3rd Avenue druggies: Did a camera really catch security worker firing up some fentanyl?

A person inside a security vehicle near the homeless encampment at 3rd and Inga appears to fire up something that looks a lot like drug use, according to the 3rd Ave. Radicals, who captured this image on video.

3rd Avenue Radicals, a group of civic activists that is trying to protect the 3rd Ave. area of Anchorage from total and irreversible decay, says it has on camera evidence of security firm vehicle occupants dumping drug paraphernalia on the ground near the homeless encampment at 3rd Ave. and Ingra Street. The video shows occupants of the vehicle smoking something in manner that appears to be how fentanyl is smoked. It can be seen in this video:

“Video footage of an Allied Universal Security officer illegally parked smoking fentanyl directly in front of a security camera in his company vehicle with a passenger at 1:40am Sunday morning,” the Facebook page 3rd Avenue Radicals posted. “In the second clip (see comments) at 1:49am you can see the rear passenger open the door and throw the fentanyl foils all over the ground.”

In that second video, it appears that someone in the back seat of the Allied Universal vehicle opens the door and dumps some foil on the ground.

“Additional footage (not posted) shows the vehicle return around 3:30am, engage in questionable activity with other people and vehicles, then proceed into the camp with a package and not return for nearly 90 minutes,” the Facebook group reported. “We attempted to report this activity to the Allied Universal call operator, but they hung up on us.”

A photo posted beneath the video showed what appears to be an up-close image of smashed foil on a street that the group says is the evidence of what they say happening on video. Anchorage police were called, took photos of the foil, took a statement from observers, and opened a case, said Rob Cupples, of 3rd Avenue Radicals, which describes itself as a “benevolent insurgency of neighbors creating positive change along East Third Avenue.”

Foil on asphalt is evidence of something, perhaps illegal drugs, caught by 3rd Ave. Radicals

“This is one of the companies the Muni has contracted with to maintain security and safety at buildings including City Hall and the Loussac Library. Talk about the fox guarding the hen house,” the group said.

Fentanyl use is an extremely potent and dangerous drug. Even a tiny amount can induce life-threatening effects. Because it is used as an adulterant in other drugs like heroin, users may be unaware they are ingesting it. Fentanyl depresses the nervous system and can rapidly lead to an overdose, respiratory arrest, and death, especially when mixed with other drugs.

Alaska had a reported 146 fentanyl overdose deaths in 2020 and 253 in 2021. According to the Department of Health and Social Services, fentanyl accounted for 49% of all drug overdoses in Alaska in 2020.

Cupples, of 3rd Ave. Radicals, has been giving updates regularly on Facebook about the deteriorating conditions at the encampment, which is similar to those camps of mainly drug and alcohol addicts now found in every major city in America, as well as many medium-sized cities and towns.

Zone abatement notices are now posted on the fence at 3rd and Ingra, dated the Oct. 16, which means the campers need to be out by the Oct. 26th, 10 days after the date on the notice.


  1. The best thing that could happen to Anchorage would be a repeat of the ‘64 earthquake. Have it fall into the Cook Inlet, salt the ground, and curse it.

    • Thanks a lot MA, not all of us have the means to move to Florida like Greg Forkner….
      Joking aside, it disturbs me that the security company would just hang up on any caller reporting an issue with their personnel and/or vehicles.

      • I noticed you didn’t dispute my assessment.

        Anchorage is going to have to crash and burn hard before it can ever recover.

        • Bronson sure is expediting the process. State needs more Conservative leadership to tear the rest of the place down.

          • So judgy again TI. Can we at least find out what happened BEFORE you assign any responsibility or blame here?
            Since tearing down, creating chaos and destruction of institutions, in order to remake everything in their dystopian image, is the stated goal of the anarchy leftists, I suppose you are quite happy with the current state of affairs.

      • Come on down. There are jobs a plenty. The water is fine. You just have to get here. Do you like $22 an hour to start with a 5k signing bonus? Full benefits. Florida is hiring.

        • No thanks, Greg, just been reading that Florida also has a pretty hefty “squatter/homeless” problem, so from the frying pan into the fire isn’t appealing, especially considering the heat, humidity and hurricanes.

      • Honest question: can you point out any city which has economically and socially prospered under long term Democrat control?

        • New York City.

          Say what you will – I don’t want to live there – but if it hasn’t prospered economically and socially, no city in America has.

          Giuliani and Bloomberg deserve some recent credit, for sure, but don’t negate the example. And, even when they were in the office, the Democrats retained significant power.

    • Masked Avenger: you being a Catholic Christian you need to learn the Hope in God in His redemption plan of people and how to use prayer outside of a confession booth to pray for others beside self, family, and close friends.

  2. The security company will probably found out who they are, terminate, and then we’ll have one more unemployed addict. Consequences for actions must be dealt so the employee has a closer chance to learning personal accountability. It’s disturbing an employment working closely around a vulnerable population who employee can be a drug mule using a legitimate company as a cover to get drugs into the homeless community continuing their addictions.

    And all employers must and should continue with all pre-screening drug and alcohol testing. To work around the homeless it should ongoing and regular unless the employer knows their employee and knows they don’t use drugs for employer-supervisor discretion.

    • Shame on you for having so little faith in your fellow man.

      Bad news for ya, people are best capable of dealing with their own problems and highly motivated when faced with harsh consequences.

      Charity and grace by man is for each of us to decide as charity and grace is best not expected from any man by any man.

      Do you really want to cure addiction issues? An addict’s choice of harsh jail or starvation on the streets will take care of it.

      Give them credit, they aren’t helpless.

  3. I’m glad and am thankful to God there are more men including some men pastors, (and the men like cupples) I met making their way into the homeless camp. I pray they make the trips regular routines, cause most of homeless population consist mostly men (brothers), and there only so little or do much a woman (a sister) can do and say that another brother can do better and get across to a struggling brother whom most likely grew up fatherless or didn’t have much of a father example.

  4. The government employees tend to hang up on calls from the public too. Carry over from relaxing Covid days.

  5. Nothing to see here. Move along. I’m sure we’ll soon get a doozy of an excuse from the crime apologists on the Anchorage Assembly. And most of Anchorage will go for it, hook, line and sinker.

    • I’ll play, I’m bored.

      How, and where, exactly, is there “Republican Insurrectionism” in any of this?

      Please list your examples. Especially one’s referencing a left wing city hiring a private security firm which may or may not employ fentanyl users.

      • Come on MA, Osbert is expanding his vocabulary with new words. He just doesn’t know yet, or can’t remember, what they mean……
        Just in case he actually meant what he said, I am also interested in the details that lead him to this conclusion, however I am not holding my breath here.

      • You call for the destruction of our town by natural disaster with the pretense that it would help. Who cares about YOUR stance on drugs? There is no game to play, you’re just sick.

  6. I drove home to ER from my job in South Los Anchorage last night at 10:15 pm and after dodging under the influence drivers and out of there mind pedestrians all I could do was pray for safe passage while I traveled threw zombie land.

  7. Curious what metric should be used to judge these cities, your opinion? If you go by per capital GDP 9 of the top 10 are democratic areas. I do not know how you measure socially prosperous. Maybe you can give an example of a Republican city that meets your criteria so we have something to go by. I try my best to avoid cities however I did go to Austin recently and found it enjoyable.

    • It’s a nice dodge, but badly ineffective.
      You should try harder if you want to play in the big kids sandbox.

      But a quick dissecting of your “point”.
      Of course big cities have a higher GDP. Historically corporations don’t locate in places like Tok. It’s also almost impossible to find a GOP lead city since most sane people learn live them for safer suburbs. So that straw man is well and truly burned up.

      How about these?
      Crime. Outward migration. Amount of people living at or below poverty line. Amount of homelessness. Open drug use. General crappy appearance.
      Businesses leaving. Refusal to support law enforcement. Cops in particular finding jobs elsewhere.

      I could go on almost endlessly. But there’s no point, since you’ll refuse the logic in place of your personal experiences.

      The last time I was in SF I had a good time. Same with Seattle. Even Portland, about 7 years ago. But my ability to make the best of dystopian circumstances doesn’t change the fact they are dystopian.

      Maybe that works for you.

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