More Alaska ‘1488’ Nazi prison gang members charged in killing



More charges have been brought in an indictment against members and associates of a white supremacist prison gang known as the “1488s,” according to U.S. Attorney Bryan Schroder.

The 1488s have been charged as a criminal organization that was involved in narcotics distribution, arson, obstruction of justice, and acts of violence including murder, assault, and kidnap.

Two new defendants were added to the recently unsealed superseding indictment.

Felicia King, 55, of Wasilla, Alaska, was charged with accessory after the fact for her role in the August 2017 beating, kidnapping, and murder of Michael Staton, aka “Steak Knife.”

Justin Eaton, aka “Skulls” 45, of Anchorage, Alaska, who had been previously charged as a felon in possession of a firearm, was charged with RICO (racketeering) conspiracy, kidnapping and assault for his role in April 2, 2017, beating of a former 1488 member.

Original defendants Filthy Fuhrer, (formerly Timothy Lobdell), 42; Roy Naughton, aka “Thumper,” 40; Glen Baldwin, aka “Glen Dog,” 37; Craig King, aka “Oakie,” 53; and Colter O’Dell, 26, were all charged in a RICO Conspiracy.

Fuhrer and Naughton also face additional charges for federal kidnapping, as well as kidnapping and Assault in Aid of Racketeering for incidents occurring in April and July of 2017.

In the original indictment, Fuhrer, Naughton, Baldwin, King, O’Dell, and Beau Cook, 32, were charged with murder in aid of racketeering, kidnapping in aid of racketeering, assault in aid of racketeering, kidnapping, and conspiracy to commit assault and kidnapping in aid of racketeering. 

Two other key members, Nicholas M. Kozorra, aka “Beast,” 29, and Dustin J. Clowers, 34, previously pleaded guilty to murder in aid of racketeering in unsealed court documents. 

Additionally, Cook has now pleaded guilty to kidnapping for his role in the Staton homicide.

According to the superseding indictment, the 1488s are a violent prison-based gang operating inside and outside of state prisons throughout Alaska and elsewhere. 

The 1488s employed Nazi-derived symbols to identify themselves and their affiliation with the gang.  The most coveted tattoo of 1488s members was the 1488s “patch” (an Iron Cross superimposed over a Swastika), which could be worn only by “made” members who generally gained full membership by committing an act of violence on behalf of the gang.

The 1488s members and associates allegedly engaged in illegal activities under the protection of the enterprise, including narcotics trafficking, weapons trafficking, and other illegal activities to promote the influence of the gang. 

The 1488s allegedly had an organizational structure, which is outlined in written “rules” widely distributed to members throughout Alaska and elsewhere. 

Members of the 1488s allegedly acted in different roles in order to further the goals of their organization, including “bosses” who had ultimate authority in all gang matters.

“Key holders” were allegedly responsible for all gang matters within penal facilities where 1488s had a presence, and in “free world” Alaska (outside of prison). 

“Enforcers” were allegedly responsible for enforcing the rules and performing tasks as assigned by higher-ranking gang members. 

“Prospects” for membership were required to familiarize themselves with Nazi-inspired white supremacist ideology.  Violence against law enforcement was also a means of gaining standing within the 1488s.  Female associates of the gang were referred to as “lady-eights”.

In or about 2016 Fuhrer became more aggressive in his efforts to impose disciple within the gang.

Fuhrer believed that members who were defying the 1488 code of conduct were diminishing the power and influence of the gang.  As outlined in the superseding indictment, this culminated in the kidnapping and assault of former members on April 2, 2017, and July 20, 2017, and the kidnapping, assault, and murder of Staton on Aug. 3, 2017.  These acts were ordered by leadership of the 1488s acting from within and from outside of the prison system.

The FBI’s Safe Streets Task Force, and the Alaska State Troopers, Alaska Bureau of Investigation, investigated this case in conjunction with the District of Alaska U.S. Attorney’s Office Organized Crime Division and the Criminal Division’s Organized Crime and Gang Section (OCGS).  Investigative Assistance was provided by IRS Criminal Investigation; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations, Anchorage Police Department, and the State of Alaska’s Department of Corrections. 

The charges of VICAR murder and kidnapping resulting in death are punishable by mandatory life sentences.

The joint investigation into the 1488 gang began in late 2017. To date, the investigation has yielded 14 additional federal indictments against members and associates of the gang. The charges have included: carjacking, narcotics conspiracy, weapons offenses, and mail theft.


  1. I look forward to their defense by your readers. This is a hook to see if you will keep my post up! Double-dog-dare-you.

  2. They look and sound like swell fellas. What turn these people to do and act such despicable things? And what kinda women run with such filth? Evil exists as proven by this article. Love your kids and cherish their existence . Be a parent and teach right and wrong.
    Daily positive reinforcement by example. That’s my take.

  3. Life in prison!
    There are times when applying the death penalty would be the wisest decision society could engage in.

  4. They’re really not white supremacists. They’re violent people who adapt some “cause” to make their evil look better.
    They don’t stop their predatory behavior just because they’re locked up. They simply prey on the weaker inmates.
    There’s no fixing them. Just put them out of our misery.

  5. “They’re really not white supremacists. They’re violent people who adapt some “cause” to make their evil look better”

    Good clarification.

    • My adopted father’s family were real white supremacists. They didn’t go around burning crosses or anything violent. They were satisfied believing that their race is somehow superior to any other race.
      I was an adopted half-breed Native child so I was tolerated as “Alfred’s son”. Grandma Oden remembered me in her will, so I did have a good deal of acceptance in the family.
      I later took my birth mother’s name because I preferred identifying with less snobby people.
      Anyone who chooses to believe that their race is superior has all the right to that belief, just don’t use it as an excuse to harm others not like you.

  6. The fourteen words:
    “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”

    “88” “H” is the eighth letter of the alphabet. “88” stands for Heil Hitler.

  7. And these are the people that the left claim is the “alt right” yet they believe the same thing as ANTIFA and BLM up to and including the methods of achieving their goal. The Left’s ability to spin their evil deeds and guilt onto the right wing is truly a marvel.

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