News-Miner eliminates Saturday edition, combines with Sunday


The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner eliminated its Saturday edition this weekend and moved to a weekend edition published on Sundays.

The newspaper is the latest to reduce its newsprint editions. It is now owned by the Helen E. Snedden Foundation, which purchased the newspaper in 2016. It remains the second-largest newspaper in Alaska, after the Anchorage Daily News, and is the farthest-north daily newspaper in America.

The announcement of the change was made in early August by Publisher Virginia Farmier, who is also the executive director of the Helen E. Snedden Foundation, nonprofit created in 2012.

The Fairbanks newspaper had $4,511,534 in revenues in 2020, down from $5,394,499 in 2019.

Earlier this year, the Juneau Empire, the third largest newspaper in Alaska, moved to a Wednesday and Saturday print edition. The Anchorage Daily News ceased printing a Saturday edition several years ago, and the Anchorage Press stopped print publication earlier this year.


  1. It is difficult to be concerned about the revenue loss and economic deterioration of the print media due to their political advocacy for a Statewide income tax . . . Knowing their choice to become a tax avoiding non-profit shields them from the consequences of their own political advocacy.

  2. Every now and then, they have an article worth reading – but we don’t call it “the news mindless” for nothing. The publisher could do so much more and their readership and income would increase.

  3. Ok, so’s what the real reason for all of the news rags to reduce their publications? What they’re telling us or implying is the internet. I think that it’s because they’re all so liberal that we’re getting sick and tired of all of the anti conservative bs articles that people are cancelling their subscriptions. And they sucker ya in for the online edition with a great cheap sign up price and then continually jack up the rates until they’re getting almost as much as a printed paper would cost. Just ask the Anchorage Daily Snooze what their rates are and how much the rates will be a year from now. The cheap rate is for new subscribers only for the first few months.

  4. The snews miner is a dying paper. It’s an old rag that the Fairbanks Lefties and Democrats have kept going. Even publishing tricks to keep the community involved have failed. It’s the same old people in the paper week after week, whether it’s outdoors topics, editorials, politics, special features. Promoting the same old people. That’s why it’s a dying paper.

    • If you think about it, through its elimination of anonymous comments several years ago, forcing commenters to use Facebook in order to participate in any online discussion of its articles, it was an early adopter of the censorship regime.

      • North is right. The Newsminer is a decrepid old dinosaur, which no matter how hard they try to rehab, always reverts back to the same old standards……..Democrats, Liberals, and Leftists go to the headlines. All others pay for their opinions, usually on page 11, or buried in the classifieds. No wonder this paper is perceived as an old school rag. The new editor is also an old dude with old rhetoric and a closed mind, with little knowledge of the Fairbanks way.

      • Interior Alaska has well over 100,000 residents and the FDNM seems to spend about half of their reporting on irrelevant matters about the Denali community. A joke. Only a couple thousand, at most, even live there. I cancelled my subscription.

      • Not completely, but mostly.

        There are still the good few out there. But once the government gets hold of the internet, bye.

        An allegedly free people cannot survive a biased press.

        • That is so true. Look at our current State of the Union. Eventually the truth comes out, but at what cost to the Nation? You are either left or right, but neither side will admit to actual Truth as it ultimately prevails. It must be (spun) before the (peons) will undertand.

  5. There will come a day when someone’s kid will ask his parents:“what’s a newspaper?”
    Smart newspaper owners have long since sold our. From the day the internet started the handwriting was on the wall! They are heading in the direction of the dinosaur.

  6. It’s just like the anchorage daily rag mostly lies and articles supporting the left. Myself and friends all quit the disinformation papers years ago.

  7. Sore Oh’s is getting a little more frugal these days with his money. The mongrels that are stupid enough to read it have already been taught to “sit,stay”
    Need to slither to the next conquest.

  8. I don’t believe that the Helen E Snedden Foundation was set up and took ownership of the News Miner so that some self aggrandized publisher could turn it into something equal to every other newspaper in the country, which is so much less than it has, or had, the potential to be. Converting it to the Nose Miner and wondering why it failed is a dunce move.

  9. The Nose Miner is just like the other two “news” papers in Alaska. I imagine long ago they were respectable publications that actually provided news. Those days are long past. They’re nothing but propaganda machines for the left. Save the paper and go online only, or just ride into the pages of history.

  10. Where’s Dermot Cole, that little Democrat propogandist and so-called influencer of the Interior? Two down and one to go. The bottle keeps calling.

    • So true. The Coles just keep fading away despite their last lectures which carry no real import on the community, either historically or politically.

      • The university crowd followed the Cole twins for decades. Two little rambling mutts, espousing everything the Democrats are in search of. Sort of like Laugh-In for intellectual burnouts who need a good supply of medical marijuana and booze to keep their sanity.

        • The Coles were a couple of twitchy guys who criticized anyone who disagreed with them. So glad they all departed.

          • All of their books suck. Stories derived from old Newsminer articles. A form of plagarism. But the DNM doesn’t mind because the readers are all the same: old Lefties and radical Democrats. The rest of the world has moved on.

  11. They all have the same thing in common as expressed sarcastically by so many – “I wonder why I haven’t read anything about that in the paper?”
    Local backscratching and political corruption always seems to be overlooked until it is forced to the surface. I remember when the press used to be the “whistleblower” on those rare occasions they could keep their politics in check. Now they all want to change the world as taught in journo school.

  12. It’s predictable that as inflation continues to squeeze family budgets consumers will begin eliminating things that yield little value and what is of less value than newsprint that simply repeats the propaganda we can find in every other “trusted” news source? There are plenty of free sources of state sponsored propaganda and indoctrination available so why pay for it? And if it’s hectoring to embrace sexual deviance and transgender mental illness that you want just watch TV or the majority of other “entertainment.” Newspapers aren’t even good for starting your climate destroying wood stoves now that the government has forced these catalytic stoves on us to save us all from drowning when the ice caps melt.

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