Irony lives in 2024 — at least when Fairbanks politics meets Facebook.
In recent days, a business owner from North Pole, Alaska began educating the public about the donations to Senate candidate Savannah Fletcher’s campaign.
Recent filings with the Alaska Public Offices Commission show that Fletcher’s campaign for state Senate has indeed received more than $4,000 from Kristen Schupp, who is noted for filling the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly meetings with pro-Hamas testimony and resolutions, when she is not on a rampage about conservative Assemblywoman Barbara Haney.
North Pole resident Keith Fons posted clips of Schupp’s Pro-Palestine testimony and screenshots of her and her husband Robert Burgess’s donations to Savannah Fletcher, as well as to House candidates Joy Beth Cottle and Ashley Carrick. Burgess is a school board member in Fairbanks and works for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.
The donations to Fletcher are particularly large, as seen in these screen shots of filings with the Alaska Public Offices Commission:

In an attempt to silence Fons, Fletcher or her surrogates reported Fons’ posts to Facebook moderators as hate speech and had his comment blocked him from Facebook. She already blocks him from her Facebook campaign page.
He appealed the matter to Facebook management and his opinions were restored.

Fletcher is the presiding officer of the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly and is a false-flag “undeclared candidate” for the Senate Seat being vacated by Click Bishop. She has paid the Alaska Democratic Party for campaign services and has been seen doing shifts at the Democrats’ booth at the Tanana Valley State Fair.

The matter is particularly pertinent, given the recent cases that Fletcher has been handling as a radical attorney on the behalf of the Northern Justice Project.
In two of these cases, she went after seated legislators who blocked opponents who had been trolling their official social media accounts. Now, Fletcher is doing the same thing, although to her campaign page, as differentiated from an official government page.
Keith Fons runs a delivery service in North Pole and helped organize the American flag convoy to Denali National Park and Preserve, after the park management told a private contractor to stop flying the American flag on vehicles driving the Park Road.
Pro-Palestinian does not equal Pro-Hamas….. I hate Israel but don’t hate Jews Your false equivalencies are disturbing
Who did they vote in to power ? Who voted for them?
That’s right, Palestinians voted for Hamas. They wanted them. They marry them, they have their children, they live with them, they are the same.
spot on
According to the poll, only seven percent of Gazans blamed Hamas for their suffering. Seventy-one percent of all Palestinians supported Hamas’s decision to attack Israel on October 7 — up 14 points among Gazans and down 11 points among West Bank Palestinians compared to three months ago. Fifty-nine percent of all Palestinians thought Hamas should rule Gaza, and 70 percent were satisfied with the role Hamas has played during the war.
This is a Palestinian poll.
Cheap comment, Tim. Attempt to obfuscate your truth. “I love everybody, but I just hate some more than others.”
A pure Democrat, trying to hide as an Independent.
Doesn’t work anymore, Tim. You’ve been outed.
Just like Fletcher.
Maybe you are ready for a good old civil war?
There is no Palestine.
Lol got em!
Rookie comment, Tim in Wasilla. Who do you think the nation state of Israel belongs to?
Go back to junior high history class.
Christians. Bring back the Kingdom of Jerusalem
Pro palestine IS pro hamas. The two are inseparable. If you support a palestinian state, you support hamass, and their efforts to eradicate the Jews.
….with a lot of help from Hezbollah. Radical Islam and satanic verses. Go look it up, idiot Palestine apologists.
Well said.
Why does anyone outside the religious nutters of the region need to care? This board is curiously weighted toward support of a group of interlopers tproven to have no historical link to the region they were inappropriately gifted. There’s an absence of logic in the bulk of the comments here and were that not the case the issue would boil down to three primary points:
– Modern jews are not genetically related to the historical inhabitants of the region.
– Palestinians are
– If someone that didn’t own your house gave it to another person that had no right to it, would you not focus all of your abilities on ousting the squatter?
You don’t have to like, you don’t have to support and you don’t have to care… but you should at least recognize the objective injustice associated w/ giving away someone else’s property as if it were your own and then pretending the legacy inhabitants don’t matter. This is far more of an embarrassment than that the Dutch may have bought Manhattan for twenty four bucks worth of beads. I don’t own Canada but following established premise I believe I’ll give Canada to Greece. You all need to support the transition.
what does genetic make up have to do with anything?
It is the Jewish homeland, and there is extensive archeological evidence to prove it.
Added information.
The so-called palestinians are not upset about Israel because they are interlopers. That is just a convenient excuse. They hate Israel because it is Jewish. If Israel was overcome and ceased to exist tomorrow, the muslims would still try to kill all Jews, regardless of where they live.
Only a useful idiot would think this has anything to do with land. It all started in 613AD when the so-called prophet was not able to covert the Jews in Medina to his sham of a religion (really, just a political system pretending to be a religion.) (And a political system of oppression, control and domination at that.) The followers of that false prophet have been trying to eliminate Jews ever since. All because someone was offended.
Interesting term, useful idiot. Particularly coming from someone attempting to defend objective issues by inserting their religious views.
Here’s how it works. Genetic makeup has everything to do w/ establishing a connection to the region. Jews have for decades claimed that they’re the rightful claimants to the region when in fact modern genetics have proven that there’s no such link and even Netanyahu is completely unrelated to the historical inhabitants of the region.
Your reference to a Jewish homeland is incorrect. They are squatters gifted a territory by those that had no right to the land in the first place. While we’re on the topic note that your reference to a false prophet makes your view similarly suspect. There is no magical dead jew. Have you wondered why it might be that two hundred years prior to his supposed birth lived Alexander the Great and we know virtually everything about Alex; where he died, when, who his teachers were and even where exactly he was educated but somehow a couple hundred years later we know nothing about a guy that could raise dead people, elevate prostitutes to acceptable social status, feed crowds from a small basket, turn water into wine and oh yeah, cure anyone of anything? Absolute horsesh*t. Believe it if you like but don’t infuse such nonsense into conversation about facts.
When it gets right down to it you need to ask yourself; what’s the more likely? That an all powerful being placed (gender neutral) seed in a virgin girl?
…or that a jewish girl lied.
Holler if you need a hand w/ that and yes, gender neutral. Or does your view require that your god have a penis? What purpose would gender serve in a heavenly setting where food, digestion, waste and copulation don’t exist?
Your “Hate” comment is the only thing disturbing Tim.
That is the sole reason for the conflict that has perpetuated war and the attacks on innocent Jewish citizens last October.
Lose the hate and the war would be over.
Wake up. I also wonder, where did you come from? I expect you are a typical liberal transplant that frankly, is not welcome here. The garbage that has moved here from liberal sewers ruined Anchorage, it’s growing in the Mat-Su.
That is so depressing, isn’t it?
Leftists are all about power and control. Say something they do not like, and they will not hesitate to silence you.
Like a cockroach running from light.
Another “defender of democracy” in action
Yet another content free yet derogatory remark. Go lay down by your dish.
Savanna Fletcher has big problems brewing on the home front. She may be flying her Cuban flag soon.
Did not another no-name representative get sued because they supposedly banned comments on their FB page a while back?
The two on the Kenai, Jesse and Justin have as well.
Hahahaha reaping and sowing is a beautiful thing, hope Kristen Schupp wakes up soon. She is not gonna be free from judgment.
Check her bank account withdrawals. Then check Fletcher’s bank account deposits. Hmmm.
Mike Cronk, is going to kick Savannah Fletcher’s lying *ss in the Interior’s state Senate race. Money coming at you, Mike.
Keep the pressure on, Keith.
Uninformed voters need more accurate information than what is being spread at the fair.
Snake oil sales have always done well at the fair.
We need to unanimously and unequivocally define the term, “historical inhabitants of a region.” Once that definition is absolutely and clearly established, then we must identify all the historical inhabitants of every region on planet earth. Only then can we set things right. Good luck.
I don’t know why so many people had to run comments about a foreign issue that is off topic, that topic being a politician trying to run roughshod over someone’s 1st Amendment rights.
A swing and a miss, Kirk. This is not a first amendment right. You have a first amendment right to say whatever you’d like. Nobody has to listen to you though and nobody needs to support your perspective by memorializing whatever nonsense you write next on their wall.
Do you infer from the first amendment that you can say anything you want and others must agree? If so you are incorrect.
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