When Twitter bites: Did Murkowski kill Neera Tanden’s nomination for White House job?


President Joe Biden today withdrew the nomination of Neera Tanden for budget director. His press office issued a statement on Tuesday evening.

Tanden was in an uphill battle against Republicans, especially after a Twitter message directed at key-vote Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska surfaced last week.

In the Twitter message from 2017, Tanden directed her snark at Murkowski, saying she was “high on your own supply.” Murkowski had been making the case that lower corporate taxes were important for the investment needed to grow the economy.

“You know, we know, and everyone knows that is garbage. Just stop,” Tanden continued in her Twitter attack.

A reporter from the Washington Post showed the message to Murkowski last week, and after that, the Alaska senior senator’s vote was in play.

Murkowski was said to be concerned with the White House move to kill off the oil industry in Alaska, and some believe she was dickering for a better deal for Alaska, such as allowing work to continue in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Whatever the case, it appears that Murkowski’s vote was key, and in the end killed the Tanden nomination.

“Unfortunately, it now seems clear that there is no path forward to gain confirmation, and I do not want continued consideration of my nomination to be a distraction from your other priorities,” Tanden said in a letter to Biden, announcing her withdrawal. Observers say she will play another role in his administration, one that does not require Senate approval.

As for Murkowski, she told The Hill newspaper that she did not tell the White House how she would vote on Tanden and the White House never asked her.

Tanden is president of the Center for American Progress, a liberal advocacy group. According to Wikipedia, she worked on several Democratic presidential campaigns, including Michael Dukakis in 1988, Bill Clinton in 1992, and Barack Obama in 2008. The was a senior staffer to Hillary Clinton during her 2000 election to a United States Senate seat in New York, and during Clinton’s tenure as a Senator. While working for Obama, she helped draft Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act.


  1. Anyone who believes the White house gives one whit what Lisa thinks is high on their own supply.

    Any Alaskan that gives one whit what Lisa thinks is likewise, high on their own supply.

  2. Thank God Alaska was saved by the nominees recognition that she doomed herself with her tweet. Little does she know Lisa may have voted for her anyway just to increase her own value with the Biden administration. She rarely misses an opportunity to support her Democrat friends and screw Alaska voters.

  3. Neera Tanden was right on with her comment on Senator Murkowski. American companies are multi-national and did not need a tax break to compete. The 2017 Tax giveaway to corporations and wealthy taxpayers was such an increase to our national debt that middle income tax payers will see an increase in taxes by 2025 due to a sunset clause in the 2017 Tax Giveaway

  4. This article makes no sense. First, it answers the question in the headline with a “yes.”

    > Whatever the case, it appears that Murkowski’s vote was key, and in the end killed the Tanden nomination.

    But a few paragraphs later, the answer to the question is apparently “no.”

    > As for Murkowski, she told The Hill newspaper that she did not tell the White House how she would vote on Tanden and the White House never asked her.

  5. Head over to Jimmy Dore’s YouTube channel and watch the interactions he’s had with Neera Tanden, they’re hilarious. She’s a nasty lightweight thug, and one who constantly gets her a$$ handed to her by genuine progressives like Dore. She’s fake and self serving, good riddance!

  6. Maybe all residents who are Leaders and have some kind of community influence should JUST delete themselves off social media. It be for their better. That be wiser than continuing facebooking, twittering, youtubing, telegramming. The community knows how to get a hold of leaders they just wouldnt be able to use social media for contact. Leaders disturb the public enough by some controversial choices without them speaking misinterpreted words on the cuff in the heat of the moment only receiving greater public backlash Adding to the public disturbance.

    If I was a leader, i wouldn’t want social media accounts, and I wouldnt want to know what people are saying behind my back, it be too much of a distraction. If Tanden felt as strongly as she expressed, she should had called Murkowski and told her over the phone. Surely the two have one another’s phone numbers?

  7. Alaska’s leftist, nepotistic, senator does it again:

    Murkowski is one of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee’s swing votes, along with committee Chairman Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.). Murkowski, a senator from a major oil-producing state who was heavily lobbied by the industry to oppose the nomination, said she would back Haaland “despite some very real misgivings.”

    “If you’re listening, know that I intend to work with you because I want you to be successful. And quite honestly, we need you to be successful,” Murkowski said.

    At least one other Republican, Maine Sen. Susan Collins, will support Haaland’s nomination, making her likely to be confirmed with at least a 52-48 majority.

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