Is the Berkowitz sexy scandal an anvil around Dunbar’s neck this election cycle?


Former Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, who resigned in shame in October after a nude photo of what looked like him in his office bathroom surfaced on Facebook, is a looming problem for Forrest Dunbar, who was one of his strongest allies and who is now running to replace him.

Voters want anything but a Berkowitz this year, if early returns are an indication. Some 57,378 ballots had been received by the Anchorage Election Office by Thursday night, and they are trending away from Dunbar and toward Dave Bronson, according to a Must Read Alaska analysis.

Read: Democrats spend cash to get out the vote at last minute, rescue Dunbar

Residents in Anchorage remember when former news anchor Maria Athens splashed a backside selfie of Berkowitz on Facebook and accused him of all kinds of heinous acts. It became an international story.

The selfie that took down a mayor.

Dunbar, running for mayor now to replace Berkowitz, rushed to Berkowitz’ defense right away. Without evidence, he said Berkowitz could never have done such a thing. By Oct. 11, Dunbar had circled the wagons and declared Athens “unwell.”

Read: Berkowitz posse circles the wagon after salacious details emerge

By Oct. 23, it was all over but the shouting. Berkowitz resigned and Dunbar clammed up about his friend.

Berkowitz and Dunbar became fast friends when Dunbar volunteered on both the 2008 and 2010 Berkowitz campaigns.

Berkowitz was a man who had endorsed Dunbar in 2014, when Berkowitz said, “I’ve known Forrest for years and value his friendship because he is energetic, smart and compassionate. You can count on him to do the right job and do it well. He is an Alaskan who will make us all proud.”

“I’m deeply honored to have Ethan’s endorsement,” said Dunbar in 2014 during his run against Congressman Don Young. “It’s crucial that we have support and advice from established Alaskan policy leaders like Ethan.”

Dunbar and Berkowitz worked together to pass the controversial bag ban in 2018. That was one of their most infamous policy-leader outcomes.

Although he may have wanted a Berkowitz endorsement before, now it’s the kiss of death. Between the unpopular bag ban and the butt shots, Berkowitz may be an anvil, rather than an albatross, around Dunbar’s neck this year.

Dunbar is now playing an 11th-hour game of catch up, including in his role as assemblyman, voting last week 180-degrees differently than he had just two weeks before on the mayor’s emergency orders. Dunbar all but heralded that the pandemic as essentially over and said restrictions on gatherings must be lifted immediately.

The election ends on May 11. The Election office is open today and processing ballot thousands of envelopes. The election workers will log ballots and begin to adjudicate them, but will not count them until polls close on Tuesday.

Voters can watch the Election Office on YouTube in real time at this link.


  1. So, we have elected perverts and children to run our government. WAKE UP, ALASKA! It is time to make a change! Hopefully, Anchorage will see the light and Bronson will be running the city government. Fairbanks North Star Borough needs to do the same. Children are on the assembly. This needs to change!

  2. Dunbar who helped force Anchorage’s easily corruptible mail-in vote scheme on voters…
    Dunbar who wants taxpayer-subsidized bum housing…
    Dunbar, a serving military officer who said America’s Constitution is racist…
    More than just an anvil, looks like a couple of anchors too…
    If this kraken doesn’t sink, productive Anchorage residents better head for the hills.

  3. Hardly anyone under 70 will remember this, a song that seems fitting to Dunbar and Berkowitz – “We belong to a mutual world, an admiration society. My baby and me.”

    Happy Hunting: Mutual Admiration Society
    Teresa Brewer, Teresa Brewer, Dick Jacobs Orchestra, Dick Jacobs Orchestra, Dick Jacobs, Dick Jacobs
    History Of Rock And Roll, Vol. 5: 1956 Pop, Part 3

  4. Another song that seems to fit, after Berkowitz ended up; in disgrace – Bobby “Boris” Pickett. “Monster Mash”

  5. So washing my grocery bags every time I go shopping helps the environment? Wait most people don’t, so they are not sanitary? Guess where most of the plastic waste in the world that ends up in the ocean comes from? Not Alaska or the US so passing a plastic straw ban or bag won’t stop China. Same as a gun ban won’t disarm the rest of the world. Most of pollution is not from US and if it is look at air pollution from lawn mowers. Yep lawn mowers because you really need a lawn. Look it up. And how much water does a lawn require, not here but in the US? Yet not a peep about this from AOC. 29% of air pollution comes from internal combustion and only a small percentage of that is from US. If you have ever been to a Asian country you will find most of the pollution emissions. We are not the world.

  6. Dunbar is getting the race he deserves. He is running hard. I was afraid in 2019 Anchorage would not give the boy a challenge, and he’d be walking across the finish line without even a speck of dirt on his running shoes.

    He never anticipated something as Covid-19 happening in fall/winter 2019. Looks like I got my wish, between covid-19 and its response it gave the boy a real race unlike his unchallenged assembly seat race.

    I just hope the little information in that email newsletter that has him sounding angry is exaggerated.

    He may be treated as a rockstar in his small clique. Last race shows he isn’t all THAT among other groups whether people remembered or were disgusted by poor Berkowitz’s secret life.

    People judged Dunbar for being his liberal self. I am tired seeing the poor addicts and mentally unstable people being used, abused, and kicked down the road by local leaders, especially Democrats, while their non profit democrat buddies gets richer off the clients to keep them unhealthy and poorer.

  7. Forrest Dunbar wanted it to be about his National Guard service and “bringing people together”. He wanted to be building on the magnificent successes of the Berkowitz years. It looks like all of that went down the drain. The pandemic exposed his worst impulses and a totally flawed reliance on government to solve problems. Throw in a obscene dose of virtual signaling and he we are. Perhaps on Tuesday we can start in a new direction.

  8. Going ot: does anyone else think Biden’s press secretary looks familiar?
    Someone similar to – Mark Z but in a dress? Maybe someone related to Mark Z? I thought…”where have I seen that face before?” Remove a lovely red wig and remarkable.

  9. It really is simple.
    If you want more lockdowns…
    If you want more school closures…
    If you want more small businesses closed while the “big box” go unencumbered…
    If you want a disproportional response to a flu bug that has a survival rate of 99.97%…
    If you want to be forced to take an experimental gene therapy that has killed more people in 4 months than all other vaccines in the last 15+ years…
    Vote Dunbar – he/she/it is your man (want to be pronoun correct.)!

  10. Wow, now that Bronson is going to be Anchorages new Mayor. All of a sudden
    The Anchorage Assembly is requiring No Mask wearing Immediately. You sure weren’t listening before. What a bunch of crock! After what Berkee did and the so called Acting Mayor acting as a puppet. As for The Assembly you better get your big boy pants on and rubber boots. So you better start running thru the puddles as it’s looking like you are running scared. No more sexting Berkowitz friends on board!
    Dave Bronson you are a breath of fresh air. You will serve Anchorage well!
    I voted for you and I am proud.

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