Day 15: Sec. Austin released from hospital


Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was released from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Monday, the Pentagon said in a statement.

Secretary Austin provided the following statement: “I’m grateful for the excellent care I received at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and want to thank the outstanding doctors and nursing staff for their professionalism and superb support. I also am thankful and appreciative for all the well wishes I received for a speedy recovery. Now, as I continue to recuperate and perform my duties from home, I’m eager to fully recover and return as quickly as possible to the Pentagon.”

Secrecy and false statements surrounding Austin’s 14-day hospitalization has led to criticism from some in Congress, the media, and even President Joe Biden, who agreed on Friday it was wrong for Austin to keep his prostate cancer diagnosis secret from the Commander in Chief.


  1. The Department of Defense will still manage to arrange sex change treatment for those soldiers and sailors who feel so inclined. Meanwhile, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Poland, and the Baltic nations are all speaking openly about the prospect for war with Russia by mid-2025. Meanwhile, too, China continues to openly threaten the valiant and independent NATION of Taiwan with a war of conquest. Meanwhile, finally, a massive and illegal invasion of long duration continues along the entire southern border of the United States.

    I wish Secretary Austin no ill, as he seems more like a stooge than a master criminal. Let the man recover at home, where he will probably do less harm. The Corruptocrat traitor rests foggily in the Oval Office and on frequent vacations, directed and aided by all of Obama’s minions of the Deep State.

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