World premiere of ‘Uncle Ted’ on Friday at Cyrano’s


Cyrano’s Theatre Company presents the world premiere of the play titled “Uncle Ted,” Sept. 29 in Anchorage.

Billed as an homage to the “famous longtime Alaskan senator,” Ted Stevens, the play examines the reputation, the rise, and the fall of the powerful and productive senator whom many knew as “Uncle Ted.”

The playwright is none other than State Sen. Gary Stevens (no relation), of Kodiak, who wrote the two-act monologue, which is directed by Kalli Denali Randall. Dan Morrison plays the part of Sen. Ted Stevens.

The “Uncle Ted” script can be read at this link.

Tickets for the performance, which runs through Oct. 22, can be purchased at this link.


  1. Way back in 2008 when the DOJ’s reputation was still intact, I knew his indictment was BS. He was the poorest guy in the Senate. The DOJ prosecutors just wanted a big name scalp to burnish their resumes when they left to go work for big law firms for big bucks.

  2. Forget the indictment, unjust though it was … Uncle Ted admitted that he illegally wrote part of the statehood act as an Interior Dept lawyer … which would award the fed gov’t with 65% of our land and resources. No wonder he supported ANILCA. He was invested in it. Then he came to our “rescue” with massive influxes of federal pork. It’s called “dependency” and “control”. I have no doubt how this “historical” play will work out. Personally, I would not be able to watch it. If you like white-washing stories, go see the now oft-ridiculed war-time pro-Stalin propaganda movie “Mission to Moscow”.

  3. The only Republican I have ever voted for was Uncle Ted. I might like to see this one. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Uncle Ted was hardly the poorest senator in 2008. He ranked #54 out of 96 and 53 senators’ minimum net worth was higher than Ted’s. 42 senators’ minimum net worth was less than Ted’s minimum net worth. Ted’s minimum net worth: $848,026 average: $1,473,513 Ted’s maximum net worth: $2,099,000.

    Some senators’ were reported to have negative minimum and maximum net worths.


    • And according to that ‘source’, Joe Biden in 2014 was worth Negative $1.8 million in 2014 with a classic Corvette parked next to classified documents in his garage – while his son was pulling millions out of Ukraine and China.

      Just means he had a very clever elf for an accountant.

  5. Wish I could be there. I lived in Girdwood for 40 years and shared the company of “Uncle” Ted along with “Stumpy” Faulkner with a good bottle of wine on occasion at the Double Musky Inn. They were two great “guys” that helped a lot of people.

  6. Yes. I always wanted to know what the Cyranos theater kids think about Ted Stevens.

    Instead of wasting your time with them, I suggest “Not Guilty: The Unlawful Prosecution of U.S. Senator Ted Stevens” by Rob Cary.

    • That book is fantastic. Highly recommended.

      Like a lot of Alaskans, I know people involved with the trial. This was an ugly story, so disgraceful that Eric Holder tossed the case before it got to an Appeals Court where it surely would have been overturned and sanctions applied.

    • This play was not about what “Cyranos think about Ted Stevens”. Sen Gary Stevens (R) wrote the play. He was originally going to write a book, but felt a one man monologue would be better. Sen Stevens, who was a long time friend of both Ted and Ben, said during a Q&A after the show, that he had consulted extensively with Ben Stevens on this project.

  7. Toscono has for sure read the U.S. Constitution. Land holdings by the feds are very clear and very limited. The feds framed Stevens, got what they wanted and then they murdered him. Right Mr. Sullivan, Mizz Murkowski? Oh that’s right, but you don’t care. Do ya?

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