Don Young fundraising: $13,559 raised from Alaskans in the fourth quarter, campaign starts year with respectable cash on hand


In the financial disclosures posted at the Federal Election Commission, Congressman Don Young started 2022 with $630,000 cash on hand for his coming race.

Of that amount, $164,209 was raised by Young in the fourth quarter. In the fourth quarter report:

  • $33,173 came from the House 2022 “Take Back the House” Political Action Committee.
  • $138,400 came from union political action committees, or about 70 percent of funds coming in the door.
  • $13,559 came from individual Alaska contributions, or about 6.87 percent.

The donations from union political action committees include organizations such as the North America’s Building Trades Union PAC, the Seafarers Political Activity Donation, Laborers International Union of North America, Teamsters Drive Committee, UA Union Plumbers and Pipefitters, IBEW and several others, according to the FEC reports.

Young ended his 2020 campaign year with $249,173 in the bank after his most expensive race in his then-24 term history. He had raised $1.94 million for that cycle, with Democrat-endorsed Alyse Galvin raising over $5.2 million.

Young’s most likely competitor for for 2022 is his 2020 campaign co-chair Nick Begich, who raised $150,000 from Alaskans in the last 60 days of the fourth quarter of 2021 for his race; he didn’t file for Congress until the end of October and put $150,000 of his own money in at the start of his campaign.

Begich’s campaign account began 2022 with $227,336 and it received no PAC checks.

Campaign coffers are one sign of strength for candidates, because getting around Alaska, building enthusiasm for the candidates, and getting messages out over the airwaves takes cash. Inflation will be an influence on the 2022 cycle, as costs are going up for labor, fuel, and materials for candidates, just as inflation is pinching household budgets. This could be Young’s most expensive campaign in his 26 races.

Also running is no-party candidate Gregg Brelsford, who raised $26,027 last year and started 2022 with $6,308 cash on hand.

Randy Purham, a Republican, has raised $1,485 and started 2022 with $304 cash on hand.


  1. “$138,400 came from union political action committees, or about 70 percent of funds coming in the door.”
    And that right there tells us the politically compromised position in which Don Young stands, and has for quite a long time. Corrupt and special-interest-captured, that’s our Don.

    • That is our country in microcosm. And thanks Suzanne for calling them Leftists on the Assembly. There are no more Liberals on the Left.

  2. Appreciate Don’s lifetime of service, and agree with the campaign objective to recover legislative majority. Don will be 89 before the next election, and probably should have been mentoring a protégé.

  3. How much graphene oxide has been flown into the Alaskan environment and vectored into the air, soil, water treatment plants and consequently into birds, fishes, and large and small mammals as a consequence of Fauci’s gain of function secret illegal research with Alaska Natives as the primary malthusian targets. Scientists would like to know the shelf life of these products administered against our wills, our values, and without the pissibility of scientifically informed consent. Is it stable or safe in septic systems forever frickkin more?

  4. I’m not building a shopping mall this year, so I don’t need Don to get me any federal money to build an access road or an off ramp. I’m going with Mr. Begich this time. But thanks for all you did in the past, Don. It was a great ride while it lasted. And I kept my word and never talked to the FBI.

    • Don is kinda working the low end these days. I saw him on the street corner with a sign:
      “Need campaign money. Will sign autographs. Parolees and bail jumpers welcome.”

  5. Be it hereby resolved by these presents that the undersigned do hereby the authority vested by the Alaskan people who we have given signed oaths to protect do hereby demand a pause in any further tonnage of these products injections, unusual needles, contaminated, used vials, wastage, spoilage, and all inadvertent and subsequent results effected by and of these graphene oxide products shipped or conveyed into any part of Alaska until proof is submitted answering these questions out of due caution for the concern for the environment of all living things in Alaska expressed by the sovereign voters.

  6. I have always voted for Don Young, but never again. He turned on Trump as did Dan Sullivan and, of course, Murskullsky. None of you stood up for Trump. Don can just go and buddy up to Pelosi some more. Belgich cannot be any worse than Young so I will vote for Begich. Maybe he will vote as a true conservative should.

  7. Much as I respect the long years that Congressman Young has represented our state, I am hoping that he will retire. The labor unions of today are nothing like those of the past. To receive the amount of donations from the unions is not much different than taking money from the New Democratic Party, or for that matter, the Chinese. It is obviously time for a change. Nick will have my conservative vote. And he is not running on dirty money.

  8. Old rino. Meetings amongst our group, we will absolutely never vote for that man again. Right now the consensus is to write in the name Mickey Mouse, anyone but this old foolish man, a shell of his former self completely sold out. Should have retired years ago. Has completely lost touch.

  9. I’m sure old Don is much appreciative of that. His special “indictment fund” which he squirreled away for possible future criminal probes, can now be tapped into for his last campaign. It was over $1,000,000. More fundraisers coming your way, Mr. Begich. Just don’t hop aboard any small aircraft without your security team checking out the aircraft and pilot’s background first.

  10. Suzanne, can you do a piece about E.R.I.C, the system that is supposed to maintain the state’s voter rolls yet is failing so miserably that Judicial Watch has sued the state for over inflated registered voter to population ratios?

  11. I cannot help but admit that I love old Don Young. He has done a good job over the years and given me more then a few chuckles with his candid remarks. I am not going to support him this go around however. I am voting for the young Nick. Sorry Don, the mandate stuff sealed the deal for me.

    BTW… How in the heck did that loony Galvin raise 5 million? Hmm I wonder…

    • Samantha – All the ones who have raised money and reported it to the FEC are listed in the story. – sd

  12. Give it up Don- Alaska truly needs you to step away!
    If you want whats best for Alaska and Alaskans- Go Away!

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