D.C. crime: Peltola, voted ‘aye’ for violent offenders but President Biden burns her by signaling he will repeal


Both the U.S. House and Senate have passed resolutions to block the Washington, D.C. Council’s Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022, which would lower penalties for violent crimes in the nation’s capital.

Alaska’s Rep. Mary Peltola, however, voted to lower mandatory sentences for murder, sexual assault, and armed robbery in Washington, D.C.

The law that Peltola was attempting to preserve is the D.C. Council’s version of Alaska’s notorious Senate Bill 91, which led to a major crime spree in Alaska during the Gov. Bill Walker Administration before it was repealed by the Legislature.

It’s an ordinance so radical that even Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser vetoed it, but was overridden by the council, which is the governing body for D.C.

Police in the nation’s capital were alarmed that the city’s council was essentially letting hardened criminals out of jail and tying the hands of judges to force them into issuing light sentences.

The resolution to override the local law passed the House in February, with the majority — even many Democrats — voting to knock the crime-spree law down.

But Peltola went with the hard-core Democrats on that vote.

Read details of the House resolution against the D.C. Council’s crime-spree bill at this link.

The House, Senate, and President have the authority to override local legislation in D.C., but it takes both legislative branches and the executive branch to reverse a law.

When it came before a vote in the House, House Resolution 26 passed on a bipartisan vote 250-173, with Peltola voting “no” with Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the other members of the radical Squad.

Last week, President Joe Biden said he would land on the side of the city’s mayor, and would sign the resolution, if the Senate passed it.

The Senate vote was 81-14. A total of 33 Democrats and Democrat-aligned independents voted with Republicans to pass the bill.

Those Democrats voting to undo the D.C. soft-on-crime ordinance were: Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Bob Casey (D-PA), Chris Coons (D-DE), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Angus King (I-ME), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Patty Murray (D-WA), Jon Ossoff (D-GA), Alex Padilla (D-CA), Gary Peters (D-MI), Jacky Rosen (D-NV), Brian Schatz (D-HI), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), Tina Smith (D-MN), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Jon Tester (D-MT), Mark Warner (D-VA), and Ron Wyden (D-OR).


  1. Pay attention people!

    Peltola is not voting in the interest of Alaskans.
    She said on the floor of the House that Alaskans are on board with getting rid of fossil fuels!
    She voted not to deal effectively with violent offenders!
    How stupid can you be?!

    • She and her Better Half are not stupid. The deal inside DC appears to be that if you vote the way the Uniparty wants you to vote and do it consistently, they will open the door to more wealth than you can ever imagine. As long as you vote the way they want, the door will be open. She will be allowed to stray a time or two usually around election season, but for the most part she will do what she is told. Think of it as pay to play. Cheers –

  2. Nothing new or ground breaking. As I keep posting I hope the villages suffer first and the most for voting her in.

    • They won’t. They will continue to be subsidized by our tax dollars and especially with the increase in cost for heating oil.

  3. Drinking the Kool-Aid will increase her personal bank account dramatically. Can she explain her reasoning to us Alaskans for her nay vote ? Does she not look out the window of her limousine when traveling around DC ?

    • If you want to ask her an important question (like the one mentioned above) on the rare occasion she is in Alaska, you will discover that she will back out of that conversation with lightening speed. If she needs to insult you in order for you to stop with your hard questions, she’ll do it.

      Mary knows that she has no place in Congress and that she is inept. Make no mistake about it, she and her husband are in this “gig” for the money only. Constituent services and interactions and treating Alaskans with the honesty and respect we deserve are distractions from her primary goal. “Keep drinkin’ that Koolaid”, she says.

  4. Her endgame benefits nobody in Alaska. Even my village friends are shaking their heads and apologizing. Native or not, she doesn’t represent Alaska.

  5. Our “only” US Representative, once again, demonstrates that she’s woefully inexperienced, completely incompetent – ineffective, and it will be proven that over her term that Alaskans (via Ranked Choice Voting) made a terrible – horrible choice.

  6. Even liberals in the Senate came to their senses on more crime in DC
    They didn’t want to vote FOR crime in a city where they actually have to live
    The black, woman, Democrat Mayor of DC asked our Congress to kill this pro crime bill to help her run the city.
    Does Congressperson Peltola know this? And then still votes FOR this “more crime” bill?

  7. Peltola truly is the village idiot.

    And this is one more reason DC should never, ever become a state.

    • It should be returned to Maryland from whom it was ceded. Maryland will do a good job of husbanding “it”.

  8. This is what you get with rank choice voting.(Affirmative action voting) Next election vote her out.

  9. Democrats love crime, violence, and civil unrest. Especially when it disproportionately effects the black community.

    • Yes you are the democrats and Republicans are one of the same it’s us against them. You can’t trust a politician, or the government there one of the same group out for the same thing, money and power.

  10. Any hopes that people had that Rep. Peltola would be a moderate are being crushed with each subsequent vote. At least she purports to support the Willow Project, which is essential to the Alaska economy in the decades ahead.

  11. DC will have to fix some of the penalties and come back to Congress. The black Mayor also vetoed and was over ridden by the liberal DC assembly. Apparently the DC assembly forgot that carjacking includes kidnapping and the penalties need to reflect that.

  12. Scary Mary has no true intentions of supporting the Willow project as it is strongly opposed by all her fellow whacko Dems which happens to be the only “constituents” she gives a hoot about. She grandstands and tries to fool the fools who voted for her with her phony support of Willow “gap oil only” but what she portrays to her cohorts is that it will be shut down as soon as they gain enough support to pull the plug on the project. Her support of lawless policies in DC should be a BIG RED FLAG to the voters that thought the fish lady from Bethel must be a great choice. If she is voting for that chaos for them what plans does she have for Alaskans if given the opportunity? Another Willy Walker scheme like SB91? She is Pathetic!

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