Vote No on 2 names co-chairs to stop a ballot measure that would rig Alaska elections



Defend Alaska Elections—Vote No on 2 announced 25 co-chairs to lead the campaign to defeat Ballot Measure 2.

The community leaders who have lent their names to the defeat of the rigging of Alaska’s elections include Chairman John Sturgeon.

“Alaskans already know how to vote; they have been doing it since statehood!” said Tim Navarre, a Democrat, lifelong Alaskan, Kenai City Council member, and former president of the Alaska Municipal League.

“I believe outside interests are trying to change Alaska’s voting laws to suit their own interest. Presently my vote counts today, and that is the way it should be,” said Bob Sivertsen, a Republican and lifelong resident of Southeast Alaska, mayor of Ketchikan, and advocate for seniors.

The group has the backing of Libertarian Dick Randolph, who said, “The billionaires supporting Ballot Measure 2 say it will give voters ‘more choice and more voice. This is utter nonsense. It will actually take away voters’ choices, by discriminating against small political parties.”

“Erecting new barriers to voting by increasing ballot complexity and throwing out votes is a recipe for disaster,” said Susie Linford (Non Partisan), award-winning chef and longtime community pillar in Anchorage. “Our current system is fair and simple, and most importantly, every vote counts!”

Dark money is fueling Ballot Measure 2, and it’s from out of state. Defend Alaska Elections reports its top three contributors are Alaskans John Sturgeon, former Governor Sean Parnell (R), and former Senator Mark Begich (D).

The full current list of co-chairs includes:

  • Bernie Karl, business owner, entrepreneur, and lifelong Fairbanksan
  • Anna MacKinnon, former state senator, former Executive Director of STAR
  • Bob Candopoulos, captain and president of the Saltwater Safari Company 
  • Carol Fraser, Alaska Chamber board member, businesswoman, and travel industry advocate
  • Johnny Ellis, former state senator of some 30 years
  • Mead Treadwell, former lieutenant governor and current Arctic advocate
  • Kristin Mellinger, businesswoman and former executive VP of the Arctic Slope Regional Corp
  • Dick Randolph, statesman and lifelong Alaskan
  • Lei Tupou, Alaska Parole Board member and longtime public servant
  • Cheryl Markwood, owner of Markwood Realty and local political activist
  • Tim Navarre, Kenai City Council member, and lifelong Alaskan
  • Stanley Wright, veteran, father, and longtime Alaskan
  • Leslie Becker, former E.D. of Ketchikan Chamber, candidate for Alaska Legislature
  • David Pruhs, Fairbanks City Council member, small business owner, and lifelong Alaskan
  • Pete Zuyus, former chief information officer for the State of Alaska and advocate for seniors
  • Brittani Clancey, mother of four, Advisory Board member for Northern Lights ABC School
  • Thomas Baker, City of Kotzebue Vice-Mayor, candidate for the Alaska Legislature
  • Bob Sivertsen, lifelong resident of Ketchikan, mayor, and advocate for seniors
  • Portia Noble, lifelong Alaskan and political activist
  • Mark Chryson, former chair, Alaskan Independence Party; sponsor of original ranked choice ballot initiative
  • Mike Prax, Alaska state representative
  • Susie Linford, award-winning chef and community volunteer in Anchorage
  • Steve Colligan, businessman, former member Mat-Su Borough Assembly
  • Paulette Simpson, longtime Juneauite and community volunteer
  • Dave Talerico, Alaska state representative, former coal miner
  • Cynthia Erickson, Athabaskan from Tanana, business leader and rural advocate

The Alaskans for Better Elections group trying to pass Ballot Measure 2 is led by Scott Kendall, the former chief of staff to Gov. Bill Walker and a leader in the Recall Dunleavy Committee.


  1. AND we need to get rid of mail in ballots and go back to 100% polling places with voter ID. Enough of this Leftist election rigging.

      • We need picture ID voting. All I ever do is show my voter registration card. There are no safeguards to prevent counterfeiting or even to verify that this voter registration card is even mine. That’s not a very secure process.

    • Could not agree more. Absentee ballots with a valid reason only. And, I am afraid of the ‘rona is not a valid reason.

    • Mailing ballots out all over is completely open to tampering. If people wanted an absentee ballot all they had to do was request one. Well, evil loves the new system.

    • What would you say to Alaskan military personnel in service with the USA USMC USAF USN and the USCG or to Alaskan residence housebound with disabilities? So sorry, 100% polling places only?

  2. Scott Kendall is a midget Alaskan, with a loser, go-for-broke, complex. He is guided by another loser, Bill Walker. Send Scott Kendall a huge message by voting out his Left-wing extremist brother-in-law, Grier Hopkins. State House, District 4. This will send Scott Kendall a big message that we don’t like sore losers trying to change the voice of the Alaska electorate.

    • Grier is now on the IBEW union payroll , I hear. Plenty of campaign money there. He will be working to send state dollars their wat.

      • We already knew he was on the NEA’s payroll, but Grier is now an electrician too? Geezus, his old man was a pretend carpenter for awhile, until the supervisor at the UAF’s carpentry shop got tired of fixing Luke’s eff-ups. Hope Grier doesn’t electrocute anyone.

        • Hope he doesn’t try and start a civil war like his dad, Luke Hopkins, did up in Fairbanks. Hopkins’ seem to like dividing people up by promoting big government tactics. Vote them all out of office.

          • That very thing is being worked on, Paul. Grier is a big target for Republicans. Viewed as a 2/4/1 project. Both Grier and his brother-in-law, Scott Kendall, voted out.

    • At the height of the government’s coronavirus lies and lockdowns, 30-year veteran physician, Dr. Ann Bukacek, stood at the podium of Liberty Fellowship and exposed the gross exaggeration of corona death certificates that were being encouraged by the CDC as a way of manipulating public perception regarding the nature and extent of the virus. She used the CDC’s own statements to prove her assertions.

      Well, hold onto your seats. A recent report published by the CDC itself totally vindicates Dr. Bukacek and, at the same time, indicts itself. For the most part, of course, the mainstream media is ignoring the report.

      Dr. Annie Bukacek of Kalispell did her best to try warning Montanans that the death rate of COVID-19 was being stretched and contorted by misleading death certificates. In the article, Montana Doctor Blows the Whistle on the CDC’s Manipulated Coronavirus Figures, the Gazette reported Bukacek’s presentation which explained that COVID-19 was being placed on death certificates as the cause of death merely because the deceased had tested positive for the virus and regardless of whether or not it actually caused them to die. Bukaceks’ assertions were picked up by the national press and joined a loud chorus of medical professionals around the nation who were insisting that the CDC’s figures were skewed.

      Largely, Bukacek was slandered in the press in outlets like The Daily Beast, Buzzfeed, and even Rolling Stone for being an ‘anti-vaxxer’ and ‘conspiracy theorist’ who was ‘undermining COVID-19 response in Montana.’ Buzzfeed wrote of Dr. Bukacek, “In a widely circulated video posted on social media, Bukacek cast doubt over official COVID-19 death tolls, saying medical professionals were pressured to attribute non-COVID deaths to the virus.”

      For entire article:

  3. Thanks Susan … no idea what ranked voting is & I’m not interested in researching it as I have a Life.

    Glad to see the nonpartisan non-support behind this; these folks can make the decision for me

    NO on 2 ….both sides can’t be wrong

  4. Vote “yes” and set the stage for the eventual one-party rule… and we know which Party did this in California. Got to give them credit… they play for the long game.

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