Health care reimagined: Path to free market solution


Join Americans for Prosperity Health Policy Analyst, Charlie Katebi, and American Enterprise Institute Economist, Dr. Benedic Ippolito for a town hall healthcare discussion where they will take a look at healthcare through a re-imagined lens — the free market solutions. The event will take place via teleconference on May 13, at 12 pm.

Charlie Katebi

Charlie Katebi was a state government relations manager at The Heartland Institute from 2017 to 2019. His role included interacting with elected officials and staff, legislation tracking, and research and writing on various issues. Primarily he was responsible for proactively reaching out to lawmakers and allies in a dozen states to build Heartland’s presence as well as being another health care expert on staff.

Before joining Heartland, Charlie was a health care policy analyst at the Wyoming Liberty Group and also interned at the American Action Forum, FreedomWorks, and the Reason Foundation on issues ranging from regulatory policy to pension reform. He received his undergraduate degree in Economics from the University of British Columbia.

Benedic Ippolito is a resident scholar in economic policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, where his research focuses on public finance and health economics. He studies health care financing, the pharmaceutical market and its regulations, and the effect of health care costs on the personal finances of Americans.

Dr. Benedic Ippolito

Dr. Ippolito has been published in a variety of leading peer-reviewed academic and policy journals. These include the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Health Affairs, Tax Notes, and the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Tax Policy and the Economy. He also regularly writes for broader audiences, and his work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Health Affairs Blog, and STAT, among others. He has also testified before Congress.

Ippolito has a PhD and an MS in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a BA in economics and mathematics from Emory University.

Sign up for the Zoom town hall here.