A glance at the candidates for Mat-Su races

Matanuska Valley

Nov. 2, 2021 is the date for the Mat-Su Borough local elections. The Mat-Su Borough is home to more than one out of every seven Alaskans, with a population of 107,081. During the past 10 years, the borough, which is the size of Ireland, gained 18,086 people and was the fastest growing region in the state.

Some candidates for borough seats are now endorsed by Region 2 Republicans, made up of six legislative districts, two women’s clubs, and the Mat-Su Young Republicans.

The withdrawal period for candidates ended on Friday. The deadline to qualify to vote in the 2021 Regular Borough Election will be Sunday, Oct. 3.

A glimpse of who will be on the ballot:

NameParty AffiliationGOPData Center Calculated ProfileDistrict-PrecinctVoting FrequencyLatest Campaign Disclosure ReportNotes
Edna DeVriesR1-Hard R11-0754/4NEndorsed by Region 2 Republicans. Current mayor of Palmer.
Bert CottleU3-Swing7-1254/4NFormer Mayor of Wasilla.
Matthew BeckN2- Weak R11-0954/4N
Assembly #3
Dee McKeeR1-Hard R12-2003/4NEndorsed by Region 2 Republicans. Longtime Republican activist.
Mark BaileyN5-Hard D12-2104/4NDunleavy Recall Petion Signer.
F.Jay KrugerN2-Weak R7-1052/3N
Assembly #6
Jesse SumnerR1-Hard R7-1104/4NIncumbent, Endorsed by Region 2 Republicans. Political/civic activist.
Richard ClippardAI4-Weak D9-6283/3No Municipal Voting Record.
Kristi ShortD5-Hard D9-6283/3No Municipal Voting Record, Dunleavy Recall Petion Signer.
Assembly #7
Ron BernierR2-Weak R8-1351/1No Alaska Voting Record (except 2020 Gen), 2020 PFD Registered Voter
Tamara BoeveU4-Weak D10-0454/43/9/21Incumbent, Dunleavy Recall Petition Signer.
School Board #1
Tom BergeyR1-Hard R12-2204/4NIncumbent, Endorsed by Region 2 Republicans.
Lori BerriganU3-Swing9-6224/4NDunleavy Recall Petition Signer.
School Board #4
Jubilee UnderwoodR1-Hard R7-1204/4NScheduling Region 2 Republican / Vetting in process.
Jennifer WaltherR1-Hard R7-1154/4N

The Mat-Su Borough’s absentee by-mail application is separate from that of the Alaska State Division of Elections and the Mat-Su cities of Houston, Palmer, and Wasilla. 

Things applicants for absentee ballots need to know about the process:

  • Apply early to receive your Borough ballot in a timely manner
  • Carefully complete ALL sections of the application
  • Omissions or errors may cause a delay in ballot mailing
  • Application MUST contain the applicant’s signature; no one else may sign for you!

Applications for the 2021 regular election will be available on this webpage starting January 1, 2021 or through the Borough Clerk’s Office by using the contact information above. The application deadline for the 2021 regular election is Tuesday, October 26, 2021. Completed and signed applications may be mailed to or hand-delivered to the Borough Clerk’s Office, or may be faxed to 907-861-7845.

Once the ballots are ready for distribution and upon the timely receipt of an application, the official ballot and voting material will be mailed to the applicant at the ballot mailing address provided on the application. Upon receiving the ballot, applicants need to carefully follow ALL instructions to ensure that the ballot is properly cast.

Ballot envelopes must be postmarked by Election Day, and received in the Borough Clerk’s Office no later than 5 p.m. three calendar days after the election. Hand-delivered ballots must be returned to a Borough election official by 8 p.m. on Election Day.

More information is at this Mat-Su Borough Elections Office link.


  1. This is a very useful chart revealing the strong and weak (rino) Republicans. Could you make one for the legislature?

  2. Bert Cottle is not a U. He is very much a democrat. He was a poor mayor for wasilla and will be equally bad for the matsu if elected.

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