House call: Rep. James Comer wants Biden’s physician to appear in House Oversight Committee

Hunter and President Joe Biden. Photo credit: Spc. William Thompson | U.S. Army

Following evidence of President Joe Biden’s declining cognitive state, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer called on Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, to appear for a transcribed interview regarding his medical assessments of President Biden, as well as his private endeavors and entanglements with the Biden family’s business schemes.

Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, requested that Dr. O’Connor produce all documents and communications in his possession related to his involvement in the Biden family’s financial activity. The concern is that O’Connor may not be truthful in his positive assessment of Biden’s mental state, due to financial conflicts.

“After a concerning debate performance by President Biden against former President Donald Trump on June 27, journalists have rushed to report on what Americans have seen plainly for years: the President appears unwell,” Comer wrote. “Americans question President Biden’s ability to lead the country, and the Committee on Oversight and Accountability is investigating circumstances surrounding your assessment in February of this year that ‘President Biden is a healthy, active, robust 81-year-old-male, who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency …’  Recently, it was reported that you have ‘never recommended that [President] Biden take a cognitive test.’ The Oversight Committee is concerned your medical assessments have been influenced by your private business endeavors with the Biden family.”

Amid reports President Biden has “lost all independence,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated on July 3 that Dr. O’Connor had not evaluated President Biden since February.

Yet on a phone call with Democratic governors the same day, Biden “told the assembled governors he was checked out by a doctor and that everything was fine.”

Prior to his current position as the president’s personal physician, O’Connor was involved with the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes.

Recent evidence obtained by the Committee shows O’Connor’s and James Biden’s involvement with Americore Health, LLC, a company that operated rural hospitals and is currently involved in bankruptcy proceedings. James Biden, the president’s brother, used funds from Americore to pay Joe Biden $200,000 at the same time the company was facing financial collapse. This occurred when Joe Biden was between government jobs as vice president and president.

James Biden received payments for $400,000 and $200,000, characterized as loans, from the company that were wired directly to his bank account “based upon representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.” During his transcribed interview, James Biden confirmed O’Connor provided him counsel in connection with the alleged work he was performing for Americore. 

“You have repeatedly refused most interview requests from the media, and the Committee now turns to you to provide answers regarding your independence because of the mixed and confused messaging coming from the White House regarding the President’s ability to perform his job,” Comer said. “The statements by the White House Press Secretary and President Biden appear inconsistent, and the Committee seeks to understand the extent of your role at the White House at this time. Given your connections with the Biden family, the Committee also seeks to understand if you are in a position to provide accurate and independent reviews of the President’s fitness to serve.”

Read Comer’s letter here.


  1. Go for it. But to what end?

    Grandpa Bloodstains diminished mental ability isn’t a secret. Not the cover up to hide it.

    If they actually want facts made public, or to put pressure for the 25th to be enacted, great.

    If they just want to grandstand, stop wasting our money.

  2. He who laughs last, laughs best.
    Thunderous laughter is starting to pick up in the MAGA camps. Nothing but anger and dismay coming from the Biden Democrats. It’s starting to get real good. The first civil war is going to be internally among Democrats.

  3. A legitimate ask. While normally I’m strongly against health records being public, in the case of the presidency, the most important job in the world, it is a matter of public interest. Many employees across various industries are required to undergo routine medicals, although the findings are kept private. It isn’t too much to ask that the highest office in the nation be subject to close scrutiny, such as a candidate’s medical suitability and their taxes (as in have they been cheating the system?).

    I’m not asking that they pass a military fitness test, but we should all feel confident that the candidates are in sound metal and physical health.

    • I think he can still function. It’s becoming more difficult on a daily basis to identify Trump. He changes his stance on most issues like abortion so often, he’s like Obama when he used to change his dialect from a black white man, to a Harlem pimp. I don’t which Trump candidate is currently running but its not the same person I voted for 4 years ago.

  4. it’s a delicate balance to ride this grifting gravy train and keeping “Weekend at the Whitehouse” on the lowdown.


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