Mayor DeVries survives recount; same 3-vote win


Palmer Mayor Edna DeVries has the same three-vote lead she had before Monday morning’s recount. She has won reelection 267-264 over her liberal opponent Jim Cooper. Turnout was low in the Oct. 1 election; the recount was done electronically and completed by midday Oct. 7.

DeVries thanked Cooper for running a good race: “We both ran honest, straightforward campaigns. I walked to over 600 locations in Palmer, and I’m sure he did too. Every incumbent deserves to have his or her ideas tested and challenged and Jim did so honorably,” DeVries said.

“In the coming weeks, I will welcome the opportunity to meet with Jim and hear his goals and his vision and see how we can work together for the betterment of Palmer,” she said.


  1. Truly a lady and a gentleman engaging in Alaskan political debate with professionalism and integrity. Alaskans everywhere should tip their caps!

  2. A very positive race for sure here in Palmer. And both of these individuals do know how to engage in ideological differences in a civil manner that is refreshing.

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