Dodgers dodge, honor anti-Catholic hate group a full hour before first pitch, as protesters gather outside


The Los Angeles Dodgers were mired in controversy on Friday night, presenting an award to the anti-Catholic hate group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, made up of gay men demeaning Catholic nuns by dressing up as members of a holy order, mocking Christ.

The team’s decision was met with widespread criticism, with a crowd of several thousand gathering outside the stadium to protest the team’s ugly statement.

The Dodgers attempted to take the event out of the public eye by scheduling the award ceremony event by scheduling it just over an hour before the first pitch, while only a meager crowd of approximately 300 people was in attendance.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a self-proclaimed activist organization, have long been associated with provocative demonstrations and offensive actions directed towards the Catholic Church.

Their selection for an award ceremony by the Dodgers drew strong rebuke, especially considering the team’s recent history of capitulating to pressure from far-left activists.

Critics argue that the Dodgers’ decision to honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence contradicts the team’s own code of conduct, which states the team upholds respect, inclusivity, and fostering a positive community.

The game between the Dodgers and the Giants drew the usual attendance, although critics online posted photos of an empty stadium; the stadium was indeed nearly empty when the ceremony for the hate group took place.

The San Francisco Giants won the game 5-7, and the final headcount released by the team was 49,074, slightly higher than its average of 47,800.


    • Remember when no one would touch an HIV patient, the president wouldn’t say AIDS, and families cast their sick sons to the streets where they died? These sisters were established as a service organization to assist the suffering and dying. They remain a community service organization, just like the Lion’s Club, or church community volunteers.

      • Riiiiiiiight….hence their name, which connotes love of others and self-sacrifice. . .

        You don’t actually help those who are making themselves physically ill through promiscuous, unnatural behavior by encouraging the behavior that causes the illness. …Just sayin.’

        • totally agree most of the AIDS crisis could have been avoided through gay monogamy and clean needles.
          I somehow doubt the “sisters” were promoting that they all just want to do whatever they want all the time with no consequences for their actions.

          also most of what she talkin about was happening 35+ years ago when most of these “guys” who are current “sisters” were very young. now it seems all they do is play dress up mock a group with much less power then them

      • Ah sorry ….but no, Maureen!
        First church community service volunteers, salvation army bell ringers or Lion’s club members don’t dress up to mock and ridicule others or have vulgar displays of those they disagree with.
        Second, the description of SOPI “charity” appears to be a small part of their overall activities. It mocks those, who are all about service, real nuns. The SOPI may have raised funds for AIDS organizations, but from what I could find none of these “sisters” actually got their hands dirty caring for actual patients.

        • A sorry ….but no A Taxpayer

          Salvation army has military uniforms in some man made belief they are an army of salvation regarding some god. You Military folks good with this religion mocking your regalia? Or is it different if it is a conservative religion?

          And friend – You may have missed that I wrote they got their start ,as a service organization, way back then.

          • Nice try Maureen!
            There are many organization utilizing uniforms similar to the military (police, fire, security guards, para military organizations etc.) Why do you claim that a Salvation Army uniform is “mocking the military” How? In what way are they disrespecting the military folks?
            You claimed that OPI “assisted the suffering and dying HIV patients” back in 1979. That implies direct patient care with nursing, medications, housing etc. Yet I have not found any indication that this group did anything of this sort. They are a theater company with an insultingly catchy name. Their goals is outreach for the LGBT/AIDS community through drag, satire and performance art. If that’s what floats their boat, fine, but their vulgar X-rated performances are clearly not for the general audience.

          • Beelzebub the master
            leads against the foe
            forward into battle
            see his trannies go!

            Onward Anti-Christian soldiers
            prancing off to war
            with the cross of Satan
            going on before.

      • Hi Maureen. Remove morality for a moment from this argument. If this group steps in and helps AIDS or any other group in medical need, I applaud them. But what has dressing in drag have to do with that mission? And choosing to specifically dress as nuns is a targeted poke in the eye to at least Catholics and maybe Christians in general. Their dress and actions in public run counter to the mission of helping sick people by driving away support they might otherwise enjoy.

        • Sacred duty, perhaps, to tend to the stricken? That’s only a guess.

          Would be great of you to contact them with your questions. I have found you to have strong skills in relating your more conservative points with an open ear for better understanding overall.

      • I wonder why no one would touch an AIDS patient when it had the exact transmissability factors as hepatitis A? Could it be from misinformation like “you will know 10 people who die from AIDS”? A disease that started sexual politics. Things like healthcare for same sex partners evolving into same sex marriage. A “crises” is a terrible thing to waste.

          • That is not true at all. It was very quickly determined to be an STD among gay men. It’s ok that you are a contrarian, but try to be truthful.

          • Yes mo I was. Have you passed calculus for chemistry? It’s required for premed biology majors.
            I only knew one person who died of AIDS. I attended his wedding before he was diagnosed. Close friends. him and his wife. She never contracted it (Hetero transmission only being 4%, which was also known in the 80’s}. He just happened to be a hemophiliac. I guess I shoulda hung out in the bathhouses so I would know more AIDS patients.

  1. Hmmm I wonder if the sisters of paternal disappointment have the stones to openly mock the religion of peace the way they do Christians. Let’s see them dress up like Mohammed.

    • They’re obnoxious, not suicidal. Try that and they will get Charlie Hebdo’d inside a year.

    • AK4Lib, Apparently its not a question of having stones or not but more of a calculation by the creeps and even creeper Dodger Management here. I mean, didn’t the Dodgers exceed their usual attendance, this despite the protests before the game? Seems to me that the Team Owners understand that their fans have more loyalty to their team than they fear retribution from a wrathful God. Besides that, the protestors were peaceful not AK-47 packing Jihadist. As long as the Dodgers fill the stadium I wouldn’t look for the sisters or the Dodgers to cease such nonsense.

  2. But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

    2 Timothy 3:1-5

    • A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. John 13:34

        • Well, if you are looking at what is attributed to Jesus’ own words, versus some guy who who didn’t even know Jesus while Jesus was alive- I myself thinks J’s words take bearance.

          • One of the best things about the Bible is that it can be used to promote virtually any point of view. There’s a verse and quotation for every purpose.

            Maureen, I applaud your tenacity here on MRAK in spite of knowing that your point of view will never prevail, nor is it likely that you will open many of the closed minds who frequent the site.

            Non desistas, non exieris.

      • Its Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” We can’t love if we don’t love our Father in Heaven, whom Maureen and other readers, you refuse to seek Him daily to know how short we fall short of our Father’s love for all of us. That’s what makes Jesus so dear and glorious to all of us who understand why Christ came.

      • Maureen, and what is love? Love is a verb, not a noun, it is an action. Love can be expressed by putting one’s self into a sacrificial position, say getting between something dangerous and an intended victim. Love can be expressed in many ways but at its core its not self serving or self directed. Love often is a sacrifice.

        • It’s not something that we have it’s something that we do. Clint Black sang that so well, I think with his wife Lisa Hartmann. Nice song.

      • Okay, Mo, now define “love.” Love means wanting the highest and best for the other. It does not mean slaking your lust by abusing someone else’s body. It certainly does not mean mocking Catholics and desecrating holy symbols. And while the “sisters” may have raised money at one time to help their fellow travelers, I think a closer look at what they do with the cash they raise these days would dispel your notions of these perverts as some kind of benefit to society at large. They are garden-variety narcissists, indulging their ids at the expense of honest and decent people. They are a cancer by choice.

          • They really got you going. You’ll never make headway with any of them.
            Christians are the worst sinners you know. Go to church on Sunday, have all your sins forgiven, then on Monday repeat the sinning process all over again. And we know that won’t work.

      • A favorite verse of mine, thanks Maureen. I’m not religious anymore, but the one thing I took away from a life of religious education and piety (before abandoning it) is the following:

        “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” – Matthew 7:12.

        It’s really all one needs.

        • Cherrypicking from the Bible, even cherrypicking from a verse. The rest of that verse continues, “for this is the law of the prophets.”

          I’m glad you brought that up, Dog. There were many laws of the prophets. It’s the Old Testament, Torah, first five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Jesus spoke many times of the law of the prophets.

          Isaiah: “The Lord says, ‘These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men’” (Isaiah 29:13)

          I’m encouraged that you have a favorite verse and that it’s Matthew 7:12. The Golden Rule. New Testament. Keep studying. It’s a lifetime practice being a Christian or even understanding Christianity as a non-Christian. None of us have perfected it.

  3. As a Catholic I really don’t care what the “sisters” do. Their actions are attempting to provoke me, and I refuse to give them the satisfaction.

    But I’m wondering what genius thought: “hey! Let’s honor sacrilegious anti catholic activists in a 50+% Hispanic community.”

    I’m also curious how much longer the rank/file gay community are going to allow the trans to soil their reputations.

  4. Keep the stadium empty throughout the season. Maybe the club management will finally figure it out.

  5. This was not a protest, it was a prayer, on a very holy day in the Catholic calendar. The organizers explicitly said so. If a few deranged men can stand up and make fun of Catholics, and get a reward for doing so, then of course Catholics will pray in response. The Lord is my strength and my salvation.

    • Personally I would have preferred we ignored them. The protest is exactly the response they wanted.

      But the Hispanic wing of the Church is less stoic, so I don’t blame them.

  6. I’m. Not a huge fan of catholics since the Friday 13 massacre of the Templars by the King and pope, and the Catholics scurrying Nazis out of Spain after WWII. They have some splaining to do before God.

    • If it makes you feel better, the Pope doesn’t like you, either.

      Kinda classless trolling, but you do you, boo.

        • Why? You want to borrow something in his wardrobe?

          You really are coming off as more of a butt hurt ass than usual.

      • They also killed off and burned down an entire culture with the Mayans and Inca in the name of catholicism. King of rings a bell with missionary work with native Americans. Also, they love changing the game plan. First, birth control was unacceptable. Now it is. Divorce couldn’t happen. Now you can get permission. It seems they change the rules as they have to to keep their congregation number strong along with tithes and offerings.

        • I wondered how long it would take you to play the “native” card.

          Pathetic. Predictable, but still pathetic.

          But I suppose when it’s all you’ve got…

        • It’s funny to reread this: Greg is engaging in full on whataboutism shamelessly.

          Good on him. When it’s all you have, go for broke I suppose.

          The assumptions here are stunning in their willful ignorance. Greg isn’t stupid, so to be this obtuse must be a choice.

          The vast majority of Catholics are well aware of the sorted issues in the Church’s past. And our ongoing issues we work to resolve.

          Yet somehow the cultural and historical flaws of the native communities never get brought up. Slavery, torture, war, rape, conquest, even attempted genocide never get mentioned. But everything else…

          I acknowledge something very basic Greg is unwilling to admit. Everybody, every culture, has dirty hands and ongoing problems.

          But I don’t attempt the hold the whole (except liberals) guilty for the acts of the few, or the past.

          One of these days I think I’ll post a list of all the crimes and atrocities committed by native cultures on each other.

          Grow up.

    • Wow, Greg you had to go all the way back to 1307 to find something you did not like about “Catholics”. Since it was really the only Christian religion around (those 95 Wittenberg Theses were still 210 years off in 1517) one could argue about “not liking Catholics” today. It was despicable that the church helped Nazis to escape Europe, however that also seems an arbitrary reason to dislike them. I bet you have ancestors, who weren’t the most law-abiding, well behaved or charitable, should we condemn you for their transgressions as well?

      • You can do whatever you feel like doing. For me, I’m not going to turn my soul over to an organization well-known for travesties down through the ages that continues to this day. I’m not going to make excuses either claiming yeah we’re all bad we’re just trying to figure this stuff out as we go. I’d rather live my life clean and come up with my own thoughts based on my beliefs and take the lumps as they come. I’m a bit of a scientist, and it takes just a little bit more than words on a page written by flawed men to convince me that a fable that started a cult is the only way to salvation. Everyone’s trying to tell you how to live and what to do and what not to do. Most people by the age of two are taught right from wrong. All the scriptures are telling a story from the beginning of time until a man named Jesus died. They tell how men screwed up and were punished. They tell you who the bad guys are in the old days and they tell you who the good guys are. It makes for a good read. Typical of most story books. But the ancient alien theory and religion have a common ancestor. Both have God the Creator. Both have people be that extra terrestrials or fallen angels that preyed upon humans for whatever reason. Remember when the fallen Angels descended on Earth and bread with human females and created the Giants that were on the earth back then? Hybrids like these have their own special characteristics. Characteristics not easily understood by ancient men. My angels don’t need wings to fly. Extra-Terrestrial folks do. That means that the people that seeded Earth and probably other planets are not holy. Ancient men thought they were but they didn’t have the mindset to describe them as anything else. Someone here like to throw the first stone. Some on here like to use the old school yard trick when something is pointed out towards them, too quickly blame the other person. Some people have a hard-on towards native Americans. They consider them heathens and rapists and murderers and all those other things that have no right to exist. They think these people must be either assimilated or annihilated. They easily defend the Catholic churches early practices much like Nazis in lockstep in a parade. By destroying civilizations, they permanently wiped out everything. They didn’t care because it was all in the name of the Pope. So do your own diligence. Look at the big picture and yes use science if you need to. There’s one thing that is constant, and that is that man will continue to berate anyone and anything that isn’t like him. In the end, that’s all the scriptures are trying to say. Just like Rodney King, can’t we all just get along?

        • Greg, I will grant you that your creation story is way more entertaining. Since neither of us was there and this is all speculation or faith, let’s agree to peaceably disagree.

          • Why does that matter, Greg??
            “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it” Aristotle

          • Greg, you are confusing the messenger (churches) with the message. An excuse to avoid contemplating the actual meaning and making a choice. Faith (most religions except maybe the spaghetti monster) strives to elevate the individuals from their narcissism to serving their fellow man to create a harmonious improved society. Being accountable to more than yourself influences how you approach life. Mankind’s interpretation of how we get there is the rub.
            OPI’s narcissism (as clearly expressed in their name) seems based on the “there is only this life and nothing else”. To underscore that sentiment they cowardly pick on a group most likely not to retaliate. In my opinion they are pathetic, but it’s a free country. What they can not demand is acceptance and submission to their ideas by all others.

    • Greg, I think that French King Philip had more to do with the Templars and the Jewish venture capitalist demise than the Pope did. Seems Philip owed $ to both groups and didn’t want to repay them.

      The downside of Philip’s action was that France was thrown into a 100 year economic depression. Funny how that works, destroy the productive brain trust from investing in industry and everyone is the poorer.? I guess the Commie Democrats still haven’t figured it out either.

        • Greg, did the pope also declare the Jew’s “Hairy Tic’s”? From my memory the Pope only garnered 10% of the take from Philip the “Fair” anyway… seems like chump change in contrast to what the King garnered. Gotta look at motive and possible payola here Greg. Meaning that the King stood the most to gain, right? So why condemn all Catholics? BTW your Government does the same kind of things to individuals even today, only its because we are interested in “leveling the playing field”, or attempting to reverse “privilege”.

  7. No , I think the LA Dodger management has some explaining to do their large Hispanic fan base . Crazy times ! Let’s see the owners borrowed the money from BlackRock or WellsFargo would be my guess and ESG is calling the shots ! They ruined the NBA and NFL and now trying to takeout Americas favorite pastime !

  8. Whether Catholic or not, and I just happen to be Catholic and could never be anything else, it’s rather heartening to think that Catholics absolutely detest this ‘clutch pearls’ sort of behavior. At least some folks that aren’t Catholic seem to believe Catholicism means something in this day and age.

    On the other hand, it does seem rather silly. If I had a sexual identity issue, it would be rather insulting for me, I think, that some folks would put on this sort of drama when time could be better spent elsewhere. I suspect that is what a lot of Alaskan women might think of it, whether or not even of a particular faith belief.

  9. There was a small tremor in LA last week. Probably Tommy Lasorda and Vin Scully rolling over in their grave.

  10. Folks, don’t take the bait from the constant trolls on this site. Maureen Suttman and Gregory Forkner troll this site since none of the sites that agree with their leanings accept comments or can be commented on. Remember, when you wrestle with a pig in the mud, you both get dirty, but the pig enjoys it.

  11. Cast of Characters

    Jefferson: A clever but embittered old man with impeccable grammar, and whose screen is covered with spittle from constantly shouting at it. Limited vocabulary, consisting mainly of the words “radical”, “leftist”, and “extremist”.

    The Masked Avenger: A clear thinker, albeit too wordy, who obviously spends way too much time on MRAK. Maybe Suzanne should pay him…

    Maureen Suttman: A kind, compassionate, and enlightened woman who strives to improve the world in spite of insurmountable odds. Bless you, dear. Non desistas, non exieris.

    Gregory Forkner: A former Alaskan who knows how to hit the nail on the head. Understands that brevity is the soul of wit. A bit gf an enigma.

    Fire: Not at all nice, and proud of the fact.

    Tamra Nygaard: See “Fire”.

    Jen: A woman in a state of constant Rapture, who really should try Grammarly, or at least review her grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Gives us all a headache trying to figure out what she means.

    Paul in the Valley: Right, but reasonable.

    Micah6v8: Has the Bible committed to memory, in the same way that the young Muslim boys do at the Madrassa.

    Whidbey Thedog: A gentle old dog, who never bites first, but will bite back if attacked. Woof.

    Happy Juneteenth everyone. Celebrate the day that the Nation, for once, lived up to its Christian ideals.

    • Whidbey Thedog
      I think you are being terribly unfair to Tamra Nygaard, that said please see the following.

      Perhaps you might enlarge your list above to include all of the characters that frequent these comment boards, your failure to do so is not being very inclusive. I mean, Frank Rast, Wayne Coogan, Mrs. N, Reggie Taylor, Cman, and Oosik Puk might feel a bit ostracized from the community.

      Oh, you might want to ponder, if just for a moment where freedom came from? Seeing as how since the dawn of History, Slavery was and sadly still remains the norm throughout the world. I would love to hear your thoughts and those of Gregory Forkner’s on this subject.
      I wish you a gut day Herr Hund!
      May God Richly Bless you Sir.

  12. Masked Avenger: The last remaining conservative in Juneau and is showing the strain.

    Jefferson: MRAK’s fearless frontline infantry soldier.

    Forkner: The fat kid in school who was always picked last for teams.

    Whidbey: Would gleefully gas anyone to the right of AOC.

    Maureen: see Forkner and Whidbey.

    Mrs N: A new Soros troll who come to take an occasional dump on here and then runs like a chicken.

    Jen: Everyone is a bit concerned for her kids.

    Art Chance: Mean and proud of it because he’s smarter than all of us combined. Should be President.

    Fire, Tamra, Aunt Sally, Molly, etc: Are nice to animals, small children and their families. True Alaskans. They stack brass and are prepared to chuck molotovs when the time comes.

    Suzanne: Shakes her head daily at her motley band of commenters and wonders when she can get out of this gig.

  13. This group is mocking Christ? Right. The Catholic Church has been doing that for close to 2000 years. Open alliance with fascism in the early 20th century? Check. An official doctrine of anti-semitism until 1964? Check. The institutionalization of rape and torture of children for centuries? Check. The forced conversion and genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas? Check.

    The Catholic Church has way more blood on its hands than the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, but yes, let’s gets our panties in a bunch about a pre-game show.

    • Sigh! Another “Apples to Oranges” comparison, but here it goes….
      So you say the church has more “blood” on their hands mocking Christ… well after 2000 years of Popes, bishops and other clerics, it could be surmised to be so. However when compared to the 44 years of existence OPI has under their belt…oops I mean girdle….and considering the assumption that EVERY member is actively involved in their promotion of uncouth self-indulgent behavior, the proportionality may shed a statically different light when extrapolated to the same time frame.

      • I was mocking the church, not Christ. The church can’t be very effective to those that truly look if they’re not following their own practices. Plainly put they don’t always practice what they preach. Is that the men that are flawed or the religion? Obviously the men are flawed but when they are the ones that control the religion, doesn’t that make it flawed as well?

        • Except I didn’t respond to you, Greg and cman insists that the church mocks Christ. Please see my early post about “the message vs the messenger”.

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