bronson campaigned on solving the homeless problem. He couldn’t have fucked it up worse.

      • OK, Paola, whilst I agree that 42% of Anchorage homeless are Native allow me this observation.

        That fact stated, by you, is based upon what the percentage of the general population within Anchorage that are Native, is it not?

        Said percentage, as of the last census, is 7.92%.

        Is that not basically a 500% threshold of population based upon homeless resultant numbers, all things being equal?

    • One way ticket back to village would solve 50% of Houseless issue ! These folks aren’t homeless as stated ! They are Houseless and have chosen to live on streets with out a house !

  8. More like Listening sessions- the leaders talk and the public only listens with occasional bobblehead nods. Hahaha. Oh gosh, I’m terrible at times saying the darnest things out of etiquette. But it’s true most people’s as these leaders today don’t want to listen to the public who with a bobblehead are a noncontroversial public that smiles. If we want to make Anchorage better, we are going to have to do it ourselves with good ol’ American spirit. Starting with going to a Church that is teaches bible and encourages you to read bible to teach it to your family, friends, and co workers. Then stay committed to an employment and while reading bible and listen to God’s Word through reading where he wants you, what he wants you to do doing his work for the kingdom. Hallelujah! He did it for me, he put me back in the one job my family criticized its not where I should be cause they think I can’t make good pay, yet it’s where I should had been all my young life- cleaning rooms you all had stayed in when you travel. If I stayed in this employment for my twenty years starting at 16 instead of job hopping for whatever reason, I’d be a manager of housekeeping. I just saying if you don’t like seeing the homeless like i do, then you got to get back into Bible, attend a preaching bible church cause we can’t reduce homelessness individually, or if you been resistant to God then give God another chance, and we do the work the city leaders are talking about ourselves. Go to the meetings but remember the work is to be done from the Lord through his people.

    • Fun fact: your bible just got banned from elementary and middle school classes in Davis county Utah because a recently passed bill banning vulgarity and violence applies to many passages within.

  9. Imagine living in a small village. Maybe 50-250 people. Most of them are a distant relative of some sort.
    The good people that live in the new shiny home on the hill hundreds and thousands of miles away. They talk at you how much they care out of one side of their mouth. All the while the other side is making sure you and the children will never ever be able to EARN a wage or drive to an area to spend it on affordable staples. The cultural shock runs both ways for those of us that have been blessed with the opportunity to have lived both. Give opportunity and hope other than a subsidized internet connection. A road? a real job?

  10. Want this to stop?
    Every time you see a homeless person in your neighborhood, pick them up, give them a bottle of cheap booze plus a few sandwiches, and drop them off in front of your Assembly representative’s house.

    If having the homeless spread throughout the city is so wonderful, they can start with them in their neighborhoods first.

  11. Go to King Charles and ask him deliver to Anchorage Alaska Corporation from the foreign entity who actually secretly owns the US Forest Service because Anchorage urgently needs more US Forest Service land since Alaska is only allowed a public policy of developing only Anchorage.

  12. People don’t seem to put churches in the hot seat for this problem. Anchorage has 600 churches according to Alaska Pacific Universities data research in the spiritual temperature of Anchorage. I donate a lot to churches-last year alone almost 9 grand. Where does it go? I hope to the mission of Jesus Christ who does state to care for those sick, in prison, destitute and homeless in need of clothes and shelter and feeding along with the fatherless, orphan and widow. I don’t see any visible “ministries” for those listed Amy churches are doing in Anchorage except for the Catholic Church with the Brother Frances Shelter.

  13. Placing homeless in neighborhoods with schools, children and businesses with no requirements for being sober, enforcement and good habits will only cause a cancer to grow. Causing property prices to drop, crime to increase and the potential of an arms race which could end up in violence.

    Those who want shelter need to follow strict guidelines, maintain sobriety and follow a checklist to improve their lives and pay for some type of rent. Nothing is free.

    For god sakes look at Cuddy Park

  14. Channeling Oprah. You get a homeless! And YOU get a homeless!.. Repeat until everyone is stuck with one!

  15. Thank you for being a good, responsible taxpayer, as your reward, we will give you the opportunity to make a small sacrifice for the greater glory, by feeding and sheltering a homeless person, at your own expense of course. You should be GRATEFUL!!

  16. Northway Mall meets most if not all the requirements, no?

    Or by utilizing it so, are our current Assembly Members not able to pad their own bank accounts, and so thus not even to consider it?

    The property could not only ‘house’ ALL of the homeless within Anchorage, but all of its support services as well, indoors.

    Nothing new would need to be built.

    Low barrier areas could be separated from family areas.

    Female and Male areas could be separated from each other.

    Trans areas could be separated from everything else.

    All support services, including medical and security services could be encompassed within the building throughout.

    What, exactly, would the downside be?

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