Michael Pawlowski joins D.C. lobbying firm Capitol Counsel


Michael Pawlowski was named a partner with Capitol Counsel, a lobbying firm in Washington, D.C. He was the chief of staff to Sen. Lisa Murkowski, before returning to Alaska to work as a partner with lobbyist and former Sen. Jerry Mackie in Juneau, playing a major role in the reelection of Murkowski to the Senate in 2022. He will remain partners with Mackie.

Capitol Counsel’s Partner, Shannon Finley, said Pawlowski “brings decades of political, policy, and process expertise at both the state and federal levels. He will be a tremendous asset to our already strong senate, health care, appropriations, and energy teams. In this closely divided congress, his relationships will help guide our clients to successful outcomes in an increasingly complicated regulatory and legislative landscape.”

During his tenure as Sen. Murkowski’s chief of staff and primary advisor and strategist, “Fish,” as he is known, played a crucial role in various efforts to reform the Affordable Care Act, Comprehensive Tax Reform, the opening of the 1002 area of ANWR, and he worked to develop policies to support the development of the Keystone Pipeline, three Supreme Court nominations, and the federal response to the global pandemic.

He has previously worked for the Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority, was a legislative aide in the Alaska State Legislature and was Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Revenue under Gov. Sean Parnell, when he had a major role in writing and promoting Senate Bill 21, an overhaul of the state’s oil tax regime that was known previously as ACES.


  1. Please be sure they only enact within jurisdiction delegated by US Constitution at all times on lawful (not legal) matters so as to avoid subversion of the law of the Declaration of Independence which declared our independence from the monarchy form of government. We do not want to give aid to our declared enemies or be trespassed upon in our rights. Tell them they are the people’s court of justice and must alter, reform or abolish whatever doesn’t belong in the Declaration of Independence submitted to a candidate world. We are following the process due not good men who do nothing.

  2. When a lobbyist gives a politician money it’s the American way but when a Chinese or Ukrainian oil company does it it’s not lobbying. The system is broken and this guy is one of the damaged pieces.

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