Vaccine to arrive Monday; 35,000 doses at once


The Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19 is expected to arrive in all 50 states on Monday, according to Gen. Gus Perna, chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed.

Alaska is expected to get 35,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine on Monday. Another 17,900 doses of the Moderna vaccine is expected soon thereafter. The first vaccination in Alaska could be as early as Monday, if all goes as planned.

“They will begin moving vaccine from the Pfizer manufacturing facility to the UPS and FedEx hubs, and then it will go out to the 636 locations nationwide, which were identified by the states and territories,” Perna told a news conference Saturday. “We expect 145 sites across all the states to receive vaccine on Monday, another 425 sites on Tuesday, and the final 66 sites on Wednesday, which will complete the initial delivery of the Pfizer orders for vaccine,”  he said at a Saturday news conference.

While most states are receiving their doses in batches, Alaska will get all 35,000 doses at once. That’s because the federal government is recognizing the logistical challenges of Alaska; moving the vaccine is difficult because it must be kept at -95F until thawed, after which is is viable for only five days in a refrigerator.

Also, the vaccine is said to not be stable to a great deal of vibration, which makes it difficult to move to remote villages on the usual planes that fly there, such as Cessnas. Hub communities such as Bethel and Kotzebue will at the top of the list, as places where larger aircraft can land.

These first vaccine doses will be distributed statewide among public, private and Tribal health systems. Must Read Alaska has learned that the vaccine will be flown, along with someone to administer it, to specific airports, where the first eligible people — medical professionals and those working in long-term care facilities — will meet the plane and get their vaccines. Then the plane will head to the next location.

Alaska is receiving its state allocation and additional vaccine through the Indian Health Service, according to the Department of Health and Social Services. The federal government has allocated 11,700 doses of the initial Pfizer shipment for the Alaska Tribal Health System. Distribution is left to the discretion of the Alaska Tribal Health Caucus.

Alaska’s distribution process does not include military service members, who will be vaccinated separately through a federal allocation.


      • Vaccine portion of this article may have some validity . The logistics comments are simple not valid.
        The state , federal government already have a fleet of applicable aircraft standing by. Furthermore last fall the coast guard in fact carried out similar mission. I was one of the pilots.

  1. Pushing the safety envelope here in Alaska. Australia just dropped a multi billion dollar deal for the “vaccine”. Australian medical professionals say early recipients of the same “vaccine” are starting to test positive for HIV. It turns out, HIV ‘protein bits’ are part of the vaccine because the two viruses are similar and HIV ‘might’ help. A vaccine for HIV has been searched for, for years, with no success. Now, to provide ‘immunity’ from a virus similar to a common cold or the flu, the “genius” vaccine scientists are providing, not an immunity producing vaccine in the traditional, established sense, but an introduction to HIV for those receiving their “vaccine”, and a sure fire irreversible DNA modification, with many side effects, known and unknown, the worst being death, mostly for the elderly. The latest poll of trustworthy citizens produces 90%+ of Americans that will refuse the “vaccine”. It is too dangerous with unstudied and unknown side effects. It’s all about control and $$$.
    Beware Alaskans.

  2. I hope all the hysterical, hyper-hypochondriacs who are blindly going to rush out to receive this vaccine immediately do not suffer TOO many lasting side effects, or too severely damaging long-term autoimmune conditions as a result. Because, by definition, you are ALL guinea pigs for this purely experimental vaccine.

  3. This would not and could not have happened without the continued push from President Trump and Vice-President Pence….The development of this these drugs and their distribution will take place quickly but other drug companies are working rapidly to develop other ways of attacking this Chinese Virus….

  4. Why does someone special need to administer it. Ones local clinic medical assistants, some cnas, and rns been vaccinating patients for decades.
    I aint getting a vaccine for something that has a 99% survival rate!

      • The survival rate is well over 99% for most people — more than 99.9%, in fact,except for the elderly and those who are grossly unhealthy, which is a similar situation with the seasonal flu and many other diseases.
        Please stop blindly accepting all the fearmongering and hysterical propaganda from the corporate-controlled media, and try doing some thinking for yourself, and putting this relatively mild disease into its proper perspective. Most of all, STOP with all this ridiculous focus on “safetyism” already!

  5. Alaska has one of the best vaccine distribution programs in the country. Collaboration between the State and Tribal System has been a well greased wheel since 2009 when the vaccine for H1N1 was rolled out. We have had a Vaccine Depot in place for a number of years with a distribution plan that has been tested repeatedly over the years. While landing in places like Sitka and Bethel (ouch on that runway) and other places can be tricky, rest assured that there is now and has been a well documented plan to get vaccines out there. Log Tags for temperature excursions have been used for several years. I’m not sure what they’re going to do about keeping this particular Pfizer product cold, but there are other products in the pipeline. Those in charge are aware of the pitfalls of the system. Keep the faith… it’s coming.

  6. Everyone line up to get your DNA reprogrammed. Hope you aren’t TOO allergic to your own proteins after the shot. Politicians first.

  7. So I wonder who will line up for the experimental vaccine. This is going to kill a lot of Natives and minority groups because they will line up like sheep! “Ohhhh we are so at risk! We are the most at-risk group! We need the covid-19 experimental vaccine first!”

  8. You can have it, will not take it! There are extremely effective Therapeutics that knock it out. Why on earth would I pump an untested and extremely suspect vaccine in my body. Especially when you have eugenics supporters like Bill Gates helping fund it!

  9. The vaccine has not been properly tested, is known to prevent females from getting pregnant, is known to cause complications with existing pregnancies’ among a MYRIAD of other issues. The vaccine is dangerous and don’t think it should be administered to anybody 🙁

    From Breitbart:

    A health worker in Alaska experienced a “serious reaction” and was subsequently hospitalized after receiving a dose of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved last week, according to reports.

    The worker had what the New York Times described as a “serious reaction” after receiving the vaccination and remained in the hospital as of Wednesday morning, according to the paper. The worker had “no history of drug allergies,” the Times reported, adding that it remains “unclear whether he or she suffered from other types of allergies, according to one person familiar with the case.”

  10. The sheep will line up, and take their medicine because they have been told to. Dr Fauci is already on the airwaves telling everyone they “must” take the vaccine. No thank you, I will never take it. I have antibodies as I recovered from COVID in an afternoon. I’ll just sit back and watch the sheep become ill.

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