In a video posted on social media on Tuesday, Gov. Mike Dunleavy made an overture to federal workers who may have been laid off by the Trump Administration, as the president seeks to downsize the federal government. There are state jobs to apply for, Dunleavy said: “Don’t lose heart.”
Dunleavy acknowledged there are hardworking people in the federal government who may now be looking for work, and he encouraged them to visit “to explore job openings, training programs, and support services to help navigate this transition.”
There are hundreds of vacant state jobs, including a 25% vacancy rate at the Alaska Marine Highway system.
Roll tape:
They aren’t firing “hard-working” people, they’re firing redundant or deadbeat people, of which there are many.
Mike Dunleavy is a fraud. He offers jobs to people who were fired indiscriminately, not based on their performance or their worth, but only on how long they had worked at an agency.
The jobs he offers are the very same that he fails to support with competitive wages and benefits. “Come and take our crappy jobs!” he touts. “Maybe it will help our fix our poor retention rate!”
This governor has no shame, but he’s the kind of guy who will hardly know it. He’s too…dumb.
Yes, they are firing hardworking people. Elon and Trump are using a sledgehammer and don’t really care who goes, just that they do. It isn’t necessarily the worst way to to this, but it is getting rid of plenty of folks who have been good performers and have saved the government plenty of cash over the years. Please don’t paint everyone with the “federal employees are crap” brush. We aren’t. And to that point, most federal agencies in Alaska are already understaffed for their missions, so there will just have to be less missions. So be it.
Big Mike(!) … Let’s trim the fat at the state level, reduce wasteful spending, reducing the payroll. Certainly(?), there’s opportunities available to reduce the head-count, ask current employees to do more with less, proving their worth by demonstrating value thru efficiency – effectiveness – usefulness. If these federal employees have meaningful skills, they’ll find appropriate work commiserate with their skillset and potential value.
You’re spot on. I hope our state government does not try and absorb these obviously nonessential workers. I would hope that our state would follow suit and start eliminating our deadweight. I think that we need to fund a 3rd party audit team and look at what we are spending our money on. I’m pretty confident we have our share of fraud, waste and abuse.
The government needs to get out of the business as an employment agency. Our government has redefined what a public servant is.
No surprise here where Dunleavy (the, can’t keep from laughing trying to write, “Republican”) stands.
We also have a grossly bloated state government that needs downsizing. Hiring terminated federal workers will just make matters worse. Maybe they can monitor and measure the carbon capture in our state forests, or other useless tasks.
It would be better if Dunleavy worked with the new administration to open access to lands for energy and mineral development, which create productive jobs and actual wealth.
Not sure how many washed up ex federal workers have functional skills relevant in the real world, but perhaps re education, as is necessary in all failed socialist environments may rehabilitate some of them.
Remember that federal bureaucrats went along with forcing family miners off claims, lock up our lands in “parks” enforce federal educational policies to prevent our youth from education, and all manner of detrimental activities, subsidizing the decay of our society.
Of course there are decent people in federal jobs, and these will find gainful employment immediately. It’s hard to find anyone reliable to work. It will also be an enlightening experience for these people to experience life in a competitve world, with actual work standards and no frilly benefit packages. Heck, they might even start to vote for Juneau reps who will expand our economy and not the state government!
It’s the idea of moving and subsidizing the dead weight onto the state budget and further burdening the private economy that is destructive and unacceptable.
We need less government workers not more.
Alaska does not need one more worker – literally.
Government workers are the parasitical class.
No mercy.
Cut more government jobs.
The taxpayers are fed up with the DEI handouts.
Encourage the federal parasitic class to go to the private sector – and get a REAL job.
Plenty of jobs in the private sector as well. If those who were fired are capable of passing a drug test, can show up to work and on time, and don’t mind actually working they should have absolutely no problem finding a job.
Did he reach out to people fired for not taking the vax? This is a disgusting virtue signal from Dunleavy. Almost as disgusting as when he was going to open the immigrant employment center.
The dollar has been destroyed by parasitic “jobs” – both government and non-productive companies. The population (including MAGA) is clueless about how broken our economy really is and the pain it will take if we ever want to fix it. Everything is driven by debt – the new soma. Give people credit so they have instant gratification and they won’t rebel. We have several generations now who believe this is normal. This is how our economy has been undermined by removing productive manufacturing and replacing it with government “jobs”, government subsidies, knowledge workers, stores selling foreign made junk, restaurants, and other entertainment. People believe the stock market, real estate, and other debt driven bubbles make them wealthy. We are at a point where the entire population is directly or indirectly dependent on government largess and/or debt. Importing new populations appears to be the most recent scheme to keep the party going – driving up the welfare rolls and money printing. Our population is older, unhealthy, unaware of how broken all of this is, and without the skill set to be self sufficient.
I look forward to his last day.