Linda Boyle: Covid ‘conspiracy theorists’ vindicated



Just when you think it can’t get any worse, new information has surfaced on the bad health effects from the Covid-19 jab.   

Yale University scientists have linked the Covid-19 shot to an incredibly rare, yet alarming syndrome referred to as “post-vaccination syndrome.”  Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist at Yale, led the study. 

Have you ever suffered from these symptoms after getting a Covid shot: brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus, and poor tolerance to exercise? Then you may have post-vaccination syndrome. Additionally, there are biological changes that include changes in immunity cells and coronavirus proteins, even years after getting the shot.  

These same scientists determined that the shot can wake up dormant viruses in your body such as the Epstein-Barr virus. 

Epstein-Barr is a common virus that occurs in about 50% of children under five and 95% of adults over a lifetime. When reactivated, it can cause symptoms such as an “enlarged spleen, swollen liver, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, and a rash.”  

In some cases, it leads to mononucleosis and can on rare occasions lead to cancer.

Professor Iwasaki played down the results of her study.  She stated that there is still a lot of work to be done, and this is just the first step in determining what is going on with people who have had these effects. She believes the next step is to determine how many people have been affected and who may be most vulnerable. 

Suffice it to say, this is just the latest example of serious medical problems incurred from taking the Covid jab. 

This study was only published on the preprint server.  Mainstream medical journals have refused to publish it. The sample size was small, but the data were statistically significant. 

Fortunately and rather unbelievably, The New York Times chose to get the truth out. 

I consider this a good beginning to vindicate those who have said there were bad side effects from the jabs.  Vaccine injuries are real.

Recently, Dr. Deborah Birx, who served as the White House coronavirus response coordinator in the first Trump White House,  confirmed the Covid shots weren’t designed to prevent against infection.  Also, they were to be rolled out to the elderly with co-morbidities. In an interview with Piers Morgan, she went on to say: 

“When we say that we’re following the science and the data, we need to follow the science and the data. And the science and the data said people primarily over 65 or people with significant co-morbidities were at risk for severe disease. Those are the individuals that should have been immunized first. And we should have put our science behind our immunization schedule and protected those most at risk,” she said.

Wow, that’s not the message I heard. By their plan, everyone had to get it. If you didn’t get it, you were killing your neighbors and grandmother. It was supposed to prevent the disease, which it didn’t. It was supposed to give immunity, which it didn’t.  I could go on.

We suffered through four years of hell thanks to Big Pharma, misinformation from Big Government, and lies from Dr. Science (Anthony Fauci.)   

I can safely say more needs to be done. The American people have lost trust in the medical community and that community needs to work especially hard to get it back. 

Thankfully, Robert F. Kennedy Jr was just confirmed as Secretary of the Department of  Health and Human Services. He has the will and the power to unravel the lies.  We Americans await the truth to emerge.  After so many lies, it will be refreshing. 

It is truly time for accountability from our government.

It is truly time for individuals to be held fully accountable.

I hope there is enough time before the next “pandemic” to get that accountability.  

Linda Boyle, RN, MSN, DM, was formerly the chief nurse for the 3rd Medical Group, JBER, and was the interim director of the Alaska VA. Most recently, she served as Director for Central Alabama VA Healthcare System. She is the director of the Alaska Covid Alliance/Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom.


  1. 100%. Too many of my friends and family were either killed or injured by those shots. The damage from these shots is happening still and the science hasn’t been digging in, too see what can be done if anything. Accountability can not come soon enough.

  2. The over-vaxxed Democrats are the best control group for the study. 95% of them have long-range Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), and they aren’t getting any better. The other 5% are already in mental institutions or Alzheimer’s units. My psychiatric practice is 93% Democrat patients and 7% Independent or Undeclared. I haven’t had a Republican patient since January 20th.

  3. Don’t be silly, in the seemingly relentless search for needles in haystacks, the fact that mass immunizations halted the terrible toll of virus-caused deaths in the COVID 19 pandemic is the bottom line. Half the admissions of elderly and young folks in my hospital two weeks ago were related to influenza and COVID pneumonia. But, we were able to treat them, and the wide majority were discharged on oral antibiotics and respiratory therapies.

    • > mass immunizations halted the terrible toll of virus-caused deaths in the COVID 19 pandemic is the bottom line.

      You are delusional and I dearly pray you are not have the capacity to treat patients anymore.

      Your mentality is in line with Amelia Dyer, Arnfinn Nesset, Daniela Poggiali, Charles Cullen, Genene Jones and Orville Lynn Majors. It would be a nightmare to be a patient of yours. People like you give the medical profession a black name.

    • “…mass immunizations halted the terrible toll of virus-caused deaths in the COVID 19 pandemic is the bottom line.”
      Got any evidence whatsoever that the vaccines actually stopped those deaths?
      Because, from my experience, this “pandemic” worked out just like every other pandemic the human race ever encountered. Initially, hospitalizations and deaths are common, as those with the most illnesses and most susceptible fall victim. The healthier people do not get sick enough to require extensive care.
      But, under COVID, the direction from the so-called experts was to ignore any protocols that treated the symptoms, like placing a patient on oxygen, until they are in a severe enough state to require intubation. How many patients died that could have lived had they just been put on a CPAP machine? Thousands? A million?
      And, using HCQ or Ivermectin off label? Verboten, despite the fact it reduced symptoms significantly, and allowed the patients immune system to fight the disease. But… NOPE! The “experts” were too fixated on a vaccine that they outlawed the use of off label drugs, not matter how effective they were. And, how many more thousands died?
      But… in your limited world view, it was the vaccine that saved lives. A vaccine that did not stop you from catching the disease, spreading the disease, or dying from the disease, but somehow… despite all that, it was the savior.

  4. Don’t be silly, in the seemingly relentless search for needles in haystacks, the fact that mass immunizations halted the terrible toll of virus-caused deaths in the COVID 19 pandemic is the bottom line. Half the admissions of elderly and young folks in my hospital two weeks ago were related to influenza and COVID pneumonia. And, yes, the annual vaccinations had been missed. But, we were able to treat them, and the wide majority were discharged on oral antibiotics and respiratory therapies.

    • Yes Mrs. N without the shot I covered from the lab enhanced virus and others with the shot recovered as well. Your shot was authorized without proper science and safety studies. Now unfortunately we will be following the science wherever it may lead.

        • I believe you not for one moment here, Sebastian.

          And it astounds me that, after EVERYTHING damning that has come out exposing the dangers and risks of the mRNA clot shots, and indeed about EVERY counterproductive and unscientific aspect of the official authoritarian responses to the covidian fiasco, there are still conformists and “good Germans” like you who still put blind faith in corrupt and sociopathic authorities. You, in your complete abdication of individual, independent judgement and intelligence, are a total alien to somebody like myself, who does not gullibly and ignorantly trust those in power, and especially simply because they are in power.

        • I’ll take Things That Never Happened for $400 please Alex.
          1. How many people do you know that died from COVID? (Number)
          2. How do you know they were not vaccinated?
          3. When did they die? (Date)

    • Then why did my fully vaxxed and boosted friend have covid SIX times, nearly dying the third time? Only the monoclonal antibody treatment saved him. He went from being a hale and hearty man to being breathless after a few steps, with uncurable heart and lung issues. He is 30 years older than his chronological age! You know what you can do with that vaccine lady! Fauci and crew belong in prison!

  5. A recent endocrine study showed that those who were mRNA Covid vaccinated had a 113% higher risk of hypothyroidism than those without Covid vaccination. Study group size was approx 1.2 million for each group (vaccination vs no vaccination) for a total study group size of approx 2.4 million. That is a decent sized study group.

  6. Our elected leadership have had a lot to learn since the early days!

    … ‘

    … ‘

    Maybe(?), they should ‘now’ revise // update their statements? Especially, when we live in a new world of … Integrity, Honesty, Accountability.

    “A nocebo effect is said to occur when a patient’s expectations for a treatment cause the treatment to have a worse effect than it otherwise would have.[1][2] For example, when a patient anticipates a side effect of a medication, they can experience that effect even if the “medication” is actually an inert substance.[1] The complementary concept, the placebo effect, is said to occur when expectations improve an outcome.
    More generally, the nocebo effect is falling ill simply by consciously or subconsciously anticipating a harmful event………”
    Keep playing your games. It’s necessary to keep the nocebo effect going.

  8. Amen to the medical community losing all creditability. As far as I’m concerned, they committed suicide. God rest their souls. I want to believe them, but how can I?

  9. The largest psy-op ever conducted on planet Earth. Did not exist. Pfizer’s history alone is enough evidence of this. Stop fooling yourselves. These people do not want to help you to improve your health.

  10. There were early, mid, and late treatments available but were hidden by our government health agencies. Early and mid treatments failed my wife in November 2021. The government agencies’ late treatment also failed her. While in ICU the doctor acknowledged this government treatment failed her and wanted to talk about “end-of-life Comfort care.”

    As a retired RN I was aware of a hidden late treatment plan. God provided an incredible process to convince the doctor to start this hidden treatment. After just a few days her inflammation marker was normal and she survived. Home and normal. All documented in her medical record. How many thousands could have been saved with proper treatment and not have taken the COVID-19 vaccine.
    Sent from my iPhone

  11. Not that I am keeping records, but it is Conspiracy Theorists 48, Scientists (read that as politicians and MSM news) 0.

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