Alaska House bill to bar males from female’s school athletic competitions moves along, and Republicans in Congress call on NCAA to do the same


In Alaska’s Capitol, House Bill 183 has left House Judiciary Committee with Republican Reps. Craig Johnson, Ben Carpenter, Jesse Sumner, Jamie Allard, and Sarah Vance recommending “do pass.” Democrat Reps. Andrew Gray and Cliff Groh recommended “do not pass.” The bill is now in the Rules Committee, the last stop before the House floor.

The bill puts state limits on transgenders who take over girls competitive athletics in public schools in Alaska. Across the country, a trend of boys who want to compete as girls on girls’ teams has taken hold; HB 183 seeks to end that in Alaska.

Rep. Gray called the bill “hateful,” and Rep. Groh said he was worried it would draw a lawsuit. Some 24 other states have similar laws as the one being proposed by Rep. Allard and Rep. Tom McKay.

Some legislative observers say the bill, if it passes the House, will be allowed to die in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Meanwhile, in the nation’s capital, a group of U.S. House of Representatives Republicans has urged the National Collegiate Athletics Association to ban transgender-identifying male athletes from competing in women’s sports.

The request to the NCAA comes after the the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, another college athletics organization, enacted the ban earlier this month.

In a letter written by 17 congressional representatives, the lawmakers asked that NCAA President Charlie Baker uphold Title IX protections for women’s sports.

Currently, the NCAA policy allows each individual sport under its umbrella to determine whether male athletes can participate against females.

“As you know, last week the NAIA Council of Presidents unanimously approved a new policy regarding transgender athletes. This policy prohibits the participation of biological males, who have undergone hormone therapy, in women’s sports. However, this policy does not include sports that do not involve ‘some combination of strength, speed and stamina’, such as competitive cheer or competitive dance,” the group wrote.

“This policy appropriately recognizes the natural advantages that biological men have in certain athletic competitions. A 2022 study entitled ‘Transwoman Elite Athletes: Their Extra Percentage Relative to Female Physiology’ concluded that ‘many anatomical sex differences driven by testosterone are not reversible.’ Further, this study found that given that ‘estrogen therapy will not reverse most athletic performance parameters, it follows that transgender women will enter the female division with an inherent advantage because of their prior male physiology.’ The NCAA’s current transgender policy fails to take these scientific facts into consideration,” the congressional group wrote.

Recently, University of South Carolina women’s basketball coach Dawn Staley said “if you’re a woman you should play. If you consider yourself a woman, and you want to play sports or vice versa, you should be able to play.”

The members of Congress responded.

“This statement ignores the biological facts and would harm female athletes throughout NCAA-affiliated schools. It is simply unfair for biological males to be allowed to compete against biological females. On top of that, allowing biological males to participate in women’s sports erodes critical Title IX protections for women,” the signers of the letter wrote to the NCAA. They included Rep. Claudia Teeny of New York and 16 others, including Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas and Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana, as well as three members of Congress who are medical doctors.

“As such, we urge the NCAA to reconsider its current policy that allows biological males to deprive women of a fair opportunity to compete and achieve athletic success. All women in NCAA-affiliated schools should not fear having their athletic accomplishments minimized by biological males, as happened in the 2022 NCAA 500-yard freestyle event, with Lia Thomas, a biological man, taking the championship over Emma Weyant. This cannot be allowed to ever happen again. The NCAA must follow the NAIA’s lead and prohibit biological males from competing in women’s sports,” the representatives wrote.


  1. Why does the left hate women so much? Why do well to do women hate women so much?

    I sorta understand idiots like Gray. He seems not to want the competition.

    • Masked, let me unpack it for you. 1) The core problem is most women in America are so-called “woke.” 2) They believe pandering to the homosexual (trans) community makes them appear virtuous to their peers, which is their primary driving motivation. 3) Their favoritism to the homosexual (trans) cabal outweighs their loyalty to any feminist factions. 4) As an ancillary fact, even though most American women will vote for a candidate for no other reason than the candidate is a woman, that fact does not change their over-riding loyalty to the homosexual community as way to appear woke to their friends.

    • Masked, let me unpack it for you. 1) The core problem is most women in America are so-called “woke.” 2) They believe pandering to the homosexual (trans) community makes them appear virtuous to their peers, which is their primary driving motivation. 3) Their favoritism to the homosexual (trans) cabal outweighs their loyalty to any feminist factions. 4) As an ancillary fact, even though most American women will vote for a candidate for no other reason than the candidate is a woman, that fact does not change their over-riding loyalty to the homosexual community as a way to appear woke to their friends.

  2. Representative Gray is exactly spot on.
    The bill as written is extremely hateful especially for the boys/men who want to identify as a girl/woman to gain access to the locker room where they can perform dirty deeds or quite simply use their superior power and strength to overcome any girl/women’s ability to compete and possibly win any competition.

    Rep Gray is standing up for this small group of misfits who cannot compete in their natural state so we may as well let them trample out girls/women’s chances of becoming anything more than bystanders bitching about nothing.
    Hooray for Gray! Hooray for his ignorant voters that sent him to Juneau!
    I am sure the women who supported him are the angry blue pink purple haired lesbians that want/need all the tranny boys/men to join their fight against the evil Trump supporting voters.
    Biden-Harris 2024!

  3. This bill will be lucky to make it out of the House alive, it will never get past the Senate.

    As well it shouldn’t, public testimony has been overwhelmingly opposed to this non-starter.

    Even if it were to be passed and signed into law, Mr Groh is correct, the unconstitutional nature of this poorly crafted and unnecessary law will be exposed.

    No-brainer here, folks

    • If so, why hasn’t it been struck down in the multiple other states it passed?

      The “unconstitutional” nature concept is highly debatable.

      I’m curious. Are you a supporter of allowing biological men into women’s bathrooms/showers/locker rooms etc?

  4. Nothing like digressing some 52 Years just because you have a confused XY chromosome individual that wants to win so bad that they will take away the rights of a young XX chromosome individual. I’m so glad that my daughter was able to compete at the collegiate level in sports before all this non-sense began.

  5. Rep Gray, this is NOT ABOUT a BILL about hate: It IS HAVING EQUAL OPPORTUNITY for competition. A male portraying a female: has greater power and stamina the female body can take. It has been known and seen in other states, where the transgender in competition has caused serious injuries and beat-up the female. If they’re so desiring to compete, why not compete with males even in their transgender situation..At least it is male to male competition…..A male need to compete with a male regardless of their transgender condition.

  6. The Demand that we play into the actual Mental illness of this Marxist push is disgusting. This is the Leftist creating a group of misfits to have there Maoist revolution. They claim to want “equal” rights but they want extra rights above the normal people. It is time to say enough and not allow MEN in women sports. They were born XY and can compete with the other XY persons. They have no Right to force their Mental illness on the rest of us. It is also time to toss these Leftist nuts out of office.

    • TC, you really need not explain that the sun rises in the east and what goes up must come down. We already know women’s leagues were created generations ago for the very obvious facts you stated. Let’s stop focusing on the obvious. Rather, let’s focus on exposing the perversity of the woke movement that is promoting men competing with women. Stay focused.

    • TC, please realize we are not dealing with “mental illness.” Rather, it is a moral deficiency. A transgender is nothing less than a homosexual taking his agenda to the extreme by actually modifying his body to be more effeminate. In the end, he is still a man. Vice-versa for women. Our US constitution and the American social norm of “to each his own” allows this charade. Its not our place to judge proclivities of others as long as they are not infringing upon our own rights. Mental illness is no more a factor in this matter than in extreme fashion statements, rap music, or dancing in the street. Its about satisfying craven desires and seeking attention.

  7. Barring males from women’s sports. It should also include barring males from all women’s facilities.
    We hear in the news in California that women are incarcerated in the California prison system. They are victims of male prisoners’ predators (animals) sexually assaulting these women. Women’s restrooms, changing rooms, locker rooms, not just girls’ high school sports.
    God created only two genders Male and Female

  8. It is a simple fact men are generally superior to women in chess. As a result, females are allowed to compete in the open chess league while men are not allowed in the women’s league. The basic fairness of these policies is blindingly obvious. The same should apply to athletics.

    On the other hand, women are obviously more capable of caring for young children. Accordingly, men should be allowed to do so if that is their inclination; however, we should not expect them to perform equally with women in this realm.

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