EPA puts of enviro-justice warriors on leave


It’s a fraction of the three million federal employees that American taxpayers are carrying, but the Environmental Protection Agency has just sent more than 160 employees in the Office of Environmental Justice packing. These few dozen are part of the expansion of government that, under President Joe Biden, grew the federal workforce by 6% in four years.

The division says that “’Environmental justice’ means the just treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of income, race, color, national origin, Tribal affiliation, or disability, in agency decision-making and other Federal activities that affect human health and the environment so that people have equitable access to a healthy, sustainable, and are fully protected from disproportionate and adverse human health and environmental effects (including risks) and hazards, including those related to climate change, the cumulative impacts of environmental and other burdens, and the legacy of racism or other structural or systemic barriers and have equitable access to a healthy, sustainable, and resilient environment in which to live, play, work, learn, grow, worship, and engage in cultural and subsistence practices.”

In 2023, $150 million of environmental justice money from federal borrowing was directed to Alaska tribes, some of it to be used to clean up contaminated land, and to focus on “Alaska-specific climate action strategies … community energy resilience, improving human health and climate resilience, permafrost degradation management strategies, climate emergency management and response, and nature-based solutions.”

The funding from the environmental justice grant was applauded in 2023 by then-Rep. Mary Peltola and Sen. Lisa Murkowski for bringing national-debt-funded cash to Alaska for projects that had indeterminate goals and no specific deliverables for the nation.


  1. Not a single person’s life is any better because of this “environmental justice” slush fund. It’s just another waste of taxpayer’s money.

    • Kill the whole agency and most – if not all – of the regulation it generated – especially NEPA regs.

  2. Young, indoctrinated kids out of high school looking to attend institutions like UAF and UAA to study environmental science better get a heads up. The days of receiving federal money to study fake, man-made global warming is coming to an end in Trump Time. The biggest hoax in history will be fully exposed in the next four years. The phoney science of ginning-up data to be squeezed into a preconceived (political) narrative is going to be chopped-off at the legs. Climate change studies are going to be worthless degrees and a whole lot of brainwashed college kids are going to become restaurant servers and nannies working for wages and tips. It’s coming, soon!

    • Thank goodness Trump and the Republicans are working to pass the “No Tax on Tips” initiative. Unless Lisa finds it repugnant to vote on yet another Trump idea.

    • Good report, Chrissy. The climate change gang is going to have to find real work. Under Trump, federal money for BS global warming studies is coming to an end. The universities that continue to advance this worthless theory will be dealt with by ……..no more blank checks. The best pay for grads will be in resource production, manufacturing, Libertarian economics, and studies that require liberal doses of truth.

      • The current crop of climate change worshipers better find a new religion to worship. Trump is going to be the devil incarnate for these idiots.

  3. 160 parasites on payroll
    “equitable access ….. to grow, worship and engage”
    Put those degrees to better use kids.

  4. 160 environmental justice warriors gone is a good start. But it should just be a start. And a 116-word mission statement? The more words, the more it sound like they’re trying to sell BS. And Lisa applauded this? Maybe we can give her the same treatment that Alaskans provided Peltola. Buh-BYE!

  5. Whenever a fundamentally unqualifiable word for a basic concept such as “justice” or “freedom” is used with a preceding qualifier in the political arena, you can be sure that a nefarious scam is being perpetrated that is actually antithetical to that fundamental concept.

    “Social justice”

    “Environmental justice”

    “Economic freedoms”

    “Civil rights”


    • Jeff,
      social justice warriors are all about DEI, LGBTQ, BLM, anti-colonialism, wokeism, defund the police, and climate action. This CRAP is ending under Trump. It’s a new time in America. The words “social justice” will soon be thrown into the perjorative scrap heap of history. Those that continue that line of reasoning will be left far behind as America evolves.

  6. “cash to Alaska for projects that had indeterminate goals and no specific deliverables for the nation”-What’s wrong with a little “walking around money”?

  7. When I was in graduate school in the early 1970’s, a group of “scientists” from the EPA came and spoke about their research into the problem area of flatulence in cows. Recently I read an article about how the EPA was conducting research into problem of flatulence in cows and global warming. I wonder how much money has been spent at the EPA trying to solve this unsolvable problem ? We should ask DOGE to look into this. I am betting it’s millions.

  8. Did Kamala write the mission statement? ’Environmental justice’ means the just treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of income, race, color, national origin, Tribal affiliation, or disability, in agency decision-making and other Federal activities that affect human health and the environment so that people have equitable access to a healthy, sustainable, and are fully protected from disproportionate and adverse human health and environmental effects (including risks) and hazards, including those related to climate change, the cumulative impacts of environmental and other burdens, and the legacy of racism or other structural or systemic barriers and have equitable access to a healthy, sustainable, and resilient environment in which to live, play, work, learn, grow, worship, and engage in cultural and subsistence practices.” Seriously, how much tax payer money was wasted coming up with this rambling word salad of a run-on sentence?

  9. It used to be that Federally funded projects use to be constructed in the areas where the lowest income people lived. A freeway or railroad would get built right through minority neighborhoods because they could not afford the lawyers.

    Environmental Justice was created to ensure Federally funded construction projects did not adversely impact low income, minority, or native people. Under that umbrella, it is a good initiative.
    Should the EPA have a department that specializes in ensuring that no longer happens? Yes, their role should be to review the federally funded project, and ensure it is not deliberately being placed in an area of low income/minority people. And, that is where their responsibility MUST STOP.
    At no point should that department ever get any funding for grants. The law and various regulations do not say give away taxpayer funds to make minorities shut up. It says do not adverse impact them unless you cannot accomplish the goal any other way.
    And that mission can be accomplished without any budget for grants.

  10. I personally know one of those “justice” “warriors”. She is upset that her pointless job is being eliminated. She’s sad that she now has to go pick fruit or scrub toilets now to pay rent. I’m pretty sure that’s all she’s actually got experience in.

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