The Farm Bureau’s 37th annual survey is a snapshot of the average cost of this year’s classic Thanksgiving feast for 10, which is $64.05 or $6.40 per person. That is $10.74 more than last year’s average of $53.31, or about or 20% increase.
Alaskans will probably pay more than that, unless they harvest their own wild meat, pick their own cranberries and dig their own potatoes for the feast. Alaskans often have potlucks with neighbors, friends, and family, which helps spread out the costs. In far-flung areas, the feast can feature caribou, dall sheep, moose, walrus, salmon, king crab, goose or ptarmigan.
The protein on most Thanksgiving tables – the commercially raised turkey – costs about $28.96 for a 16-pound bird, the Farm Bureau noted. That’s about $1.81 per pound. Last week, turkeys at Woodland in Juneau were selling for $1.79 per pound.

Overall, the cost of the big meal will be up due to several factors, including inflation, the cost of diesel, and the supply chain problems, as well as the missing-in-action workforce.
What are you having for Thanksgiving? Pumpkin or pecan pie? Roast turkey or deep fried? Sweet potatoes or yams? Cranberries or salmonberries? Add your specialties in the comment section below.
The Fairbanks area Natives got free 20 lbs of frozen salmon for Thanksgiving. Courtesy of Alaska state government. Supposedly, this is to offset their year of bad salmon runs in the Interior. Where’s my free salmon? Oh, I forgot. I’m White, and even though I’ve lived in Alaska 63 years, I don’t qualify. They even had it delivered to them at their front door, nicely wrapped and ready for the big meal. Wonder what Santa Claus will be bringing for free next month? I’m no racist, but why did the Daily Newsminus run a full page story on this with color photos?
If you have to say “I’m not racist” you are most definitely racist.
Boo hoo you don’t get something free despite living here 60+ years
You’re literally living on stolen land. Giving free salmon to people’s who has had their way of life decimated because of “White” people (Originally Russians and then White Americans) is literally a tiny consolation.
Find something actually worth crying about boomer.
JR, you radical leftists are the REAL racists, but you are too falsely self-righteous and stupid to realize it.
And I, and we, are NOT living on stolen land. The Alaska Natives are still all living just where they always did, and they did not have any concept of land ownership in the first place. So please take your politically-correct historical revisionism and self-flagellation and shove it where it belongs.
Hey, where’s my free fish? I was born and raised here and I’m Black. And I fish every day down by the river. Nobody brought me any gift wrapped salmon. And I’m not a racist either.
Ooooh “boomer”, what a slam!
If the State of Alaska is favoring one group over another that is wrong. If the fish is from a Native corporation then that would be legit.
Natives have been fighting each other over land since time immemorial, and whites are just the latest claimers. Get your history right.
I’m with you JR.
Of course you are, Lucinda.
Because collectivist, ignorant and arrogant radical leftist extremist birds of feather flock together, always. You are the Borg.
Stolen land? How do you figure jr? Life decimated? Living off the pockets of taxpayers for generations is decimated? Never having to work? Decimated? Teaching every generation that your a victim of a white man isnt decimation. It’s pathetic.
I’m half Native American. The land we lived on is currently being overrun by everyone crossing the Southern border. Are they also stealing?
In Alaska, everyone is equal….
Some are just more equal than others.
And to think the so-called fair and neutral press had a field day with this story, knowing full well it would foment trouble. Pure race baiting story by the Fairbanks Daily Newsminer and shoving it in the faces of the general public. Who wrote the piece.? Dermot Cole? I want my free fish too, and I know how to catch them better than the so-called entitled ones.
Yes, I read the story too. Why would the Newsminer broadcast this story knowing that a few who get free salmon, did nothing to deserve it other than being Native? How is this not blind racism? What about all of the other Alaskans…….White, Hispanic, African American, Asian, ……who pay for their own food? Are we Alaskans to believe that a certain class of people should get free food at the expense of all other race and ethnic groups? Who caught the salmon and where did it come from? Who wrapped it and paid for delivery? Shame on the Newsminer for instigating and shamelessly publicizing an act of pure racism.
If you are starving and think you may not be able to get through the winter I will bring you fish. Just let me know.
Burbot or pike? Make mine salmon like my brothers and sisters received. Goes good with Bud. And please wrap it nicely. We were here first.
Actually, smoked salmon goes better with Bud. Does the state offer a swap-out program if the Natives prefer smoked? From the looks of those photos in the FD Screwminer, none of the recipients appear to be underfed.
In fact, they are highly nourished.
We are thankful that inflation is not the strain on us as others and encourage the well off to be in the giving spirit this holiday season. We found an 18# turkey among the 14#ers, they seem smaller this year as do the Yukon Gold potatoes. Daughter is bringing the pecan pies.
I’m a traditionalist: Oven roasted turkey and stuffing and tons of mashed potatoes. I leave the cranberries to the wife. Pumpkin pie is a must for dessert.
No political comments for this subject just best wishes for all MRAK readers for this upcoming Thanksgiving Day.
What time’s dinner? – 😉 – sd
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks be to God we have food and drink! We usually visit my in laws in Kenai for Thanksgiving, where we’re treated to turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, corn casserole (with zucchini, Parmesan and bread crumbs) gravy, and home cooked sweet potatoes boiled, mashed, and then baked under a butter/brown sugar/pecan crust. Dessert usually includes apple pie and something with pumpkin in it, alongside homemade, grandkid-decorated sugar and gingerbread cookies.
May God bless you this Thanksgiving!
Here in Juneau 700 turkeys were handed out free but you have to be native. To me that seems racist. But ultimately, we all know who caused the inflation. Another gift from Biden and his handlers, Happy Holidays!
Lol how is that decolonization?
This in not an advertisement for the Costco on Dimond Blvd, Anchorage. There the standard (not organic) fresh turkey is priced at $0.99/pound, and the antibiotic & hormone-free organic turkey is priced at $3.58, IIRC. Naturally, I paid extra for the organic turkey, and left the store with a smug sense of satisfaction. Naturally, as well, I am now seized with the suspicion that the bird might be tainted with some unknown pestilence, so that I must carefully and thoroughly cook it to the required temperature. A new meat thermometer, then, is in order, except I will no doubt find that the thermometer was manufactured in Red China. It’s hopeless. But happy thanksgiving to all. Things could, as we often say, be worse.
Yes things are worse. That meat thermometer is made in China by an American business owner who wants to reduce his cost for his products made more inexpersively in China, with less safety and worker regulation.
Well, demands for $15/hr. minimum wage from leftists will force a manufacturer to make hard choices. Automate and lay off workers, offshore and lay off workers, or raise the price of their product to a level that consumers will not tolerate, and end up closing down the business.
Of course, good leftists will not take any of that into account, and assume the business owner is strictly doing it to make more profit.
Maury Suttman
You bought the organic turkey at almost three times the price because of advertising. Labeling something organic is no assurance it is better in any way. There is just as good of a chance the turkey that was not labeled organic is antibiotic and hormone free.
And, if you did not already have a meat thermometer, however did you cook your poultry in the past?
We will be having a more-or-less traditional turkey dinner (with myself as the cook), but due to my celiac disease and severe intolerance of gluten, pumpkin pie is sadly off the menu, and has been for years. Instead, there will be an apple and cranberry crisp, using gluten-free oats and oat flour. Gravy is no problem, though, thickening it with teff flour instead of wheat flour.
PS: Probably nobody in the USA eats, or has ever seen, a real yam, which are giant tropical tubers that are almost impossible to find here. ALL the tubers sold in grocery stores as “yams” are actually sweet potatoes, all misinformation and confusion to the contrary. Real yams are white inside, and very dry and starchy, and are actually nothing like sweet potatoes.
Thumbs up to and your family, Paul in the Valley. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, and Happy Thanksgiving to Suzanne and hers! Despite all temptations, I’ll be less cynical this holiday season!
Suzanne is still missing the main inflation point: Greedy Corporations.
MO, to which Corporate Conglomerate are you refering? The Demoractic Party and it sycophantic friends? The ones who created trillions of dollars through their legislation? Perhaps it is you who is off the mark.
Please explain?
Do you think the businesses who are seeing their shipping costs skyrocket because of this administrations war on domestic energy should just eat the additional costs?
Should the increasing costs for business loans, leases, and other business essentials just be absorbed because the Federal Reserve is raising rates?
When a grocery store chain, which is already operating at perhaps the slimmest of profit margins, sees their expenses shoot up, do they just lose money? Or do they raise prices?
What ever would MO do if they were running a business and the cost to run the business rose? Please explain what you would do?
I remember as a girl the
Church Thanksgiving dinners. Its members and guests communely gathered to share in the cooking, setup, and cleanup. Everyone was fed and often leftovers were available to take home. Kids found kids their age to run around while adults talked amongs one another. Now there are expensively put together thanksgiving food boxes enjoyed by single families who may waste the food because its too much to eat for 1 or 2 or 3 and the kid or 2 kids don’t have an community gathering where there are 50 kids to play with. As a church which one more cost effective and the action more likely impact the community to understand the christian life and a better chance to share the gospel with neighbors sitting across from youthru your actions and casual conversation. Under our national debt, we going to have to start being more community like. Cause what will the churches and atheists nonprofits do if they can’t provide food boxes? The needy still need to eat including the church workers. Something to ponder for next year and the next 8 holidays.
Thanksgiving dinner for 17 with many bringing one or more dishes. I am traveling the furthest so I got to come up with a salad idea and holiday virgin punch. Got all the “fixins” last night for a cool $100.
Bought the turkey a couple months ago. Having corn, potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and some home-made orange rolls.
Can I come over if I bring the pumpkin pie?
Thanksgiving dinner will cost much more than what the Farm Bureau quoted, so we are going lean: Turkey, potatoes, gravy, artisan bread, cranberry sauce, roasted carrots, cherry pie, and sparkling cider.
Not sure where the pricing chart came from, but it sure as hell wasn’t Alaska! Try almost doubling what stores are charging. Those making these assumptions need to get with locals to see what the facts are, not just once again comparing us to the lower-48.
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