Pelosi: Don Young will lie in state in Statuary Hall


Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Monday, that Congressman Don Young, the Dean of the House and longest-serving Republican representative in U.S. history, will lie in state in National Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol on Tuesday, March 29. 

Lying in state is a tradition in which the remains of a deceased official is set inside a public building for a short period of time so that the public can pay their respects. Usually this means the body is in an open casket.

Congressman Don Young was re-elected to the 117th Congress in 2020 to serve his 25th term as Alaska’s only Member of the United States House of Representatives. First sworn in as a freshman to the 93rd Congress after winning a special election on March 6, 1973, Congressman Young became Dean of the House in 2017. As Speaker Pelosi said after his passing, “For five decades, he was an institution in the hallowed halls of Congress: a serious legislator always bringing people together to do the People’s work. The photographs of him with ten presidents of both parties who signed his bills into law that proudly cover the walls of his Rayburn office are a testament to his longevity and his legislative mastery.”

A formal ceremony will be held Tuesday morning with the Young family, which will be open to invited guests. Following the memorial service, there will be viewing open to Members of Congress.  Additional details will be announced at a later date.


  1. The $64,000 question: how long before there’s a movement to replace the hall’s statues of Bob Bartlett and Ernest Gruening with statues of Young and Ted Stevens?

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