Bean’s Cafe executive director out, as questions remain about billing irregularities


Lisa Sauder, who has been the CEO of Bean’s Cafe for 10 years, is no longer at the helm of Anchorage’s most well-known meal supply program for the poorest among us.

The change was known among insiders earlier this week, but the nonprofit’s website finally made it clear that Scott Lingle, chief operating officer, has been appointed interim chief executive officer, and Sauder is gone.

Bean’s Cafe has been under scrutiny with the Municipality of Anchorage since Dave Bronson took over as mayor and allegations arose over improper — possibly fraudulent — billing that Bean’s was issuing to the municipality for the management of the homeless shelter at the Sullivan Arena during the Covid pandemic. Beans was awarded about $15 million through municipal contracts to operate the Sullivan during Covid and provide meals to the homeless sheltered there. The contracts started under previous administrations of Ethan Berkowitz and Austin Quinn-Davidson, and the leftist majority on the Assembly.

Bronson’s team decided to put the contract out for a bid, and another group won the contract, forcing Beans to leave the premises. The change to the new group was widely criticized by the mainstream media, which said the new management had created chaos. Assemblyman Felix Rivera called for the continuation of the Bean’s contract in a press release in February.

But in the meantime, the Department of Law has been looking into potential double billing issues with Bean’s Cafe, Must Read Alaska has learned. Some in the municipality think that many of the services paid for were never actually provided.

In addition to providing meals for the down-and-out and chronically inebriated, Bean’s Cafe manages Children’s Lunchbox, a food service that provides between 200 and 250 meals five days a week, distributed at 13 sites across Anchorage.

“Since March 2020, thanks to generous donors we have been able to serve more than 1.6-million meals between Bean’s Cafe and The Children’s Lunchbox,” the organization says on its website.

April Mathers, the former finance manager, is also gone and no replacement has been announced.


  1. Crooks in the non-profit scam … I mean world?
    Not possible, they are all pure & good ….. everybody knows that.

      • 990 forms can be found on irs website, and other places, they are required by law to make them available to the public.

  2. Those of you who followed Lisa Sauder on Facebook saw the numerous posts about her travels going to expensive nice places several times a year for conferences while she was executive director. I seemed odd to me at the time that she was always traveling to nice places than I could not afford to go to all while being an executive director of Bean’s. How could they afford to send her and still feed people? I always wondered about it so quit making donations to Bean’s. I do hope Bean’s can clear up this mess and get back to supporting the hungry.

  3. So ,was Zaletel involved in the double double, toil and trouble up until her broom accident??

    • Let’s see, I think I previously read Sauder was making 100k+ for homeless stuff. Assembly and media were very upset the mayor actually put the contract out to bid and did everything they could to bad mouth him for anything they could find when their pet didn’t get the contract. Took could related funds and spent on their homeless projects. Assembly has been pushing to be in charge of homeless industry, decisions should all be based on what assembly wants.

      Employees leaving at a greater rate than normal, Beans double billing city, money questions, etc., Zaletel (of assembly and coalition to end homeless fame) beats feet out of town on extended Euro vacation and possible shopping for new Pointy Black Hat and Broom claiming stress, etc., just as S— hits fan. Going for quite a while waiting for S-t to blow over.

      Has she saved enough sick leave to cover this? Dr.s note provided? Precursor to diminished capacity claim for what is going on, work related workers comp, disability, or lawsuit for money at Anchorage Taxpayers expense for her stress? Why can’t her gen handle things without becoming immediately overwhelmed. Maybe instead of harassing the mayor and Perez-V having asked when mayor is going to resign, the Marxist assembly members should resign. And they have the nerve to try to move all city hiring, firing, contracts, etc., under them cause they think they are so smart, know everything better and such experts at running things. Appears to be the same usual Marxist, communist issues that always arise.

  4. Feed the starving rabbits and you always get even more starving rabbits and it works exactly the same with homeless. Rational humans go to where the benefits are so provide benefits to homeless and the homeless will arrive in numbers. This isn’t difficult…want to get rid of homeless? Stop helping them and if you want to keep helping them then try doing it with your own money and, maybe, eventually, you might be able to join them.

  5. Unless you take government money to help them, then you’ll rise above them and work hard to keep them where they are so you can stay on top.

  6. Maybe April Mathers and Lisa Sauder can meet up with Meg Zaletel to discuss 10 hideaway cities for Americans looking to “heal” and “connect” from “turbulent times” based on: 1) whether or not countries have extradition treaties with the U.S. and how good relations are; 2) size of city population 4) ease of getting “lost”; and these subjective factors: 5) how westernized the city is and activities and culture available in the city.
    Lyon, France, Marseille, France, Belem, Brazil, Tianjin, China, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, Salvador, Brazil, St. Petersburg, Russia, Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra, Macau, China & Andorra la Vella, Andorra.

    • Amen Tucker, the ADN and AKPM are joined at the hip and only report what the liberal assembly deems important. Just look at how many joint stories they have run in last few months. Unless it is a chance to bash right wingers these “news agencies” pass on the story. You cannot tell me they did not have this information 6 months ago. Muni unionized staff serves as a vast spy network for the ADN and AKPM. Case and point, the deputy librarian could not burp without phones ringing across Anchorage.

    • The Anchorage Daily Worker has become a complete farce of a ‘news’ source, and is now only pathetic purely partisan propaganda of the radical leftist flavor.

  7. So, I’m not a CPA. Best professional accounting practices for managing, accounting for finite, fluctuating quantities, pricing, availabilities, spoilage, distribution variances, paid staff, volunteers, goals long and short-term, achievements of same or not, varying and sundry donation sources, various and sundry reporting requirements and paid fund accounting staff shortages and and public(s) relations campaign regularity and sufficiency and irregularities and insufficiency not to mention special fund-raising events. YOU do it! Perfectly! EVERYDAY! and enjoy it, and love it and all the people you serve. Sure. Show me how it is done. I’m all eyes, ears, heart soul energy in for YOU GUYS every day because you are compulsive about feeding Anchorage’s poor. You know the ones escorted out of the chewsday food fest paid for by the not yet homeless to appease you the effervescent, polite, sweet smelling critics. Show ME how it is done ?!

  8. Please also know we have heard about the one world order kickbacks involving infinite fraud schemes involving zombie mortgages, outre machinations avulsing owners into eggregious taxation/valuation schemes rendering housing equities to woke, recruited by WEF foolish, eager low information low functioning administrators loyal to the WEF monarchies agenda vis a vis American wealth, equity from their toil so as to herd these offshore while those Americans still living into high density apartments (kickbacks galore beneath media reporting standards). Tell me something I don’t know like when is Army Geddon? ?

  9. Ah, Anchorage. Like a bad wine, gets worse with age.

    Be interesting to see if this tracks to Meg and her “health retreat” in Europe.

  10. “Non Profits” have been, and continue to be, one the most lucrative scams invented. They hide their profits in outrageous salaries and benefits, and even then, they often fail because they ultimately succumb to their insatiable greed.

  11. A simple rule change, putting limits on salaries to qualify as a nonprofit, would do more to help the poor and homeless than anything tried to date. Actually, these people should donate their time the same way they expect us to donate our money.

  12. Just look at the mess Burky and AQD invented. Where are all of their supporters? On vacation in European resorts? This is a perfect example why our tax dollars should NOT be spent on the homeless empire. They live in tents eating prepared food and the people at the top are living lavishly and traveling the world because they cant handle the sight of the pathetic mess they created. Felix’s grand idea of purchasing the midtown rec center and putting comic book salesman Johnny Weddleton in charge was just another fiasco to create another six figure salary for one of his cronies and eat up millions more in tax dollars to support another empire. I just cant believe there are that many stupid voters in Anchorage who support this idiotic bunch of misfits.

    • We just had a complaint bought forward, with evidence, that our Vote by Mail scheme is deeply questionable. Our assembly chose not to pursue, review, or investigate the merits. I’m not so sure there are as many stupid voters as it seems there are.

  13. Maureen Suttman do I hear……


    that’s what I thought you chicken liberal…

  14. Now, we’re finding out just why everytime Mayor Bronson Has pushed to get things done, they came up fighting and blasting him. They always said, they could do it better and cheaper Now we know why, . filling their pockets with their alternate choices.

  15. Sauder and april been at beans too long, took electing bronson to get what’s always been there revealed. Truth always surfaces
    -eventually- whats hidden or whispered will be brought out at the end end.
    For sauder her party day is over.

  16. What is not mentioned here and was a regular issue was the quality and quantity of the food that Beans Cafe brought to the Sullivan Arena. Many cold meals, under cooked/raw meals and tiny portions. The Anchorage Health Department was called many times by shelter guests, shelter workers and even by muni staffers.

    Add to it the non-stop work by Lisa and crew to burn down the new service provider. Lisa regularly lobbied against extensions for 99Plus1. Lisa constantly and repeatedly demanded chances to get back on the city funding streams. All of this while she stalled the discussion on over charges to the muni.

  17. Say it ain’t so!! Lisa and Meg at the same time? Both heavily involved in homelessness and millions of dollars. I am going to contact ADN reporter Kyle Hopkins to ask when his story bashing the two of them will be in ADN. Maybe he is only interested in library happenings.

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