Assembly to strip final $100,000 from homeless navigation center to pay for more help at sprawling encampments


The Anchorage Assembly has a special meeting called for Sept. 5 to pass a resolution stripping $100,000 from the mayor’s navigation center, and reappropriate it to the Anchorage Health Department, Anchorage Police Department, and Anchorage Parks and Recreation to assist with mitigation at large vagrant and homeless encampments. 

Weeks ago, the Assembly sealed the deal, pulling its support for the navigation center, which was to be a place where drug addicts, homeless, and other people down on their luck could find help and temporary housing.

Mayor Dave Bronson negotiated the arrangement to pay for and build the navigation center with the Assembly’s appropriation, under a plan agreed to by him and the Assembly and signed off by both last year.

Other parts of the agreement included homeless hotels, which were a priority of the Assembly. But after the Assembly got the completion of its portion of the deal, it pulled out the support for the navigation center. Now, a massive sprawl of drug-infested camps have popped up around the city, with the homeless and vagrant problem worse than anyone has ever seen it in living memory.

The meeting has just the one item on the agenda unless another is placed “laid on the table” at the last minute. The special meeting will take place from 1-2 pm in the conference room #155 at City Hall, 632 West 6th Ave.


  1. I find it so disturbing that Anchorage voters think this assembly is on their side. Nothing like burying your head in the sand and letting your “home” be destroyed by vagrants and leftists.

    • The ASSEMBLY controls the position that counts our votes.
      Any questions?
      Clean up the roles, encorce voter id, move the position away from the assy members.

    • The voters do not think that.
      However, with 100% mail in voting, who knows whether your vote was actually counted for the person you choose? And, since when has any legislative body given a good Goddamn about any of the voters?
      The legislature is your enemy, they do not, nor have they ever, had your best interests in mind. Yet… for some reason, we keep voting for them. Lesser of two evils.

    • For the majority who vote and do not own property (which results in increased direct taxes), there is no obvious reason not to agree with the assembly mentality. Covid money spent, was a blast for all under 60, free rent and supplemental income. We have no universal local reason, such as taxes, to get the attention of the majority of voters. As long as, it is NIMBY.
      Indirectly, months later, all rents go up (inflation) from Owners. The ‘stoners’ and BJ (Brown Jug) fans don’t mind paying a little extra taxes for their high and 10 cent bags.
      Cheer up, some sort of PFD is on the way, it’s the time of year….

  2. It is clear to us Anchorage residents the Asssmbly intends to create a huge homeless industrial complex across the city with no intention of helping and/or creating a means for this segment of the population to step up and become overcomers of their situation. Instead the Asssmbly is aiding and abetting them. Their numbers have tripled in the last few years…and I don’t want to hear how Covid played a part in this. Most homeless are not vaxed. I am wondering how many members of the Asssmbly have attended the World Economic Forum, the WHO meetings and other such forums; and what their TRUE rewards are for promoting homelessness, vagrancy and mental health issues.

  3. It is obvious the Assembly has no solutions. Never wanted to give Mayor Bronson’s plan a chance. Out to sabotage him and make him look bad. This is what they are doing. There is not one city in the US that I can think of , run by a leftist Assembly, that has improved or solved homelessness. They have , in fact, made it worse. Hopelessness and despair…

    • There was a plan in place that involved a partnership between the Muni, the Rasmuson Foundation and Wiedner Apts.

      The goal was to create housing and drug/alcohol treatment.

      Then Mayor was elected his advisor Larry Baker didn’t want the Golden Lion to be used for anything at all since it’s just a stones throw from his home, thus here we are.

      Ain’t nothin’ gonna get fixed until you put a roof over these peoples heads. Ain’t nothin’ gonna happen until you get the most vulnerable and the most hard core drug abusers, help.

      Some of these people need to be incarcerated, it’s as simple as that. Until they can to learn within the rules that society has created.

      I don’t see a solution to this. How many more people are going to die on the streets of Anchorage before this community decides that it’s had enough ?

      As a property owner and tax payer, I too am fed up with the stance that this community has taken, from the Mayor and his advisors to the Assembly to the NIMBY’s who don’t want to do their share of the heavy lifting by making this a community wide effort.

      Anchorage is screwed.

      • Spare me your hyperbole. “How many have to die…”
        The assembly has spend a great chunk of Covid money and more ($161 million+) on buying hotels, transforming the Sully etc. to house these individuals and instead of reducing the numbers, it is getting worse. Simply putting a free roof over someones head isn’t the answer. You can not change an individual’s behavior. That has to come from them and without their commitment to leave that lifestyle all you are doing is enabling their continued destructive behavior. The resources are there, but with the circumstance the assembly has created, many have no impetus to change what they do.
        Out of curiosity what “heavy lifting” do you want the NIMBYs to do?

    • Assembly has too many ties with activists who require there be lots of vagrancy to have a role.
      They don’t want to solve the problem because it will put their friends out of work. They would much rather shovel money at them. Its a problem on the entire left coast and we are stuck with it until we get rid of mail-in ballot elections in Anchorage.

    • Eliminate mail-in ballot elections that were forced on us since 2017 – and watch the Assembly quickly return to balance. Pointless to fight it while the left has a built-in ballot envelope delivery service in place. They realized the gig was up when Trump was elected, and decided democracy needed guide rails to keep them in power.

      Probably will require an initiative, but I’m sure they’ll just make sure there is another ‘COVID health emergency’ – just in time for 2024 elections…..

  4. The more we fund the homeless industrial complex, the more homeless we will get. This has been the story since the 1980s. The only difference now is that there is no shame in being homeless, no incentive to prevent one’s self from being homeless, no incentive to dig one’s self out. So, now the last $100,000 has been stripped from the navigation center designed to help get people out of homelessness so we can fund “mitigation” of these very camps that the Assembly themselves helped create. Cynical indeed. The Assembly and the 907 Initiative are doing everything they can to prevent Bronson from getting a “win” on any issue. They are succeeding. And Anchorage and its citizens are losing.

  5. Does any homeless person want to stay at the centers? I imagine because there are rules and expectations of proper behavior it’s very unpopular.

  6. So Anchorage citizens should be at that meeting en masse to speak against the Assembly and their STUPID, ILLEGAL, horrendous decisions they have made, NOT JUST THIS ONE! Grow a spine Anchorage and save your city, your children, your elderly; they need you!

    • Sally, notice how the “special meeting” is at a time where most people are not able to attend and very little public notice! Underhanded and deceiving bunch!!

      • It is at a time when people who have jobs and are responsible cannot attend. The parasites living off taxpayer handouts will show up, and it will appear that this plan is a good idea, supported by the population.

      • People need to start prioritizing and putting these meetings as priority. If they don’t, their schedules won’t matter anymore anyway. This city is going to look like LA or San Francisco or any of the other large democrat-run cities. My gosh. How can this happen that we see it happening in the lower 48 and then it comes to Alaska and so many just sit on their thumbs and do nothing. We don’t want homeless cities in Alaska!

  7. The Politburo values street derelicts more than its voting citizens.

    They show this repeatedly, you the voters keep electing these clowns back into office.

    Elect stupid people, get stupid government.

  8. “…drug addicts, homeless, and other people down on their luck…” How does a person end up as a drug addict? BY CHOICE. Those people deserve zero help because their choices put them in their sad condition. How does a person end up homeless or down on their luck? The path to that state varies by individual but, in most cases, their downfall can be traced back to a series of bad decisions freely made somewhere in their past. It might be trendy to blame circumstance for ending up penniless and living on the charity (freely given or through government force) of others but in reality it’s usually because of a long train of poor but freely made choices. The down and out can serve a valuable purpose in society…as an example to everyone else of how NOT to live your life. Unfortunately when the government steps in to take from those who made good choices to give to those who didn’t the lesson is lost and the down and out lose their only real value to society and the rest of us lose some of our hard earned money to no good end.

      • So how many homeless have you spoken with Greg? PJ has a good point – we’re enabling many who are capable of working but choose not to. There is a small percentage of the homeless who truly need help and are deserving – BUT the alcoholic, the drug addict, those who would rather live like that than actually support themselves should receive zero support from the community. So how do you know which ones really need our help? You have to interview each one and check their stories for veracity. This is best done in a facility like Mayor Bronson’s navigation center. Process ALL of them. Throw the bums out. Help the rest without enabling their homeless lifestyles. Those who will never be able to support themselves should be institutionalized, not dumped on the street. This old man who used to enjoy Anchorage only comes into town if I cannot avoid it and I will not subject my vehicle to more property damage, nor my wife to more beggars and poopy parking lots.

      • Ohhh… boo-hooo… the poor people who had bad stuff happen to them.
        BS, that is leftist claptrap designed for the sole purpose of justifying their anti-constituent positions.
        How about a challenge. I want you to head on up to Anchorage, and go to these camps. Find the “good person” who had bad stuff happen. I want to meet this person.
        Go on. I dare you. Heck, I will pay for your ticket.
        And… cue the excuses why Little Greggy cannot actually produce a “good person.” He knows his line is unadulterated BS, but insists on peddling it anyway.

      • What’s your point Greg?
        Bad things happening to good people is the story of humanity and if you look around there are very very few, who lead a charmed life free of any adversity. Most all of us have “issues” and make it work and adjust. The homeless are adults, who made poor choice and the current assembly plan enables them to remain in this lifestyle.
        Allowing some citizens to run rough-shot over all others should not be tolerated ever!
        So quit your sanctimonious bellyaching from your Lanai in Florida.

    • Many people who became addicted to opioids did so following the advice of their doctors.

      About 60 years ago physicians said smoking was good for you.

      Many natives have something in their biochemistry which makes them susceptible to alcoholism off one drink.

      Some human physiologies are addictive, some physiologies as well.

      It’s a massive overstatement to say everyone ends up addicted by choice. In fact, it’s hard to imagine anyone choosing addiction.

      There is a substantial difference in saying peoples choices lead to addiction as opposed to people choose to be addicted.

    • PJ and Gregory- Alaskans are here where we are because families didn’t grow up around the kitchen table where the parents read God’s Word and not to use it as a weapon. Like the way I read it to my child asking her give me a number between 1-150 and chooses 1 all time until I have it memorized which will take long time. Back to the homeless PJ right eventually an adult (over25 usually after brain is fully developed) realizes any bad choices they are making are wrong and they should choose better. Unless they used drugs as a preteen, teenager, then maybe they be a little mentally retarded because of messing up a juvenile brain and have permanent brain damage like Hunter Biden after his late mother’s bad car accident, and they be prone or vulnerable to poor choices for rest of their life, which a mental care institute or a caregiver is best care for them. In defense of those who are mentally retarded or brain damaged at birth because mama’s drug use during pregnancy, mentally retarded children can make good choices especially growing up around hearing God’s Word around the kitchen table and growing up in a more loving home with a parent or parents or grandparent who holds themselves accountable to God’s Word. *youtube ‘family bible’ Bradley walker feat the oak ridge boys

      • Do you really want me to start the very, very long list of people who grew up with the Bible (allegedly) around the kitchen table…

        And turned out to be completely, utterly failures as human beings?

        I’ll tease you with just a few

        -Jimmy Swaggart
        -Joe Biden
        -Bill Clinton
        -James Bakker
        -Tammy Faye
        -Amy Grant
        -Al Sharpton

        There are two reasons why Christianity is failing in modern society.

        -the church lurched left in an attempt to be “relevant”

        -the myopic approach of people like you. Who, very often, have as warped a relationship with faith and God as the people listed above.

        There is a line in Mass which you either have never heard, or steadfastly ignore. It does vary a touch from church to church, but remains essentially the same.

        “The love of Christ, which surpasses all understanding”

        Clearly it surpasses you.

  9. More of our precious and limited Personal Property Tax Contributions being expended on an abrogation that will “NEVER(!!!)” pay any dividends and/or benefits to Property Tax Payers. This current Assembly has demonstrated the complete lack of responsible leadership, only demonstrating day-in-day-out of their lack of fiduciary responsibility. At best, their “Derelict of Duty” regularly exercises our patience but, this patience is limited and weaning.

  10. The homeless are polluting the environment with human waste and trash. They have unintended fires in city parks. They have a pile of someone else’s bikes, tarps, bbq grills but they can’t be arrested or forcibly moved yet swat can show up unannounced and arrest you with no explanation. If I dumped oil on a creek I would be arrested fined and imprisoned but human waste is being dumped into our waterways where people go to. I say move them all to every assembly’s yard and let them trespass just like everybody else yard the city public park.

  11. Every single city run by leftists is being destroyed. Chicago, LA, NY, Portland, Detroit, etc… all are turning into hell on Earth.

    We were once a great country, but the left is intent on turning us into a third would nation.

    • Its peoples Humanism or Humanity religious opinion that thinks if we can do more good it’ll all pan out for the good. The fact is humanity is inherently majorly flawed. Our good works are as filthy rags trying to clean up a filthy mess we brought in ourselves-sin. America was or can return to “greatness” as we see when God is sitting on his rightful place in America’s hearts. Every blessing America received came about because we were a Christian nation we were a nation who most of the families worshipped and reverently feared God. Today this America most of the families worship something else other than God. You know if one doesn’t worship God they are worshipping something else. And it’s not all the left’s undoing this nation falling apart. I remember listening to influencer Bevelyn Beatty talk about a party she went to that was an elite party where the guests were supposedly supposed to be GOP Conservative and Christian leaders who were all carousing, flirting, hooking up, drinking into drunkenness, and flattering one another like an immoral person. This nation as a whole it has fallen away from its biblical roots.

  12. No. You are going about it all wrong. Before the pipeline started, there was a small and sparce homeless population in Anchorage. They HIRED the homeless to be Citizen Patrol, getting paid to wander around, and report to the police if they see anything out of the ordinary. Now they did this for a while and I was a kid then. The local Quick Stop cashier liked to gossip. So anyways. When they started with the pipeline, I am pretty sure the Citizen Patrol figured out why they were hired. Lol. It got busy. Needless to say, the homeless population exploded in Anchorage, and other hub cities as well during those days. I think the group dissolved, and the citizen patrol crews probably went to work on the pipeline. Shrug. Idk why they can’t do that now. Not that there’s a pipeline coming, but global tensions are high.
    Maybe hire the ones who aren’t problematic, and give them a job. Then if the ones with issues, want to get a job have to go thru a fast track program. It would be good for everyone. Train up the Patrol , and issue phones to call them and report in. Develop a app for local citizen city patrol. Give them something to do…

    • Naples, Italy, requires their welfare recipients to show up for work at 7AM and are issued a push broom and trashbags and are given a street to sweep. No work no eat.

  13. Nice going ANC ….. this bunch of socialist enablers just won their last election by LANDSLIDES …. not even one election was close. The Kalifornifcation of ANC is complete. Let’s head to the weed store & enjoy the miserable ride.

  14. If we only knew how much of this and other taxpayer moneys are being skimmed off and never benefits anyone except those involved in the scam. The vagrants have relatively clean hands in all of this. And the actual homeless get little relief. Others are getting wealthy, while destroying our city, passing themselves off as Good Samaritans. What a mess.

    • At least a small portion goes to the crowd that hangs out near and receives services from the mental health center in Fairview. Beyond that, I tend to agree that something stinks about the homeless industrial complex. Given the opacity of the assembly’s communists, I suspect we’ll never find out what the odor is or where it is coming from.

  15. How many current and former assembly members are making incomes off of perpetuating and expanding the homeless industry and homeless empire? Where is all the money going to,-solving the problem or those running the programs (including covid funds they took). Why is the assembly continually studying the problem, heading towards fixes then switching to different solutions only to spend more money? Why are the only solutions they will accept their own ideas? Why do you want your taxes to go up to fund an ever expanding homeless industry now aimed at spreading homeless industry/empire to all of Anchorage?
    Why are there sooo many people satisfied voting for these assembly members and their agendas -includes renters who think they get all program services for free “cause they rent”, but really pay for them through increased prices/rent.

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