CDC advisory panel says yes to routine Covid shots for infants


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine advisory committee has voted unanimously in favor of adding the Covid vaccine to the schedule of recommended immunizations for children.

Infants who are older than six months should get a Covid vaccine, and any boosters that come on the market when they are eligible for it, said the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

The decision is controversial because many states automatically adopt CDC recommendations, which means that the CDC, though the states, will mandate these shots in order for children to attend school. The CDC has been trying to distance itself from responsibility by saying it is a state decision.

Over the summer, the panel recommended, and the CDC adopted the recommendation that people over the age of six should get Covid shots. Today’s decision recommends that the shots be added to the regularly scheduled list of vaccinations that children get. The final decision is up to CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky.

Shots that are now being given to children six months through five years are the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines. The CDC says all children, including children who have already had COVID-19, should get vaccinated.

On Fox News, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary warned that the move will further fuel vaccine hesitancy among parents and caregivers because there isn’t a lot of clinical data to support the benefit to children to getting the vaccine. Makary said that the CDC’s recommendations are highly influential on states as they decide which vaccines to require for school attendance.

The approved Covid vaccines are still considered “emergency authorization” products and manufacturers are shielded from all liability in case of injury.

“It has been almost two years since COVID-19 vaccines were first rolled out in the U.S., and nearly 630 million doses have since been administered nationwide, providing people with critical protection against severe COVID-19. ACIP’s recommendation to add COVID-19 vaccines to the routinely recommended vaccine schedule represents another step in the nation’s recovery,” the CDC said in a published statement after the vote.

Read the CDC’s complete statement on the advisory vote at this link.


  1. Would you please change the baby picture? It is recommended that babies sleep on their backs and on a firm non fluffy surface. Once home from the hospital, a warm hat indoors could increase the risk of overheating. These measures can help reduce the risk of sleep related deaths.

    • I wish I could say this post is clearly satire.

      Pretty sure the baby in the picture is being watched, John…hence the picture. They might even have paramedics standing by just in case the photoshoot goes awry.

      Seriously, this is where we are at as a society???

    • Why say “please”?

      Shut SD down, harass, intimidate, demonetize, flag, block, and censor all MRAK content for disseminating disinformation, misinformation, hateful rhetoric, racism, bigotry, misnaming, mispronouning, misrepresenting, and misbeing by publishing such a hurtful image!

      Disclaimer: this discomment is actually a miscomment because it’s satirical.

  2. Dunleavy’s approval of Anne Zink is what makes me nervous about voting for him. Look where we are at today! Flu shots were mainly recommended for people over 55. Now, they want to jab babies…regularly? Babies and small children whom even the CDC says are NOT at risk for the flu? Those shots have proven DANGEROUS for youth. What is this world coming to????

    • What is this world coming too? How about this – a world without:

      Hepatitis A and B
      Whooping cough
      Dengue Fever
      Cervical cancer

      And with any luck due to the magic of mRNA vaccines:

      Various cancers

      You have it so so good, and yet you don’t apparently even realize it. Please, try to stay away from the purple Kool Aid.

      Once again, MRAK baits the anti-vax crazies and draws them out of the woodwork.

    • Corrected:

      What is this world coming to? How about this – a world without:

      Hepatitis A and B
      Whooping cough
      Dengue Fever
      Cervical cancer

      And with any luck due to the magic of mRNA vaccines:

      Various cancers

      You have it so so good, and yet you don’t apparently even realize it. Please, try to stay away from the purple Kool Aid.

      Once again, MRAK baits the anti-vax crazies and draws them out of the woodwork.

      • Are you saying Dog, that you have taken ALL those vaccines and we’re the ones who are crazy??? ???? What a way to let people know you’re a boot licking ignoramus.

      • Whidbey – I don’t recall having to take multiple shots of some of the vaccines you list. If I had to have taken multiple shots in one year because the previous ones didn’t work, I wouldn’t continue! It is a special kind of stupid that would allow an themselves to be experimented on “just one more time, I promise it will work this time.” Unfortunately, there are always about 30% of the population at any given time in the World who are just that dumb!

      • “and with any luck due to the MAGIC of mRNA…”
        That’s not science and in general magic is make-believe and slight of hand. I appreciate that you actually differentiate real vaccines from this new technology, they are still testing. So far I am not impressed. The official claim went from prevent infection and therefore further transmission, to reduce symptoms. I take acetaminophen to reduce the symptoms of my headache, but it does neither prevent another one, take care of the root cause nor help my body to fight against the next one. MRNA is not ready for prime time and I strongly disagree with your demand that your opinion is the only truth and must be believed at all costs, just like MAGIC.

  3. How do we depopulate the earth?
    Give shots to people that kill them or affect their fertility.
    Infant mortality rates have raised from 2 out of 1000 babies dying before they reach five weeks in 2019 to 21 out of a 1000 in 2020 –
    They are convincing our children to mutilate themselves, so they can’t EVER have children.
    They have created an environment so miserable that good people don’t want to bring children into this world.
    They are cutting food supplies, creating shortages, buying up farm lands.
    How could anyone with any sense be blind to what’s happening?

    • Who is they? The CDC, Deep State, Global Elites, Trumpers, Leftists, Communists, Swamp Creatures, Election Deniers?

  4. Yeah, while everyone who has had it suddenly drops dead. The CDC right now has as much credibility as a drug cartel.

    • No need to exaggerate here, Andy. Not nearly “everyone” who has had it has suddenly dropped dead — but many have, out of all proportion to the negative reactions from any other “vaccine”. Oh, but that’s right, the experimental, previously untested mRNA concoction is not actually a vaccine by any pre-2020 definition or understanding of the word.

  5. Blowing past “first do no harm” and any sense of ethics or morality for profit and power. There is no statement left that could be considered hyperbolic. It is that bad. That wrong. That evil. They are the dark agents we have seen before in history. They need to be defeated and brought to justice as the criminals they are. No mercy ought to shown to them for all the cruelty and suffering they have brought to so many And they continue to do so. This is a great historical crime. The mustache men would be proud.

  6. This is where they need to revolt everywhere including California, Virginia, and Mississippi. We in AK have exemptions, but they don’t. And trust me, if our state could get away with removing the religious expeditions, they would. But there’s a solution to this problem. Mass, simultaneous disenrollment from all public schools. Let them collapse financially. And when they do, those teachers unions will start singing a different tune about vaccine mandates.

  7. This website is a manure fertilized field for anti-vax propaga. I still don’t understand why blogs that publish right-leaning propaganda want to encourage Republican voters to not get vaccinated. Let’s face it, the only folks who visit this blog are far right MAGA republicans. While it is true that the Covid vaccines don’t prevent people from getting infected, study after study has demonstrated that vaccines significantly reduce the chances of developing severe symptoms, being hospitalized, or dying from Covid. The death rate of unvaccinated persons from Covid is much higher than among vaccinated persons. If you are over 60, or over 40 and have underlying health conditions such as obesity, hypertension, or diabetes, that make you more susceptible to severe covid, or live with persons who are more susceptible, you should really consider getting vaccinated. You are at a much higher risk of developing severe Covid than young folks who are healthy, Do yourself a favor and talk to your doctor about whether you should get vaccinated. Please don’t get your medical advice from political blogs or uninformed and unqualified people who post comments about Covid vaccines,

    • Rick, thank you for your comment on this controversial topic. This story links directly to the CDC statements so people can be informed. Thank you for reading Must Read Alaska.

      • That’s just the point, Ms. Editor. The science of vaccination is NOT controversial. It’s been well proven for decades – no, centuries. It’s only framed as “controversial” because people want it to be. Casting it as such in the media only further propagates the misbelief, and its adverse impacts on public health.

        But of course, we all know that posting stories of any kind about vaccination on MRAK will feed the outrage of its far-Right anti-vax readers, thereby gathering clicks, ratings, and ad revenue. And please don’t try to claim phony legitimacy by simply inserting links to the CDC. That camouflage is just a little bit too thin.

        • What makes it controversial is that it is not a vaccine as we have known it to be for centuries. changing the definition does not change the reality, a vaccine has a weakened virus to allow the body to develop anti-bodies. these things are by definition, gene therapy. i am not apposed to vaccination, as i have been jabbed with about every vaccine know to man. this is not been tested adequately nor has it been fully authorized, it is still experimental and therefore should be 100% voluntary.

          • Again with the alternative facts. Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines have received full FDA approval. Johnson and Johnson has not.


        • The “science” of vaccination is synonymous with the “science” of money, and ever since 1986, that “science” has been a snowball gaining vaccinatory mass on its roll downhill. How in the world did humanity survive prior to getting shot up with all sorts of concoctions containing a myriad of adjuvants and excipient ingredients, many of which are not only unnecessary but provably harmful to humans? How is it acceptable for ANY human to suffer harm or even death from these wonderful, laudatory products and NOT BE ABLE TO find assistance from the very companies that are responsible for this harm? How is possible that could be considered acceptable? Collateral losses are to be expected and are considered acceptable??
          It seems reasonable to expect Whidbey to extol the virtues of abortion, next… and then insist upon not only the superiority of the idea, but also that it must not be challenged because doing so would only further propagate misbelief.

    • You are among the useful idiots the authoritarians always use as their foot soldiers. Your post is filled with lies you are repeating from your masters. Nary an independent thought ever crosses your brain. You and your kind disgust me.

    • Rick, don’t look your prejudice is showing….
      You are just upset that all opinions are allowed here and you have to actually justify your diatribe.
      You claim that the death rate of un-vaccinated individuals is much higher. What is your source?
      Since the vaccine + boosters do not prevent transmission, getting vaccinated because you live with “vulnerable individuals” makes no sense. You can still get them sick and even if they are vaccinated they also still can get sick or worse.
      Furthermore I am quite certain readers do NOT get their medical advice (yours above included) from this blog. However bringing different opinions together will spark more research, a better conversation with their doctor and in the end better decision making.
      If you want a vaccine, go ahead. Yet the decision on this issue belongs to each individuals or parent and to quote the recent popular phrase ” the government should respect my privacy and not come between me and my doctor”.
      Thank you Suzanne

    • Rick, by all means, get the vaccination. Get all the boosters. Hell, get the experimental shots as well, and more power unto you.

      My query is why you are so concerned if others do not do the same?

      Obviously, within your own world, those MAGA Republicans refusing the vaccination would and will soon die, so what is the issue for you?

      Would not said circumstance construct a better world existence for one such as yourself?

      Why are you trying to save them from themselves, when you so strongly disagree with them?

      I strongly doubt that it is through altruism, based upon this, and prior comments.

      Mine own dissertation within your own comments is based within fear, fear that your ideology is not agreed upon by others, hence your attack, and assumption, that anyone who visits this site is somehow a far right MAGA Republican.

      You obviously have a personal issue within this subject, and I suspect that it is something to do with a close friend or relative succumbing to the supposed Covid, which has nothing to do how others may feel about the vaccination.

      WE, the unvaccinated, are not responsible for the death of your loved one, Rick.

      YOU, the vaccinated, may be responsible for said death, as you believed you were bullet proof, whilst interacting with that individual.

      You suffer from guilt, Rick, believing that those such as us that are NOT vaccinated are somehow responsible resultant of one loved unto yourself as it is you, vaccinated, that gave the virus unto the departed.

  8. What master do you serve? If you believe ANYTHING of these Luciferians, you deserve what they are programming you to accept. Do you not have an ounce of self-worth or are you just a slave to your masters?
    How much more garbage will they keep spewing to have your total control? Enough is enough. F.O.

  9. This makes no sense. The vaccine does not stop transmission. Done. End of argument. Only people who should take this, are MAYBE the elderly, and even that doesn’t make sense if they’ve already had covid. Even with waning immunity, it’ll still be more effective at reducing symptoms if you have prior exposure than this ham handed corrupt approach that is primarily partisan and profit driven, in nature.

  10. The vaccine advisory group is obviously handpicked so there is no contrarian viewpoint. Yet another govt behemoth that needs to be dismantled and replaced. And–as has been commented–if this is mandated for school, there will be a flood to home and ‘pool’ schooling. This whole ‘vaccine’ is a vicious canard. Watch the film based on the Kennedy book about fauci. He was the driving force behind AZT during the HIV-AIDS years and look how that turned out. Years from now, this ‘vaccine’ will be quietly pulled–but by then the damage will be done–especially to immune / reproductive systems. For now–2023 will be a year of death. The ‘vaccine’ will be just part of the story…

  11. So who is asking Dunleavy about this?

    Gov. Kim Reynolds

    The Covid vaccine remains available to those who want it, but it should never be mandated! We passed legislation to prohibit schools, colleges and daycares from doing so.
    2:18 PM · Oct 20, 2022
    ·Twitter for iPhone

  12. Nobody should be able to force someone to put anything into their bodies that they don’t want. If that’s not what someone believes then they should do what they believe and not force their beliefs on anybody else. If they do then I believe they should be injected with a shot of some drug of my choosing to help them not infect me with stupidity.

  13. Ao who is asking Dunleavy about this?

    Governor Mike Parson

    As long as I am Governor of Missouri, I will do everything under my authority to never let the federal government mandate COVID vaccines in our schools.
    12:03 PM · Oct 20, 2022
    ·Twitter for iPhone

  14. The CDC is committing crimes against humanity. New data is showing a nearly doubling of excess neo natal (newborns) death in the past two years, It is not from Covid, but could very well be linked to pregnant women taking the Covid jab. We will never know conclusively though because the CDC refuses to ask about vaccine status when compiling data. I wonder why? Beware of Big Pharma shills, including our own Dr. Zink, who continue to push these dangerous Covid MRNA therapeutics.

  15. It’s all about the money. The CDC bureaucrats are lining their pockets and those of their cohorts. The children? No matter. We are going to do what we are going to do! Contact our Alaska folks, especially the Governor’s office, to just say NO! Kids are low incidence for this “flue” and the so-called vaccine doesn’t do what a vaccine is suppose to do! It does not prevent the disease nor does it stop the spread. If we don’t object, than “Idiots are us”. It does harm children more than it helps.

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