Who’s who: House Committee on Infrastructure, Transportation comes to Anchorage


Members of the U.S. House Committee on Infrastructure and Transportation will be holding meetings with officials in Alaska this week, including in Kodiak and in Anchorage.

The entourage includes Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-Missouri), Ranking Member Rick Larsen (D-Washington), Rep. Daniel Webster (R-Florida), Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (D-California), Rep. Julia Brownley (D-California), and a group of staffers, security personnel, and representatives from groups such as the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.

Vice Admiral Andrew J. Tiongson, Commander USCG Pacific Area, which stretches from Rocky Mountains across the Indo-Pacific, Arctic and Antarctic regions, all the way to the coast of eastern Africa, is scheduled to attend as well.

Not yet on the official CODEL (congressional delegation) schedule: Alaska Rep. Mary Peltola, who is said to have been out of the country during August recess.

Peltola is a member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and is on the Subcommittee on Aviation. She has been MIA, not been seen in the state since Congress went into August recess. Her state director Josh Revak is rarely seen in public.

The meetings appear will include port and aviation issues, as representatives from the aviation sector are expected to also fly into Anchorage.

Rep. Peltola is also not able to attend meetings with Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg from Aug. 14-16. Her campaign and official social media accounts have been unusually quiet, and the mainstream media is not asking her questions about her whereabouts. Peltola is expected to be back from her travels for a charity fishing event that follows the Kenai Classic at the end of the month.


  1. Maybe Alaskans can unify behind her opponent (Nicholas Begich) next election as we did electing Governor Dunleavy for a second term. As a man told me at at Value Village don’t even rank peltola cause during the primary election. I ranked her third she received my vote. During the general I didn’t even rank her.

    • That was your mistake by ranking her with anything.I did not put anything next to her mane as she does not support all Alaskans only those who benefit her. She is a SCAB.

  2. More and more I get the impression that Mary Peltola is enamored with the accolades and image of a member of congress, but clearly doesn’t care for the work. Wasn’t the point of the recess to go home and talk to your constituents?
    On the other hand her not participating in this schinding can only be a good thing, considering her anti-Alaskan votes in the house.

  3. I guess some things are more important to Peltola that the port of Anchorage the entire railbelt and Southcentral depends on.

  4. Representative Peltola’s absence from this trip and meetings is NOT normal for a member of the committee. She must provide an explanation and it should be a really good one. The late Don Young would not behave in this way.

  5. Peltola and Revak working with her? How could we get any better of a team? Ha. I know, if only our votes counted!

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