Buying friends: Galvin and Gross spent how much to get those ‘likes’ on Facebook?



If you’re an Alaskan voter, Democrat nominees Alyse Galvin and Alan Gross have spent a boatload of money to be your friend on Facebook. With millions of dollars from Outside donors, the two have shoveled it right back to Menlo Park, California to boost ads to your Facebook newsfeed.

And what they want most is a “thumbs up” to indicate you saw it and you like them.

Galvin and Gross are running against Congressman Don Young and Sen. Dan Sullivan.

While all candidates use the social media platform to boost their views and persuade voters, Galvin and Gross have deluged their messaging to Alaskans’ Facebook feeds at a spend approaching $850,000. By the end of this week, it will likely top $900,000 for Facebook ads alone.

So far, it’s a cost of $20.30 per “like” for Galvin, and a whopping $93.60 per “like” for Gross.

Congressman Don Young’s campaign has not had to spend as much to get those thumbs up reactions — his cost is only $4.64 per “like.” He has slightly fewer “likes” than Galvin, but is spending far less than her. He’s been in office for decades, but in past years his campaigns haven’t focused as much on Facebook as it has this year.

Gross, who is taking on Sen. Sullivan, has a lot of Outside money burning a hole in his campaign pocket. But although he has spent $93.60 for every “thumbs up” he’s received on Facebook, he has the fewest likes of any of the four candidates — just 6,053 have given him a nod of approval. Maybe it’s because he killed a bear.

Sen. Sullivan has the most “likes” of the four candidates, and has spent one tenth of what Gross has spent on those boosted ads and posts.

Facebook has become a valuable property for candidates during this pandemic-ridden campaign cycle. There’s a lot less door knocking and a lot less baby-kissing going on, as candidates and voters keep their distance from each other.

Facebook is still a relatively new frontier for politics. This week the company put a halt to all new paid ads in the days leading up to and following the election in order to prevent false claims from being promulgated at the last minute. But savvy campaigns had already placed their ads before the Tuesday deadline, and are still running them at a feverish pace.

By the end of Tuesday, Nov. 3, the news feeds of Alaskans will return to something that resembles normal — recipes, vacations, and puppies — as all the political ads vanish into thin air.


  1. That’s a hell of a lot of money being thrown around to buy the vote of the one-percent who are uncommitted. We’ll see if it works.

  2. Maybe, having learned the Gross’s famous fierce grizzly was actually a 5′ 10″ “cuddly” cub… not even a yearling. A man that lies about the size of his cub probably lies about the size of many things….

  3. There’s something fundamentally fishy about the gross campaign, some great PR, but its got that air of fake about it, buying Facebook likes may just be the tip of the iceberg here. Take one of his latest adds, he’s standing in a river, fishing rod in hand, just look how he’s holding the rod, that’s not how an experienced angler would ever hold it. Something doesn’t smell right about Gross, his whole persona comes across as manufactured!

  4. It’s a real shame that for a 5 or 6 figure job you have to pay millions . Tell me it’s not about pure unadulterated power mongering. They don’t listen to their constituents only the swamp feeder who need to go back to the black lagoon .
    Spending limits and No out of state funding except immediate family but Vote NO on 2

  5. You have about 20% of the country that hat America, and Americans, with a passion.
    Unfortunately for us, there is a wealthy powerful few of that group that are in Congress, the judiciary, control big Media and Big Tech…while the rest are in the street with masks breaking and burning things or teaching our kids in our schools and colleges.

    ..But that wealthy few can afford to buy time and likes for these stooges, all day long. We have to fight them with reason, logic, diligence and determination.

  6. “The bear that Al Gross didn’t kill” has become more popular than Smokey. The bear ads have disappeared once the killing was discredited.

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