Kerle confirmed as Anchorage police chief


Anchorage Police Chief Michael Kerle was unanimously confirmed at the Anchorage Assembly meeting on Tuesday. He was sworn-in as the Anchorage Chief of Police on Wednesday at the Anchorage Police Headquarters.

Kerle was appointed after former Chief Ken McCoy stepped down to become chief equity officer at Providence Alaska Medical Center, where he appears to be launching his political career. McCoy’s first act upon leaving office was to appear in his police uniform in an ad for Bill Walker for governor.

Chief Kerle began his law enforcement career in 1996 when he joined APD as a recruit in the Academy. He was promoted to Deputy Chief in February of 2020.

Over the course of over two decades at APD, he has held positions in the Patrol Division, Special Operations, and Crime Suppression.

Chief Kerle has a bachelor of science degree from the University of New York, is a graduate of the Police Executive Leadership Graduate Program and the Administrative Officer’s Course from the Southern Police Institute at the University of Louisville, the FBI Hazardous Devices Executive Management School and the SWAT Commander’s School. 

Chief Kerle and his wife Grace have been married since 1995.

Kerle shared the following statement: “Thank you to our Anchorage community who recognize, and greatly appreciate, the sacrifice and dedication of our police officers, and their willingness to put their lives on the line to protect others. Strong relationships of mutual trust between the police agencies and the communities they serve are critical to maintaining public safety and effective policing. To those members of the community that are hesitant or reluctant to trust or work with our department, let us communicate through fact based dialogue to resolve our differences in order for all members of our community to feel safe and build on the future through mutual cooperation.”


  1. Chief records withholder. Chief coverup Officer. Chief can We the People have some transparency and accountability in the Anchorage Police Department?

    Body worn cameras. We the People voted them in and we want them implemented NOW. With policy of full disclosure on ALL body camera footage within 24 hours.

    Also a commitment under oath that APD will not use biometric technology which may violate citizens Fourth Amendment rights under the United States Constitution.

    Which by the way in your oath as shown on Alaska News Source that you did with Judge Jennifer Henderson, the video did not show you swearing an oath to Uphold and defend the Constitution of the state of Alaska and the constitution of the United States of America.

    Was this just an omission of KTUU news media or Do you intend to violate citizens rights under the United States Constitution and the state of Alaska constitution? – To supervisor Kerle

    • Might you be advocating for crooks, Mr. Jameson? Would Anchorage not be a better place if we gave LEO’s every tool and allowed them greater discretion with regard to appropriate use of lethal force?
      I’m thinking that law abiding citizens would agree with me and the dregs of society might be more inclined to balk. Am I wrong?

      • The lawless enforcers of the state of Alaska and the APD are bottom of the barrel when it comes to police.

        None of the training in Academy focuses on the Bill of Rights or the Constitution which they swore an oath to uphold and defend.

        Not only should we not give officers more discretion but they should all be fired. Unemployment line, pink slips and hopefully the door hits em in their bottom on the way out.

        Qualified immunity must be eliminated. Police need to stop acting like sovereign citizens who are above the law.

        Kawika Paccaro.

        I challenge you bootlickers and police apologists! Ask a police officer to tell you the 5 clauses of the First Amendment. I bet you cannot find more than 10% who get 3/5. I’ll take double or nothing that not one officer can recite it verbatim.

        So more discretion… is a lose lose.

        You’ll back the blue until it happens to you. Then you’ll pick up that camera too.


    • Sounds like you have the same opinion of APD as I do. Incidentally, no criminal chargers against me! Hope this chief is better than at least the last four!

  2. He going to bring a level of calm and quietness as chief of police compared to the last leader unfortunatly he had to endure the ruckus noise of race and blm riots
    Making his appointmet all about race which was most unfortunate. That is how our police should be unpolitical and peace officers not seeking trouble.there is plenty of trouble around us we dont need to look for it. We do need police officers resonating peace and calm deameaner. And! Its okay for police officers talking to a counselor. They need someone to unload and process the daily stress pressuring them. If they dont talk to God and spending daily time recieving instruction by scripture, they need someone to unload other than taking it out all on themselves and family.

  3. I believe Anchorage has a great police department and hope the new APD chief can navigate through the political BS. I wish nothing but the best for ex Chief McCoy. Bronson won the election and it is his right to pick who he wants for police chief

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