The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services today announced three new cases of COVID-19 in Anchorage. This brings the total case count to 377. There were no cases reported on Thursday in Alaska.
The three cases reflect data from 12 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. on May 7 that were posted on the Alaska Coronavirus Response Hub.
Of the new cases, all three are female. One is aged 20-29; one is aged 60-69 and one is aged 70-79.
There have been a total of 38 hospitalizations and 10 deaths with no new hospitalizations or deaths reported yesterday.
Recovered cases now total 305, including 14 new recovered cases recorded yesterday. A total of 25,473 tests have been conducted. There are 10 deaths associated with COVID-19 in Alaska, although two of them were Alaskans who died out of state, and at least one of them may have been an elderly man already dying of cancer, according to a neighbor:

Another French study released yesterday. 91% success rate treating Wuhan v with, guess what, hydroxychloroquine and z-pack anti-biotic. No vaccine. No remdisivir. No BS. The antidote to the world collapse has been there all along and big pharm and leftists like Fauci and Birx have completely ignored it. Their paymasters want to “develop” a drug/vaccine that has little or no chance of succeeding, with propriety rights and a hefty price tag. Time for America and Alaska to move on. Away from the influence, cunning and misrepresentation of the CDC, matching entities and leftists.
Quote your source Ben
Your favorite expression seems to be “quote your source”. You must automatically disbelieve anyone with views or information that you refuse to accept. The source for the French study was Fox news. I watched a video of the French group of doctors spokesman. How about this? “Quote” your own ‘source’.
I always cite sources, sometimes before anyone asks, and certainly after someone requests a source, it’s a all part of being honest and credible.
And by ‘citing sources’, I mean actual verifiable sources that provably exist, links to data that can be viewed by whoever cares to look.
So once again, as you have several times before, you talk about a mythical ‘study’ from some foreign country that, in all the times you’ve claimed to have some super-duper newly found ‘study’, you have never once been able to point to any of those so-called ‘studies’ of yours.
And Ben, when I searched Fox News, zero results.
No new French study.
Not even an old French study.
You’re full of it buddy. If you are so incompetent that you can’t look up a valid “source”, after being told the source, you might want to seek help. Being nasty and rude is a typical leftist tactic.
Its not a cure all. People in life threatening condition have not had success, but died anyway.
People that died in spite of the therapy were beyond treatment, with comorbidities that were untreatable, and the application of the treatment was a last ditch effort or, an effort to discount the claim of effective application. I do believe there exists an element in the Fauci orbit that would rather push a more expensive, proprietary treatment. 65 years of a go to drug for malaria, never any negative connotations associated with it but, now it is suddenly dangerous.
Greg, I suggest you investigate the Nursing Home in Texas if you believe it is not successful in life threatening conditions. It has shown over 90% cure rate if given early on in the diagnosis and with Zinc. The two studies that they are using to discredit it’s effectiveness did not follow the recommended treatment protocols by omitting the use of Zinc.
But we cannot have a cure or successful treatment as that would destroy their attempt to control and microchip citizens with the vaccine.
You mean the place where the doc was giving doses to the dementia patients without telling them, and without even telling their families about it.
The place that Texas inspected and found 14 violations of standards for nursing homes.
The doc who has no report or data to back up his claims.
Among the violations:
* The facility did not properly care for residents needing special services, including: injections, colostomy, ureterostomy, ileostomy, tracheostomy care, tracheal suctioning, respiratory care, foot care and prostheses.
* The facility did not store, cook and give out food in a safe and clean way.
* The facility was not designed, built, equipped or well-kept to protect the health and safety of residents, workers and the public.
Yeah, sounds like a real credible place for a clinical trial, ….not.
According to the DHSS website there were two cases yesterday, one in Kenai and one in Anchorage. They counted the case in Cordova as an out of state case, even though it was in tested and confirmed as being in Cordova, so it didn’t make the Alaskan total for some reason. I just wish they would be consistent with how they tabulate these totals.
I still haven’t heard back from DHSS about why they count people who contracted covid outside and dies outside of Alaska as Alaskan deaths, even though it is against CDC guidelines.
Ms. Lynn can look forward to being banned soon enough.
Too bad the health department doesn’t just do a couple thousand random antibody tests. I am sure they would find the virus went through Anchorage in November, December and January. The contact tracing is an idiot’s errand. The contact tracing approach is totally ineffective in a population that has already had thousands of infections. This narrative has gone on long enough, it is well past time for someone to look at the reality here instead of beating the drum of the status quo.
I agree with you. I suspect I had COVID-19 based on the described symptoms – end of Dec thru the beginning of Jan.
So we have, since 4/20, begun a process of less and less restrictions, opened more up, and what has happened is we have seen our trend line continue to go down. That’s a good thing, however I get the distinct impression not everyone is celebrating..
Except, of course, the trend line is not going down.
The projected epidemic curve is going up and the projected cumulative cases are still steadily rising.
Dunleavy opening without meeting the metrics he himself set is nothing to celebrate, it’s going to result in unnecessary sickness and likely more unnecessary deaths.
Ignoring science during a global pandemic is idiocy.
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