In 2016, New Venture Fund spent $565,000+ to install Alaska’s PFD automatic voter registration program, requiring no proof of citizenship to vote


The same dark money group that is now funding a voter initiative on campaign contributions, so the dark money Outside groups can continue to control elections in Alaska, is responsible for making Alaska’s elections insecure back in 2016 through a voter initiative that has, since 2017, registered people to vote automatically whenever they apply for a Permanent Fund dividend. Even if they aren’t citizens.

New Venture Fund put at least $565,000 into the effort in 2016 that succeeded in convincing Alaskans to pass a ballot measure that allows anyone who even applies for a Permanent Fund dividend to get a voter identification card. They should return it if they are not a U.S. citizen, but it’s all on the honor system, according to the Division of Elections.

The New Venture Fund, a subset of the dark-money Arabella Advisors umbrella of political operations, now wants Alaskans to sign a petition saying that individuals can’t contribute more than $2,000 to campaigns, which leaves the dark money groups like the New Venture Fund in control of Alaska elections in perpetuity, because groups like NVF can set up any number of subgroups to funnel money in ways average Alaskans can’t.

With just these two programs — no voter registration controls and preventing people from contributing to campaigns, Alaska will be at the mercy of Outside dark money.

In response to Must Read Alaskas story over the weekend, functionaries of the Governor’s Office have told Alaskans that there is nothing that can be done to fix the automatic voter registration problem and that it’s not really a problem. The Must Read Alaska report, they say, is a nothing-burger.

But there is at least one fix. The executive branch could work with the legislature to repeal or amend the Permanent Fund Dividend Automatic Voter Registration Program. The executive branch — the governor and lieutenant governor — could call for a pause in the program while a legal review is done to see if it violates the Alaska Constitution or state statutes.

The seriousness of the problem is hardly in question. The New Venture Fund already finances the 907 Initiative, The Alaska Center for the Environment, the Alaska Venture Fund, and even Alaskans for Posterity, a group that tries to trick people into thinking it is the free-market group known as Americans for Prosperity-Alaska.

The New Venture Fund is the equivalent of a political party in Alaska. It has far more money and influence in elections than the political parties combined.

A Dunleavy Administration employee privately contacted Must Read Alaska subsequent to our story on the flaws in automatic voter registration, and said that the PFD automatic voter registration program is highlighted in the Elections security audit produced by Kelly Tshibaka, former commissioner of Administration, with recommended solutions.

That state’s election security report, completed in 2019, has never been made public and those who have asked for it, including legislators, have had their requests refused. What else is in this report that the public cannot see?


  1. These far left groups and their environmentalist friends sure have a lot of money. They fly up and house volunteers and seem to have unlimited budgets with a strong legal counsel. A thorough IRS audit would be nice but we know it won’t happen.

    • We really need to ban non profits as they are the biggest problem we are facing.
      No accountability no over site no control over what they are doing to this country.
      Hell let’s all be non profit organizations and pay no taxes.

  2. Thanks Suzanne.
    Someone is finally putting in some time to have a look far enough back in time to shed some light on one of todays election shams the left uses to get their candidates of choice elected from DC.

    Who would have guessed they had that much interest in Alaska?
    No one saw it coming and just thought it would be great to have a vote from everyone regardless of how little they know about who or what they are even voting for.
    The perfect storm for one party rule.

  3. Wow! Eight years ago and now just being detected. No wonder Democrats got so many of their own elected in 2020, the year of fraudulent elections. Ballot harvesting in all of the Democrat districts, coupled with mail-in ballots, caused the surge in Democrat victories. Fairbanks got two elected this way:
    Adam Wool and Grier Hopkins. Of course, with the help of Junior Hopkin’s famous weasel brother, Scott Kendall.

    • And now, they are both gone. Hopkins will get beat by Coghill this fall. Wool, finally got his AA credentials after his bar burnt to the ground.
      Some Democrats a slow learners. Lots of damaged braincells.

  4. There are so many PFDS going to non residents, it is pathetic. Using the PFD as proof of residency might be worth somethng if the state actually auditted the list to see if the people are really living in Alaska.

  5. Ir’s a lot harder to get off the voter roles than to get on. I have two adult children who are no longer in the state but they won’t take my word for it to remove them. It’s a minor little chore but neither of them has taken care of it.

    • Exactly!
      Some kinda “ proven leader”
      A vote for her, at best, would be a vote to simply manage decay.

    • I voted today and asked the full-time state elections employees about this. All of this is true! But the elections employees are giving Nancy a pass on this one. They said this problem is based on a legislative vote rather than a policy decision. I was advised to speak with my (non-responsive east Anchorage) legislators about this.

      Nancy Dahlstrom should be leading the charge … not me! But it is very clear that after all the time she has had to work on this problem *and* that she has done nothing, she doesn’t give a damn about legitimate elections in Alaska.

    • Where’s Nancy???
      She joined her Salmon Sisters..
      Mary Peltola Lisa Murkowski Nancy Pelosi ….Nancy Dahlstrom.
      They are a fine bunch of spawning salmon.

  6. Good info Suzanne! Follow the money and it will help expose the deceivers and minions that sell their soul to the devils.
    If we had enough honest officials in our three branches of state government, they would have released that report and corrected this globalist financed scheme.
    Foreigners have no claim to Alaskan’s purse or vote. But this year on March 8th, MURKowski voted to count all non-citizens in the census. On Feb 13th Peltola voted to keep Mayorkas in power knowing he has facilitated the illegal invasion of millions as democrats with other clingons fight for them to vote

    • Valley–non-citizen residents have always been counted in the census since its earliest days in the 1800s. This is not a new issue.

  7. And they say there was no voter fraud!!! Come on Governor Dunleavy, stop this automatic voter registration. If people want to vote, they will register. It also registers people that are mentally challenged, people that wouldn’t vote. It just leaves it open to someone else to cast those ballots. We need clean voter rolls.

  8. The governors office is correct, this is a nothing burger. The PFD eligibility requirement includes “not claiming residency in another state or country”. If a person is here illegally, they don’t have the correct documents or standing to apply/recieve a PFD. Additionally, the Alaska Div. of Elections specifies that only US citizens can vote in Alaska elections. So, it goes to say that this story is a nothing burger, because there’s laws and controls in both Divisions to keep nonresidents from voting

  9. The foreigners (who might not even be able to read English) are instructed to contact the Division of Elections so that DoE can cancel their voter registration? Haha. That is funny. I have a sneaky suspicion that very few of them really care enough to follow through to keep the record straight. They were (are) probably thinking, “Why bother? I am not going to be voting anyway!”

  10. No one should vote in the United States if they are not a citizen. That being said, Alaska has ALWAYS had an honor system when registering to vote.

    I used to be a voter registrar. No one who registered to vote in Alaska was EVER required to produce a passport or birth certificate.

    So, question for Suzanne: What do you propose to ensure that all Alaskans who are registered to vote are American citizens? Would you require that everyone produce a passport or birth certificate? If accepting birth certificates as proof of citizenship- those certificates could come from 50 different states- and different counties in those 50 states, and US territories… what would be used to prove the birth certificate provided was not a forgery? And would the state of Alaska then keep copies of all those birth certificates? And then what happens when Alaska is hacked, again? Recall that Dunleavy kept the Russian hack of our records secret for quite a while before revealing his incompetence.

    I want ony Americans to vote- but this issue is way more complicated than you think.

  11. Why doesn’t someone affiliated with the 2019 election security report (cough, cough… Kelly) leak it? Who’s hiding what?

  12. Actblue- getting huge donations from individuals , but since they have a cap on how much they can donate, Actblue decides to say those donations are made by others. Not fake people mind you, people that have donated but not that much, Actblue just using their names as cover for their fraud.
    If it smells like a lying ,cheating , stealing democrat has been there and messing things up, you’re probably correct, you only have to check the bottom of your shoes to be sure.

  13. Ok–so if Dunleavy is aware of this via the report, and therefore , our Div. of Elections head, Nancy Dahlstrom knows, what are they doing about it!!!???? So far ZERO.

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