Gov. Inslee won’t seek another term in Washington state


Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee announced Monday that he will not be seeking a fourth term in office.

Inslee, who has served as governor since 2013, is the nation’s longest serving current governor.

He is the second Washington state governor to serve three consecutive terms; Republican Dan Evans was the first. Washington has no term limits for governor.

“Our last decade of Washington’s storied history is one of growth and innovation. I am proud to have played a role in our state’s leadership on so many fronts.  We’ve passed the nation’s best climate policies, the most successful family leave benefits, the best college scholarship programs, a more fair legal justice system, and the most protective actions against gun violence. We’ve shown that diversity is a strength worth fighting for. This has been ten years of dynamic success,” he said.

“As governor, I have seen my role as inspiring our state ever forward and ever higher. I’m gratified to be able to say that this approach has worked to improve Washingtonians lives in many ways and many places,” Inslee said in a statement.

“Now is the time to intensely focus on all we can accomplish in the next year and a half, and I intend to do just that. I look forward to continued partnership with legislators and community leaders to address Washington’s homelessness crisis, speed our efforts to expand behavioral health services, continue our fight against climate change, and continue making Washington a beacon of progress for all,” he concluded.

In fact, Washington is right behind California when it comes to its number of residents living outside with no shelter — the second highest homeless population in the country by state.

Among cities, only New York City and the Los Angeles metro had more homeless people than Seattle and King County last year, when more than 250 people died on the streets and in the woods of King County, setting a record, according to KUOW. Hypothermia was the leading cause of those deaths.

Inslee highlighted what he sees as his achievements since 2013. In his words, they are:


  1. I guess that after a while, the deep state needs a fresh new face to most effectively continue its destruction of freedom in this country.

  2. What a legacy: Turning many parts of Seattle into a dystopian wasteland. And several places in Olympia. Great work, Governor – you must be so proud.

  3. Who really gives a damn what the Washingtonians are doing? Not that I care about what they do “outside,” but what are the governors of Idaho and Wyoming doing to save our country and our tarnished souls?

    As Ecclesiastes has it, there is a time and season for everything! As such, has the time come for American goodness, truth, and justice to “flame out,” leaving us to the whims of empty politics and social turmoil?

    • Who really cares…because our ‘imported’ woke legislators and assembly persons are trying to copy the same laws of Washington, Oregon and California!

  4. 250 people died last year in King county due to exposure? He calls that “dynamic success”? I will bet He loves chocolate chip ice cream and drives a green Corvette. He has gotta be smokin the same parmesan crumbs that Hunter missed. And Dunleavy sends an invitation to the fools that elected this idiot for three terms so they can come here and vote for a fool that wants our guns and thrives on the homeless??? Washington will never stand a chance of recovering from this chaos!

  5. I guess, he figures he can’t destroy Washington any more then he ALREADY has leaving all the garbage/crap on the streets of Seattle.. At one time Washington was a beautiful place, but after his “Reign” alot of work will have to be done to bring back the Washington WE knew along time ago. I’d love to VISIT Seattle again and the see the downtown Bay of Elliot., but NOT in the shape and the garbage he left behind..I was born and raised there..(Eastern Washington)

  6. Good riddance to another communist. Unfortunately, they will just install someone worse just like they did in New York and Chicago. The corrupt election system is rigged against conservatives and anyone with a little common sense.

  7. One positive effort Gov. Inslee is responsible for is recognition of Grandparents Rights to their progeny and family relationships. However, the lackluster jurisprudence combined with diagreeable legal practice customs are unavailable to most families in the beautiful Evergreen state which cause those consanguine grandparents shut out of the lives of their beloved grandchildren due especially to maternal lionesses who wish to have eternal worship for some uncivil, uneducated, woke reasons.

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