Frontiersman, Anchorage Press gets new publisher: David McChesney


David McChesney joined Wick Communications as publisher of the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman in Wasilla, the newspaper group reported in a press release on Friday. His first day is June 19.

Unmentioned in the press release is that McChesney is also the new publisher for the Anchorage Press, which went entirely online this year, serving the extreme leftist reader in downtown Anchorage, while the Frontiersman serves the most conservative part of the state with print editions on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

In the words of former Anchorage Press and Frontiersman editor Matt Hickman, “alternative weeklies are newspapers targeted at an audience that tends to be younger, more interested in the arts than money, spends more time walking or biking than in cars while on their way to coffee shops and bars, which, conveniently, is where you find publications like ours distributed most. Alt-weeklies are meant to advocate for the disenfranchised and disrupt the status quo. There should be no surprise that audience tends to tilt left, politically.”

The Anchorage Press was the publication that promoted the “Prometheus theory” in 2018, which stated that now-Gov. Mike Dunleavy was a closeted homosexual.

From the Midwest, McChesney’s background encompasses a range of experiences in both the newspaper and technology sectors. After graduating with honors from Ohio University, where he obtained a bachelor of science degree in visual communications with a specialization in photojournalism, McChesney served as the director of technology for Nixon Newspaper Group in Peru, Indiana.

In 1998, he founded 1UP, an internet software company that facilitated publishers’ digital transitions. Prior to joining Wick Communications, he was briefly the director of publisher engagement for ePublishing in Chicago until 2021.

Expressing his enthusiasm for the role, McChesney stated, “Community newspapers in a rural setting is where my heart has been since I started in the industry. Wick Communications’ Frontiersman in Wasilla, Alaska, is about as perfect a location as I could have imagined for my first publisher’s position. I am excited to get started!”

He, too, mentioned not a word of excitement for his new role at the alt-left publication in Anchorage.


  1. The Frontiersman is ADN’s little brother. The left owns all the print media and the MSM and want to infect the valley with the same crap as Anchorage. Unfortunately many of Anchorage residents are moving to the valley and bring their leftist ideology with them.

  2. Continuation of the Californication of Alaska one slice at a time….

    First Oregon, then Washington, now Alaska, Idaho, and Utah, the Californication of the USA spreads like a cancer…..

  3. We all saw where the Eagle River Star went when it sold to a similar group. They couldn’t even give it away. There’s a reason why most of Anchorage’s workforce chooses to live in the valley and its not because they enjoy the commute and the wind.But good fire-start and packing material will always be handy, and not to be confused with readership.

  4. Another Biden crime family disciple trying to convince the outlying areas that crooked Joe is the way to go in 2024 so Barack can finish the task of changing the rest of America into a disgusting colony of rats similar to inner city Chicago where He formed his utopia of what America should look like.

    If anyone wants a preview of Alaska just make a quick trip to Portland Oregon. Homeless Heroin capital of the USA. If you dont want to make the journey to the city of roses/feces you can always watch the youtube video called “Portland is a s**thole”. At least you will get a view of where we are headed.

  5. “……. Alt-weeklies are meant to advocate for the disenfranchised and disrupt the status quo……..”
    The Frontiersman was founded over 75 years ago as a local community newspaper, not a leftist propaganda rag intending to disrupt anything. Why can’t communities have local NEWS publications free from the manipulations of communists, anarchists, or sexual revolutionaries? Must these social monsters completely kill journalism?

    • Control and access to media has been a tool of Marxism since the beginning.

      In the early days of the Soviet communist revolution when Vladimir Lenin was in exile, he organized and promoted clandestine newspaper printing designed to create conflict among the Russian populace. He then organized the young and dedicated revolutionaries the movement he had recruited to smuggle the papers across the border and into Russia. At the time it was very effective.

      If you read the actual history of the Russian revolution, you will see the clever use of their current media technology, at least for the short term to destroy the current social structure, and how it is still working for today’s revolutionaries.

  6. One by one newspapers are dying, mostly by self-inflected wounds. Communities want newspapers that reflect them and their interests. Sadly, that seems to be no longer possible, as we are all being subjected to the same drivel. Jefferson said it would be a free press that kept democracy alive in the US, but that has been long gone thanks to the demise of local journalism. It is not by accident that democracy is also dying as well.

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