With just four days to go until the end of the Anchorage municipal election, campaigns are in the final frenzy of activity.
At the Dave Bronson campaign, volunteers were lining up to sign wave on Friday, while at the Mike Robbins campaign they’re on their second week of sign-waving.
“With so many good people undecided, name recognition seems to be the big issue,” said Brian Mentzer, campaign manager for Mike Robbins. “I think you are going to see a load of votes coming over the weekend and into the next week.”
“People are saying they are going to vote but have not decided who they are going to vote for yet,” he said. “I think it has to do with the number of candidates for mayor. Three on the left and three on the right.”
Brice Wilbanks, campaign manager for Dave Bronson, said enthusiasm has been high with the Bronson for Mayor. The volunteers have numbered in the dozens and they have walked the neighborhoods and worked the phones for weeks.
“Volunteers have been to 14,331 households, and it will be 15,000 by tomorrow,” Willbanks said.
Cale Green, manager of the Bill Evans campaign, said he doesn’t expect a big surge of voters at the end.
“If we continue to track, we’ll see a 58,000 voter turnout, which is higher than 2015 Demboski-Berkowitz race,” he said. Green said he is targeting super voters, and volunteers are knocking doors, making phone calls, sending out mailers, and he is targeting social media with the Evans message.
“We’re finally executing on all the plans we made for a very long period of time,” he said. His group will be sign-waving on Monday and Tuesday.
As for polls, Robbins released a poll showing he is ahead with likely Republican voters:

Bronson for Mayor also released a graphic with poll comparisons the campaign had compiled from late February to early March:

There are 14 individuals running for mayor of Anchorage. Ballots must be in drop boxes by 8 pm on April 6. Those planning to mail them must have ballots postmarked by the 6th, and at the Muni no later than April 10. Many prognosticators believe there will be a runoff, and it is scheduled for May 11.
Good Lord, people. Get out and VOTE!!!
Anchorage deserves what comes next
I needed to research who the the school board union simps are.
“If you don’t vote, don’t gripe.” (Compliments of my 8th grade Civics teacher circa 1958). Have a nice day.
Please folks……..prevent these Leftists from their power-hungry feast. VOTE!!!
Come on people. This choice isnt hard. Anchorage needs someone who will put working Alaskans first.
I remember coming across some articles I read about the trio Dunbar, Kreiss-Tompkins, and another democrat strategist and part of their plans were flood a particular a race with a whole bunch of dud candidates.Interesting, all the other candidates are Democrats or Democrats changed to nonpartisan.
So that narrows undecided voters down to just six.
Hopefully, Anchorage makes the Right choice, we can’t afford anymore set-backs, we already been through 2020. hahahaha
There needs to be a physical hand count of votes and all the voters I know aren’t showing up until said time because there were to many obvious discrepancies during the last election that not only weren’t addressed but People were cheated no matter what anyone has to say about the matter.
Anchorage Republicans killed their chance at mayor. If these three Republicans could not come together to decide who would run, each and every one of them knew that a leftist would win. It is almost as if the at least one them had that intent. I would say none of them deserve to win as they were only in it for themselves if they could not back out for the greater good.
We need to vote in order to get control of the idiocy that is government today. Bronson for Mayor!
If flag waving wins you elections than Trump would have won.
Yes the system or voting is messed up. Lots of cheating going on in so many ways.
I agree if you don’t get out and vote SHUT UP you have nothing to say.
Choices as my mother would say.
Freedom or burning buildings you choose.
Get out and VOTE
The chart above on the survey is supported by Robbins.. Just how accurate is this??
We know that the elections results from the November election was rigged, and many of you out there don’t care to vote due to the corruption, but this is a vote is for our Anchorage mayor to clean up the garbage we have been dealing with the past 4 yrs — mismanagement of our money, homeless situation, and the misuse of our taxes. Please get out and vote for Anchorage. If we fail to get the right person for mayor it will be your fault if you didn’t vote.
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