In Anchorage municipal elections, conducted by mail-in ballots, there have long been reasons to be suspicious. In recent elections, observers have noted all kinds of irregularities and brought forward complaints about instances that concerned them, such as thumb drives being inserted into vote-counting machines without first being wiped clean.
Their complaints were so annoying to the leftist-dominated Anchorage Assembly that it has passed ordinances that put a chill on election observers, threatening them with subpoenas and criminal charges. The Assembly has even sicced the city’s Ombudsman on election observers.
The last municipal clerk — in charge of elections for nearly a quarter century — was Barbara Jones.
She retired in June and is now the volunteer coordinator for the Suzanne LaFrance campaign for mayor.
Jones, during her years as the chief and architect of the election process in Anchorage, ran elections in which LaFrance was a candidate for Assembly. Now, she’s LaFrance’s tie-in to the Anchorage Division of Elections. It is a huge advantage for the extremist candidate who is endorsed by the Alaska Democratic Party.
Critics have noted that Jones is the one who designed an election observer system that suppresses the ability of observers and adds a fear factor into anyone who might want to watch the ballots being counted.
In fact, one previous observer has wondered why Jones reported that her office sent out 201,000 ballots, but also said it sent out 199,000 ballots. Daniel Smith has a public records request that has languished for months with the municipality. He has asked for all communications between the municipal election office and the printer in Washington state. For some reason, the Clerk’s Office, which reports to the Assembly, won’t give those emails over to Smith, even though he has paid the $400 demanded of him for the request.
Smith has written, “The Anchorage Assembly gave us the universal vote-by-mail system out of the kindness of their hearts. There was no problem with the previous voting system. We did not vote for the change-over. The assembly simply decided to fix something that was not broken. “
This was the same Assembly to which Jones reported for 24 years.
LaFrance first ran in 2017, and again in 2020. She served six years, including two as Assembly chair, the person to whom Jones reported.
While it’s not illegal for Jones, now a private citizen, to work on a campaign, it does demonstrate the tough campaign ahead for Mayor Dave Bronson, who is once again faced with the Jones Factor — the person who designed the system, defended the system, and tweaked the system to work in ways that conservatives have criticized, but not been able to reverse.
The Anchorage Municipal election for 2024 is underway, and ballots will be mailed to all eligible, and a number of ineligible voters on or around March 13 from the printer in Washington state. On the ballot, LaFrance is running for mayor against other major candidates, including Mayor Dave Bronson, former Rep. Chris Tuck, Bill Popp, and others. It appears that LaFrance has a leg up on the other candidates by having an apparent inroad into the city’s election center, due to her longtime tenure and relationships with election personnel.
Yet another instance where ‘conspiracy theorists’ were right.
” …while it,s not illegal for Jones, now a private citizen, to work on a campaign ….”
Well it should be.
Talk about the fox guarding the hen house.
Anyway, it’s a mute point; who ever has their signs up at the IBEW union office on Denali street wins, that’s the system here in ANC.
What else should we expect, when the most co-opted and corrupted clerk in memory hooks up with the most timid, unassertive and just plain ignorant candidate in memory?
I have no doubt that, after running a non-campaign from her basement, the Dominion machines will show that she won by a margin just over the percentage that would trigger a recount.
With a little help from some guy who will come along during the voting time, and stick a flash drive into the machine, just like what happened during the last election.
Sigh. I cry for our country, sometimes.
It’s not a conspiracy when it’s that obvious. This is Hanlons razor in action, with a mix of extreme hubris.
Any did anyone try to sue the Politburo over mail in?
She’s gotta make sure the con is being run correctly
Wait, does Chris Tuck know that the Alaska Democratic Party has endorsed this La’France woman over him?
This endorsement reveals what a whack job organization the Alaska Democrats have become. Chris Tuck carried the DNC’s water a couple of years back in the State House by playing the role of Tomas de Torquemada in the inquisition of Davis Eastman. One would have thought that Tuck would have gotten rewarded for that display of theatrics, but I guess if you are a “pro-lifer” like Tuck appears to be, well, you should expect to be punished in the party of China Joe Biden!
I actually feel sorry for Chris, poor man, but then when you lie with dogs…
Barb Jones just gave Bronson an issue to run on. Congratulations to Suzanne LaFrance for her tin ear giving him an issue. I thought Barb was smarter than this. Apparently not. Cheers –
They don’t care. They believe that voters are too stupid or too distracted to care, and they will vote as told. Or, hey, 2,000 ballots are somewhere…
As long as we don’t vote the libs will win.
When the local Anchorage citizen wakes up and asked what happened I will tell them they are to blame.
Surprise, surprise, surprise.
I need new conspiracy theories – all of my old ones have become facts!
I knew it. So Bronson didn’t win the last election. Thank you for clearing that up! Much appreciated!
I am very interested in demonstrating that. What evidence do you have, can we call for an audit based on it?
If Bronson did not win legitimately, he needs to be removed, and whatever avenue he used to cheat MUST be closed before the upcoming election.
Help me out here.
“Their complaints were so annoying to the leftist-dominated Anchorage Assembly that it has passed ordinances that put a chill on election observers, threatening them with subpoenas and criminal charges. The Assembly has even sicced the city’s Ombudsman on election observers.”
Nothing says the elections are transparent, honest, and fair like having anyone who wants to check up on it arrested.
Those such as Suzanne LaFrance and Barbara Jones locally, and the entire Leftist canard Nationwide, continually espouse that there is no such thing as ‘voter fraud’, whilst fully ignoring the prevalent and overwhelming existence of ‘election fraud’, just as Barry Sotero, former POTUS, continually referred to Islamic terrorists that supposedly held no power as ISIL, Libya, instead of the actual actors ISIS, Iraq.
They guide the issue upon what they want to be focused upon, within full support of the MSM misdirection, rather than what the ‘true’ issue is within reality.
They have full confidence within their misdirection as they have been proven, time and again, within the chosen ignorance of the general populace, which cannot be bothered to get off of their electronic devices long enough to actually realize and understand what is really going on.
It is not only a state of obtuseness, or even a state of apathy.
It is a state of hypnotic electric communication, whereas all information is given through electric means, rather than true, and basic, individual to individual communication.
Thanks for the story. It deserves a lot of attention.
Proof is how everyone who is suffering from our inflation is so willing to increase their taxes by voting for new taxes (bonds). And how criminals continue to be re-elected. Either they stole our election or everyone is brain dead. Of course they must ease off on some obvious issues to maintain credibility. Or put a fake “R” on a candidate running in a conservative district.
LaFrance: one of the 9 vs 2 who approved the AO No. 2020-65 (all medical experts for sure!): 16.140.020 Prohibition on sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts with a minor. A. Findings and Intent. Medical and mental health experts have denounced efforts to change sexual orientation and gender identity as ineffective and unsafe for people, especially minors.
Another one LaFrance approved was the ordinance requiring masks be worn tha was vetoed and then overridden by the Assembly. “Due to the severity of the crisis in our health care system, the Assembly decided to act through an Emergency Ordinance to give this issue the urgency and weight required of the circumstances, and we stand by this decision,”
Assembly Chair Suzanne LaFrance said in a statement after the override vote. “The Assembly has heard from over 4,000 people over the course of six public meetings. The Emergency Ordinance that was passed reflects the feedback received at those meetings and has widespread community support.” Oh really, but now you want us to vote for you as Mayor of Anchorage? Not in my world.
Portland of the north. Have fun — the city’s population declined 5% last year and 5% the year before. In 20 years anchorage will be a bedroom community. If not sooner.
You are correct.
Look at the demographics in the school system in Anchorage.
Look at the burgeoning population and growth in the Valley.
Anchorage will be a crime infested “diverse” slum with rampant crime and far leftists in political power screaming about “white supremacy”.
The Valley will be a free, low crime, enterprising area with the new airport and good schools.
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