Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2020

Alan Gross skips out on debate on resource jobs, economy

DON YOUNG AND ALYSE GALVIN SHOW UP, SPAR Al Gross, the candidate trying to bump off Sen. Dan Sullivan, couldn't make the economy-jobs debate on...

The fix was in for incoming Anchorage acting mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson

Was there a pre-meeting before Anchorage's Assembly meeting on Friday night to determine who would be the acting mayor of Anchorage? It appears that way....

Alaskans can send principled policy champions to Juneau

Alaskans have an unbreakable spirit. A global pandemic may have changed our daily lives, but it has not, and cannot break Alaskans’ indomitable spirit....

Judge rules governor has no authority to veto Alaska Court System’s budget

COURT IS SUPREME IN APPROPRIATIONS, SUPREME IN VETOES In a decision that critics say guts democracy, Anchorage Superior Court Judge Jennifer Henderson ruled Friday that...

Murkowski hasn’t decided on Amy Coney Barrett for court

In spite of some media reports, Sen. Lisa Murkowski has not decided for or against the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett for the U.S....

Civics 101: How we elect our president with the Electoral College, Congress, and you

By SCOTT LEVESQUE On Nov. 3, many Americans will be glued to their television or computer screens, watching the "results" of this year's presidential election. They...

Gruening: When will our schools reopen?

By WIN GRUENING If you haven’t bookmarked this website, you should:  CovidActNow.org. It shows that while Alaska is experiencing increasing Covid risk levels, this is mostly due...

Court says this vote-rigging lawsuit has gone too far

Anchorage Superior Court Judge Andrew Guidi on Thursday denied left-wing litigants their demand that election officials must assist voters in correcting wrongly filled-out absentee...

COVID on the uptick in AK

More cases of COVID-19 were reported in Alaska this week than any previous week, and by a lot -- more than 40 percent than...

Al Gross keeps a $3.1 million mansion in California

MONEY MADE SUING ALASKANS FOR UNPAID MEDICAL BILLS? U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan has been subjected to an unrelenting air-bombing campaign by Al Gross, who is...

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