Columbus Day comes with closures


Monday, Oct. 9 is a federal holiday: Columbus Day. The federal government workers will have the day off.

Post offices are closed and no mail will be delivered in honor of the Italian explorer from the Republican of Genoa who came to the New World on voyages across the Atlantic Ocean on behalf of Spanish monarchy.

FedEx will have partial services available, and people can ship packages as usual. UPS will have delivery and pickup services available, and UPS store locations will open as usual.

Banks are closed on Monday, but the stock market will open, except for the U.S. bond market, which will close.

In Anchorage, the day was remade into Indigenous People’s Day and city workers have the day off, except for fire, police, and a few other essential services.

Across the nation, leftists are working to remove statues and commemorations of Christopher Columbus and replace his place in history with indigenous recognitions. Statues of Columbus have been vandalized in recent years in many locations.


  1. But! The private business sector is open for business. That should tell how little America needs government. Government can shut itself down for a few holidays. However It try shutting the private sector down for a day and Stock prices, trading, and works economies goes haywire.

  2. But! The private business sector is open for business. That should tell how little America needs government. Government can shut itself down for a few holidays. However It try shutting the private sector down for a day and Stock prices, trading, and world economies goes haywire.

  3. As a sailor out of Seward Alaska and avid reader of sea stories I have to share a quote by the great ”Admiral of the Ocean Seas Christopher Columbus” on his second voyage to the new world.
    The captain of Santa Maria, Columbus yelled out to the helmsman, you’re off course one degree, keep her on course man, ”do you have a woman waiting in the Azores”.

  4. Happy Columbus Day. I suggest that readers of MRAK buy a Bible, and a copy of an Old Encyclopedia Brittanicica. AI, and the Internet are going to destroy the TRUTH as we know it. We are being transformed into a Nation of Informational BABBLE. Our children will be coming to us with Facts like men can have babies. That the first Thanksgiving was to celebrate the killing of 700 Pequot People. The Encyclopedia Brittanica is the only Standard of facts for our time. THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE will be rewritten to sound like Das Capital, Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book, or Mein Kemph. No Columbus No America. No America, No Constitution. The Empire of Japan would rule Pacific. The Nazis would rule Europe. The Bible and Encyclopedia Brittanica will be the first books burned, and illegal to own. Leftist thought would rule like the Anchorage Assembly. Christopher Columbus discovered the New World to Europe 1492, his demise in 2023 will usher in the New World Order.

  5. Let’s not be ignorant and naive, at the macro-level, this is really an incessant endeavor at erasing US history … holidays, monuments, significant recognitions.

  6. So in honor of the day what regalia are you wearing? Shall I wear my kuspuk or my bamboo sweatshirt and dentalium necklace? Ivory? Shout me down.

    • Howdy A. I’ll be wearing what 99% of Indigenous People will be wearing—blue jeans, shoes, socks, underwear, and shirt. Speaking English, with Green Backs in my pocket. Well fed, living in a warm home. Educated, employed, protected by State Troopers. Voting for leaders I choose.Owning and driving my car. Thankful for the Soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWI, WWII, and the Newer Wars. There was never an Indiginous Bill of Rights., Or President.

  7. With the left’s logic, the inventor of the wheel can be blamed for a kid today getting ran over because the inventor of the wheel was a real jerk, according to very shaky interpretations of history, but that doesn’t mean we have to give up driving our cars. It just means that people that don’t acknowledge what a bad invention it was must be morally inferior.

  8. Democrats and ISIS, both have a weird proclivity for destroying old statues, and attempting to literally rewrite history, thinking that if we pretend history did not actually happen, then it didn’t.

    Their wishful thinking would be childish, if only both ideologies weren’t so lethal…..

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