Wyoming Republicans censure Liz Cheney for her vote on impeachment


On Saturday, the Wyoming Republican Party censured Republican Rep. Liz Cheney for voting to impeach former President Donald Trump. The 74-member state central committee only saw eight of the 74 members opposing the motion.

Cheney is the third-ranking Republican in the minority caucus behind Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Minority Whip Steve Scalise. She is also the highest-ranking Republican woman in Congress. Like Alaska, Wyoming has just one representative in the U.S. House, which makes a state party censure more impactful.

Anthony Bouchard, who is running against Cheney for the 2022 election, said in a statement, “Today’s vote to censure illustrates that Liz Cheney is hopelessly out of touch with Wyoming, Trump’s best state TWICE. Maybe Liz should run inside the DC Beltway in VA where she lives fulltime, because she’s never here and has no clue how we think. And doesn’t care.”

Ten Republican members of the U.S. House voted to impeach Trump based on the charge of his inciting an” insurrection.” They are:

  1. Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
  2. Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming
  3. Rep. John Katko of New York
  4. Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan
  5. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
  6. Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington
  7. Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan
  8. Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
  9. Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina
  10. Rep. David Valadao of California

Six of these Republicans have been censured, although none has reached the state party-level censure of Wyoming’s GOP against Cheney.

In Michigan, the Allegan County Republican Party chapter voted to censure Congressman Fred Upton, and Cass County has followed suit. Upton represents the Sixth Congressional District.

Michigan’s Third Congressional District Republicans are planning vote of censure for freshman Rep. Peter Meijer; that vote appears to be underway.

Washington State’s Republican Party passed a resolution publicly rebuking Republican Rep. Herrera Beutler. She represents the Third Congressional District, which is considered marginal for Republicans.

Also in Washington, Rep. Dan Newhouse has faced calls for his resignation by the three GOP leaders in his Central Washington district, who condemned him for his Jan. 13 vote to impeach.

In a letter, the GOP chairs in six of the eight counties in the 4th Congressional District condemned Newhouse for promoting his “own personal agenda, with complete disregard to the citizens who elected you.”

“It is your sworn duty as an elected official to represent the people accordingly,” they wrote. “When a representative fails to represent the people, the people must respond.”

Newhouse has refused their demands to resign.

The South Carolina Republican Party voted last month to formally censure Rep. Tom Rice for his vote to impeach Trump.

 Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger has been issued a formal rebuke by Republicans in his district. He has been censured by the party.

The impeachment is now in front of the Senate, which must vote. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official upon conviction is removal from office. Trump, however, is no longer in office, and the constitutionality of this action is in question. There is no appeal process.


  1. The headline could read “Real RINO’s Seize Wyoming GOP.”

    I really appreciate how this article was factually written with no bias – thank you.

  2. On January 6th, Lizzie was using the same undisclosed bunker that her dad, VP Dick Cheney, used to hide on 9/11. Primary her out of office.

  3. Our state GOP is spineless, the same should have happened to democrat Lisa murkowski years ago, but no she gets a free ride to hurt the state and the republic.

  4. Alaskan Republicans better be prepared to censure Murkowski and Sullivan if either votes to Impeach a non-sitting President against the Consitution

  5. The Murkowskis and the Cheneys..add in the Bush family and it’s hard to find 3 names, more synonymous with the destruction of the GOP brand.

    • That’s because you’re not old enough. There was Ford, and taft. Even Lincoln was a rhino by today’s standards. The only real Republicans that I’m aware of was Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan.

      • Dang! I suspected that you were old, but I had no idea that you’re that old. Bet you have to shop at three different stores just to get enough candles for your birthday cake.

  6. What a bunch of sad-sack losers the Democrats are. Even more so the Republicans that have followed in their footsteps. Maybe the Republicans in our state Legislature should do the same to Louise Stutes who has repeatedly followed the Democrats here in Alaska. Nonetheless, it’s appalling to see the turncoats spewing this kind of vitriol about President Trump, going against party lines and most importantly, going against the wishes of the people who voted these legislators into office. Wonder how the people of Kodiak feel?

  7. Liz Cheney will have to get through a Wyoming state Republican primary in 2022, if she chooses to run for office again. Lisa Murkowski will not have to run the gauntlet of an Alaska Republican primary thanks to our new state election law passed by us voters in November of 2020. Political parties were nullified in that election. I predict Lisa will probably get re-elected, but not with my vote.

  8. Yes, the Alaska Republican Party needs to do the same to Murkowski. She needs to know that we won’t tolerate her behavior and that it is time for her and her Democratic views to go. There are thousands of us that are done with Murkowski and want her gone. Time for us all to stand up and say enough is enough and work to get her out of office. I for one will do my part to see that she doesn’t get elected again – whether that is working on the campaign of whoever is running against her or just using my voice to tell everyone I know not to vote for her. Time for a change in D.C. and Alaska and it starts with her.

  9. The AK GOP will do nothing. If you want that to change you’ll have to run for some positions on the various district boards and change that from within.

  10. Lisa Murkowski needs to drop her personal unconstitutional vendetta against our former president, I am sick and tired of her not representing the majority of the voters in Alaska that voted and still support Donald Trump! Lets find out how to Censor her and vote her out the next go around!

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