Anchorage voters say their ballots have not arrived, and only 19 ballots have been received by Muni


A week after ballots were put in the mail to Anchorage voters, the Anchorage Election Office reports on March 21 that only 19 people have cast their ballots in the March 15-April 5 Anchorage election. The ballots were delivered to a post office on March 15 from a printer in Washington state.

Multiple reports from over the weekend came in to Must Read Alaska from campaign volunteers who were door-knocking to remind people to vote. Voters they spoke with reported they have not seen any ballot yet.

Now, Must Read Alaska has learned that as many as 15,000 ballots are stuck in a post office in Everett, Washington.

35,000 ballots have left that post office in Washington, according to our source. As of Friday, only six ballots had been received by the Anchorage Election Office. This means an unknown number of people have simply not received a ballot.

All ballots in the Anchorage mail-in only election must be cast by April 5, the final day of the election.

In 2017, the Anchorage Assembly, without asking for a vote of the people, moved the voting process to mail-in only, adding millions of dollars to the annual election process. By the Assembly’s ordinance, the ballots had to be sent to voters by March 15 this year, but apparently are stuck in Washington, where they are printed.

This story is developing. Check back for more updates.


  1. We have four in our house and have yet to receive any. We have been fooled and they think we are ignorant on top of it. Eat your oatmeal it is good for you! We are losing our country if we have not lost it already.

  2. We’ve been wondering. Only one ballot arrived of our 2-person household. Another failed assembly program. How fitting!

  3. I just received a bundle of mail from DECEMBER! At that rate maybe we’ll get our ballots by July.

  4. Enough of this Stupidity!
    Time to get rid of this Murkowski attorney engineered election foolishness!!

    • While I agree with you, sadly wrong election. This is for the muni election NOT a state-run election. The assembly decided on mail ballots some years ago…

  5. Just another reason to go to In Person Voting and Absentee Voting by request only. I’m sure all the votes received are for incumbents only. No I have not received my Ballot.

  6. Considering that each member in my household received THREE mail in ballots each for the last election within the course of a week I find it odd that now a week after mailing I have not received a single ballot. This is looking to me like a train wreck, and I hope that we can hold people accountable.

    Does anyone know if the elections office will take an in person ballot if I go down to their office?

  7. When I asked why the ballots were being printed out of state, I was told that there was not any printing business in Alaska capable of doing it. But as much money as it costs for this service, I find that hard to believe. I tend more to believe that this is a key to corruption of our vote. But there is no evidence of course. How does that go about the duck?

  8. The US Postal system for Alaska is down and inaccessible by Alaskans at this time and has been for two days.

  9. Oh good! I am not the ONLY voter waiting. Should i go down to city hall and pick up my ballot in person for mail in voting.

    • This does not look good for democrats. They can’t do anything right. Not even run a smooth election and one they concocted up. You think democrats can send the ballots out on time.

  10. No ballot in this household as of yet either. So can we go down to one of the election centers and vote in person, since early voting to make sure one’s ballot gets accepted and counted seems essential?

  11. May I recommend the Governor assemble his team of advisors including Commissioner Vrana etc who can bring a wealth of professional perspectives at this confluence of unusual circumstances with Constitutional guidance (not traditions) in view. Thanks.

  12. Yep, yet I received mail sent from the lower 48 last week already. Return to in-person voting. Enough of this crap.

  13. No ballots here, either. Not surprising whatsoever. Between Jones and the USPS, we have an equation for a massive cluster…. thing to occur.

  14. Curious about whose 19 votes are for?? We need to get rid of this election process! RIGGED from the beginning. Also DO NOT put your ballots in the mail. Drop them off at a drop box. Don’t give the municipal clerk any more ammunition. She should be elected. This assembly is HORRIBLE! Except for Jamie Allard and Crystal Kennedy!

  15. It is not helpful that the public has no public service. What can Division of Elections do to help? If nothing why have have funding for them? Who supervises? Nobiddy? Is that a reasonable business expectation? Please photograph the door to the City Clerk being locked to the public if it is right now. Time date stamps are evidence. Also if an election is/was currently being thrown what would it look like to use a democrat contemporary phrase. I believe it would reasonably look like this. The old catch me ip du tan game.

  16. It is not helpful that the public has no public service. What can Division of Elections do to help? If nothing why have funding for them? Who supervises? Nobiddy? Is that a reasonable business expectation? Please photograph the door to the City Clerk being locked to the public if it is right now. Time date stamps are evidence. Also if an election is/was currently being thrown what would it look like to use a democrat contemporary phrase. I believe it would reasonably look like this. The old catch me ip du tan game.

  17. THE US Postal Service on the computer is of course inoperable at this time. Ok. Next person: sing out “not true”. See how this works or doesn’t work in this day and age of plausible deniability?
    :*) It’s all gid. CALL Saul.

  18. Municipality of Anchorage equals a multimillion corporation pursuant to the US Constitution. A nice little plum to globalists. Almost irresistible.

  19. So silly something like this could never in a million years have been imagined by the ever so many Polly Anna’s of the blog. Good night, nurse.

  20. They haven’t left the post office yet because they are being filled out for you. They will then go directly to the counters. Your vote has already been cast.

  21. Wouldn’t it be fun to : analyze the rfp, certificating officer for Washington printer contract and accompanying all correspondence dance, etc?

  22. I just got a Christmas card returned to sender (me) from early December! That’s the kind of service we can expect with mail-in voting. And it occurs to me that my postman knows exactly which party I will vote for based on all the mail I get for donations. Hmm, wonder who gets that info?
    I want to go back to voting in person, AND a purple thumb for people who vote like in those so called third world countries so people don’t vote twice. Easy peasy!

  23. The new election process is doing exactly what it was intended to do.

    Now will come a public outcry to return to in-person voting.

    The assembly will then move to make that happen – of course through a mail-in election in which maybe 19 voters receive “their papers” before the deadline for submission.

    Yes, Virginia, you voted your way into tyranny. Now let’s see what it takes to escape it. And no, Virginia, Santa Class isn’t going to help.

    It sure isn’t going to be a phony “election”.

  24. My ballot FINALLY came in today (3/21/22). Weird how I was getting notices of the approaching deadline and hadn’t even received my ballot yet.

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