Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. makes Alaska’s November ballot


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has enough signatures to appear on the Nov. 5 general election ballot in Alaska and is listed as a candidate.

RFK Jr. is an activist, author and environmental lawyer. He has questioned the wisdom of mass vaccination programs and that questioning has led to some calling him a conspiracy theorist. He is the founder of Children’s Health Defense, an anti-vaccine advocacy group that vaccine proponents say spreads misinformation.

Kennedy, age 70, is a son of the U.S. attorney general, U.S. senator, and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968 in Los Angeles, while he campaigned for the presidency. He is a nephew of President John F. Kennedy, who was also assassinated, and he’s a member of a blue-blood Kennedy family, which is known to be staunchly Democrat.

During his campaign, President Joe Biden refused to assign Secret Service protection to RFK Jr. until after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Because CNN caved to the Democrats and would not allow RFK Jr. on the debate stage in June, Elon Musk, the owner of X/Twitter, ran a simulcast on social media with RFK Jr. answering the questions during the debate.

With the Democratic Party not giving him any way to make his case to Democrats, he decided to run as an independent. For Alaska’s November ballot, he was required to have 3,614 signatures from registered voters in Alaska.

Kennedy’s name will appear with running mate Nicole Shanahan.

At a Kennedy campaign press briefing last week (watch recording here), Kennedy Jr. announced the campaign has collected more signatures than any presidential candidate in American history — more than 1 million signatures. He said he will be on the ballots of all 50 states.

“They forced us to bear this ballot access expense and organize a tremendous volunteer effort,” said Kennedy at the ballot access press briefing. “It’s turned out to be a huge advantage in the upcoming election, as we now have more than 100,000 volunteers ready to get the vote out and win this election.” 

“More than 50% of Americans now identify as Independents,” said Shanahan. “There has never been a better opportunity for a third-party candidate to have success, especially with a unity ticket. We are here to unite the country.”  

The Kennedy-Shanahan campaign has now collected the signatures needed for ballot access in 42 states, totaling 480 electoral votes, 89% of the 538 total electoral votes nationwide.

Also appearing on the Alaska ballot will the name of radical leftist Cornel West, running under the banner of the Aurora Party, with running mate Melina Abdullah.

Oliver Chase is the Libertarian candidate who has made the Alaska general election ballot with running mate Mike der Maat.

Alaskans will rank presidential candidates on the ballot for the first time in history due to the new ranked-choice voting general election that was put in place by 2020’s Ballot Measure 2. Kennedy is more likely to peel away votes from Democrat presumptive nominee Kamala Harris than he will the Republican nominee Donald Trump, but he has an appeal to some who are disenchanted with the choices of the two main parties.


  1. Poor RFK2 looks all worn out at 70. Too much booze and drugs in his younger years. He’s hard to understand too, with a huge speech impediment. However, he talks horse sense about vaccines. I hope he joins Trump’s campaign and maybe gets an ambassadorship.
    Maybe Ireland or Greenland.

    • He talks absolute nonsense about vaccines. If he has been making the decisions when Jenner was around, we’d probably still be dealing with smallpox epidemics. A total loon propped up by other looney tunes supporters.

      • He talks brilliantly about vaccines. But his doper years did him in for any serious politics. He looks 10 years older than Trump.

      • Cman, from your comments above its obvious that you don’t know much about the subject. But you are guaranteed the right to regurgitate hogwash and you at least do that well.

      • You know, humanity somehow made it for thousands of years before modern vaccines. Almost as if humans are resilient and adaptable creatures.
        Give the fear a rest, we are not all gonna die. Sheesh.

  2. Yeh, let’s elect this typical Kennedy leftist tool. Thereby, we can shut down all resource development in Alaska so we can either live on welfare or leave the state to find work. Kennedys don’t care about your financial destiny; they all have trust fund allowances flowing out of Joe Kennedy’s investments built from bootlegging during prohibition. Their primary concern is their phony environmental agenda while you starve to death. That family is a disgrace.

    • Wayne, speaking of tools…
      I donated to RFK Jr, early and often, why?
      Because he gets 2 out of 3 things right.
      And because… there still exists DEMOCRACTS with half a brain and a somewhat skewed moral compass.
      Bobby Jr is the man to lead the Democract party away from Marxist control.
      There fixed for you.
      You are welcome, BTW, BOBBY peels votes away from your girl Kameltoe.

      • Yes Robert Schenker (Oosik Puk), I’m sure there were a few good people in the Nazi party in 1938 Germany as well. However, practically speaking, they were members of a corrupt organization. The same applies to any Democrat… and to a great degree any Republican. Nobody can exist in a corrupt organization and claim impunity. In any case, your reply above did not address the reality that Kennedy would shut down Alaska and imperil our nation by dismantling our energy, mining and other key components of our economy. He simply doesn’t understand the importance of a strong industrial base. His life has been defined by his obsession with environmentalism enabled by his corruptly established privileged wealth.

        • Wayne,
          There is an axiom somewhere that states whenever you are incapable of making your argument you accuse your opponent of being a NAZI.

          Kennedy is a bit whacky on the greenstuff yet he understands that Capitalism is the best system yet devised to enrich all of society.
          So give him that. He ain’t a commie like the other Democrats.
          As for stopping mining in Alaska, I think your man DJT has already done that, I think it was called the Pebble Mine?
          Choke on that one and get back to me!
          And who is this Schenker? Isn’t he a German Rockstar?

          • Okay Skippy, (Robert aka Oosik), a careful reading of my comment shows I never accused anyone of being a NAZI. I merely used that situation in Germany to illustrate my point that if we choose to exist in a corrupt organization then we must accept partial responsibility for said corruption.

            As to DJT’s action of Pebble and support of Dahlstrom, I agree he makes mistakes. However, to be rational I won’t judge him on those two mistakes but rather the collective totality of his effective action and policy.

            As to who is Robert Schenker, he is you, my old 6th-grade chum. I’m pulling for you brother.

  3. Ranked choice voting will have to be used in the General election when we vote for a president. Imagine that. Now, we will have three people on the presidential ballot, so that we can do that ranking that the lefties love so much.

    • Actually, according to statute, we should have four candidates on the general election ballot for president/vp. However, seeing as there is no open primary, the Div of Elections will likely pick who they believe are the highest four vote-getters among the various minor primaries (eg, Libertarian, Green, Socialist, etc).

  4. Actually, according to statute, we should have four candidates on the general election ballot for president/vp. However, seeing as there is no open primary, the Div of Elections will likely pick who they believe are the highest four vote-getters among the primaries (including minors like Independence, Libertarian, Green, Socialist, etc).

  5. Must listen is Kennedys Joe Rogan interview. You are not qualified to comment on his vaccine position until listening to this. Reconcile the massive upswing in chronic disease in the obese diabetic US population with Roundup the vaccines and host of other big pharma lifestyles and either offer solutions or shut up about Kennedy.

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