In a video posted on social media on Tuesday, Gov. Mike Dunleavy made an overture to federal workers who may have been laid off by the Trump Administration, as the president seeks to downsize the federal government. There are state jobs to apply for, Dunleavy said: “Don’t lose heart.”
Dunleavy acknowledged there are hardworking people in the federal government who may now be looking for work, and he encouraged them to visit “to explore job openings, training programs, and support services to help navigate this transition.”
There are hundreds of vacant state jobs, including a 25% vacancy rate at the Alaska Marine Highway system.
Roll tape:
They aren’t firing “hard-working” people, they’re firing redundant or deadbeat people, of which there are many.
Mike Dunleavy is a fraud. He offers jobs to people who were fired indiscriminately, not based on their performance or their worth, but only on how long they had worked at an agency.
The jobs he offers are the very same that he fails to support with competitive wages and benefits. “Come and take our crappy jobs!” he touts. “Maybe it will help our fix our poor retention rate!”
This governor has no shame, but he’s the kind of guy who will hardly know it. He’s too…dumb.
Blame those Presidents that bloated the federal Government to an unsastainable size.. ( JB).. it was his way of lowering the unemployment rate after COVID .. all políticas , all the time.
Yes, they are firing hardworking people. Elon and Trump are using a sledgehammer and don’t really care who goes, just that they do. It isn’t necessarily the worst way to to this, but it is getting rid of plenty of folks who have been good performers and have saved the government plenty of cash over the years. Please don’t paint everyone with the “federal employees are crap” brush. We aren’t. And to that point, most federal agencies in Alaska are already understaffed for their missions, so there will just have to be less missions. So be it.
Tamra is correct. It is most unfortunate that going after probationaries was perhaps the only tool readily available to make the cuts needed. We know there are plenty of other positions that could have been cut but unfortunately it would take the cooperation of many of the embedded folks who are resisting the downsizing of government. So the easy path was the probationaries where there are no protections for them. It is sad to see so many of them getting a letter that says” based on your performance” when in fact their performance had nothing to do with it. And sad to say, many of these employees are likely the younger ones who bring energy and change. If only we could go after the old deadwood instead. As an independant businessman I am all for reducing the size of government, but I wish it could be done where it actually needs to be done. And I would like to add that Mr. Dunleavy is acting like a governor should and reaching out in times of need and I aplaud him for it.
Wow Tamra has a softer side!! Who would have thought it? I thought you were hard-core MAGA, but now equivocate when your job is at risk. Such hypocrisy.
Once a government employee always a government employee?
There’s a staff shortage of government workers in Alaska? Really?
Tamara; That’s the point, we need to fund less missions that have done nothing but waste money.
Big Mike(!) … Let’s trim the fat at the state level, reduce wasteful spending, reducing the payroll. Certainly(?), there’s opportunities available to reduce the head-count, ask current employees to do more with less, proving their worth by demonstrating value thru efficiency – effectiveness – usefulness. If these federal employees have meaningful skills, they’ll find appropriate work commiserate with their skillset and potential value.
You’re spot on. I hope our state government does not try and absorb these obviously nonessential workers. I would hope that our state would follow suit and start eliminating our deadweight. I think that we need to fund a 3rd party audit team and look at what we are spending our money on. I’m pretty confident we have our share of fraud, waste and abuse.
The government needs to get out of the business as an employment agency. Our government has redefined what a public servant is.
Leave Michelle Obama out of this. ?
I meant the ‘other’ Big Mike, closer to home … AK907.
No surprise here where Dunleavy (the, can’t keep from laughing trying to write, “Republican”) stands.
We also have a grossly bloated state government that needs downsizing. Hiring terminated federal workers will just make matters worse. Maybe they can monitor and measure the carbon capture in our state forests, or other useless tasks.
It would be better if Dunleavy worked with the new administration to open access to lands for energy and mineral development, which create productive jobs and actual wealth.
Not sure how many washed up ex federal workers have functional skills relevant in the real world, but perhaps re education, as is necessary in all failed socialist environments may rehabilitate some of them.
Remember that federal bureaucrats went along with forcing family miners off claims, lock up our lands in “parks” enforce federal educational policies to prevent our youth from education, and all manner of detrimental activities, subsidizing the decay of our society.
Of course there are decent people in federal jobs, and these will find gainful employment immediately. It’s hard to find anyone reliable to work. It will also be an enlightening experience for these people to experience life in a competitve world, with actual work standards and no frilly benefit packages. Heck, they might even start to vote for Juneau reps who will expand our economy and not the state government!
It’s the idea of moving and subsidizing the dead weight onto the state budget and further burdening the private economy that is destructive and unacceptable.
We need less government workers not more.
Alaska does not need one more worker – literally.
Government workers are the parasitical class.
No mercy.
Cut more government jobs.
The taxpayers are fed up with the DEI handouts.
Encourage the federal parasitic class to go to the private sector – and get a REAL job.
Plenty of jobs in the private sector as well. If those who were fired are capable of passing a drug test, can show up to work and on time, and don’t mind actually working they should have absolutely no problem finding a job.
“…….Plenty of jobs in the private sector as well……..”
Handing Big Macs out the drive thru windows to the long lines of hardworking, nutrient needing private industry efficiency wizards enjoying bluetooth Mozart in their Mercedes SUVs?
Did he reach out to people fired for not taking the vax? This is a disgusting virtue signal from Dunleavy. Almost as disgusting as when he was going to open the immigrant employment center.
The dollar has been destroyed by parasitic “jobs” – both government and non-productive companies. The population (including MAGA) is clueless about how broken our economy really is and the pain it will take if we ever want to fix it. Everything is driven by debt – the new soma. Give people credit so they have instant gratification and they won’t rebel. We have several generations now who believe this is normal. This is how our economy has been undermined by removing productive manufacturing and replacing it with government “jobs”, government subsidies, knowledge workers, stores selling foreign made junk, restaurants, and other entertainment. People believe the stock market, real estate, and other debt driven bubbles make them wealthy. We are at a point where the entire population is directly or indirectly dependent on government largess and/or debt. Importing new populations appears to be the most recent scheme to keep the party going – driving up the welfare rolls and money printing. Our population is older, unhealthy, unaware of how broken all of this is, and without the skill set to be self sufficient.
Excellent analysis
I look forward to his last day.
This is disappointing. Where was he when private businesses were laying off employees since 2019? Or does Big Mike just care about government workers?
Dunleavy should just bring on the unemployment funds and leave the rest to the unemployed.
Based on a sample below of the five bullet points that Musk requires for a federal worker to possibly keep her/his job, you might want to reconsider your offer.
. Wrote a letter complaining to my union rep about Trump and Musk’s downsizing of government.
. Texted Lisa Murkowski and asked her to keep up her bitching about Trump’s policies.
. Watched the latest Netflix movie on my computer.
. Still doing the math calculation to see if I should take Trump’s buyout offer to terminate.
. Contacted the Democrat Party office and asked if I can make a cash donation.
(End of accomplishment report for the week. We love you).
Good job on your weekly performance report, Al. But you forgot to mention how often you visited porn sites at work. Not on your official government computer. No, no. On your cellphone. You government workers aren’t THAT dumb.
No doubt that Al’s productivity report represents about 60% of federal workers. At least Al is honest.
So the governor wants to claim salvage rights to discharged feral government deadweight and add it to already overloaded state government deadweight?
Sounds like a reasonable Alaska First solution to me. Invite the enemy into your house. ???
I really hate the bureaucracy, but not the workers. Most of the layoffs from the Fed bureaucracy are new-hires who didn’t complete their probation, and were not employed long enough to be infected by the deep state. If the State of Alaska has job openings that need filled, what’s wrong with inviting those released from the Fed bureaucracy to apply? The key word is “apply”.
As for those laid off federal “workers”, especially those at National Park Service and National Forest Service, all I have to say is I don’t really care, Margaret!
So here is the $64,000 question:
Is the legislature budgeting/appropriating for all those unfilled positions? If so what happens to the funds if a position is NOT filled during the fiscal year? Does that department get to spend them on other things, or does it go back into the state coffers?
I seem to recall similar issues with the VPSO program some years ago. (Funded for X positions only had Y filled)
Maybe holding funds in reserve(like an escrow account) until such time positions are filled or the funds return to the pot at the end of the fiscal year.
Every large company on earth goes through this about every 25 to 50 years. I don’t know why it’s such a shock to everyone. Microsoft just let 25.000 go and none of you liberal bastards said a thing. No job is guaranteed, infact getting out of bed tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.
This entitled bs has to stop and Trump is stopping it. And yes Tamra if you are a Fed employee you are a target. If your worth your salt you will get re hired.
Racist democrats complain about deportations, saying there won’t be any brown people to pick our crops or mow our lawns anymore. Well, with these mass federal layoffs, it seems to me that there will be plenty of people to replace that illegal alien labor.
Dunleavy is doing something smart and practical for a change. He recognizes that those who’ve lost their jobs with the feds are in fact likely to be young, educated, and ambitious people with skill sets that this state dearly needs if we’re to have any future. I know that most readers of MRAK are comfortably ensconced in their right-wing echo chamber, but for most Alaskans (including elected Rs from even marginally competitive districts), the first month of Trump and Musk has been an unmitigated disaster. If you actually think we’ll see more oil drilling and exploration on the North Slope, I have Trump University diploma for you. Fact is, this state was, is, and always will be totally dependent on federal dollars. We are a small population with no economy of scale, a noncompetitive workforce, and resources that are available in far more accessible jurisdictions. In short, this state has nothing to offer except government/bureaucratic work. Get used to it, people. It’s the way it’s always been and will continue to be. Don’t like it? Move to Texas or Florida.
Young and educated??? In what exactly??? Every job site and every project is being accomplished with 40 to 70 year olds doing the heavy lifting. The 18 to 40 year olds are apparently living in their parents basement eating crap and playing video games.
This is not smart, practical or helpful. DOGE is working to eliminate government waste. Dunlevey is keeping it alive.
The State of Alaska also needs to go through the employment rolls to delete a bunch of overhead in a VERY top heavy state government bureaucracy and get more hands on people employed to actually WORK.
Federal employees work hard? Doing what? They produce nothing that the rest of us want to buy. They don’t offer services that the rest of us want unless you count the make work all their regulations and mandates create. Probably 75% of all government jobs are parasitic. We won’t miss them when they’re gone. The only real losers who will are the public employee union bosses…parasites living off government parasites.
Another thing comes to mind. Remember the federal/city of London overreach and those expensive lawsuits? What was that about laughing places? The recognized limits of far away interests is not a catechism held dear in Alaska. There might be rather instead an interest in cooling the powers of monarchs and their agents to something like the stagnant interests that don’t don’t serve the needs of the people of Alaska or their real estate. Why on earth preserve our legal opponents in local jurisdiction employment. No accounting for tastes I guess. .
If Dunleavy had a sense of humor he would tell them to learn how to code! Karma’s a bi#$ch!
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