Two drug felons busted again as large quantity of deadly fentanyl, meth and heroin seized in Kodiak


On Sept. 16, Alaska State Troopers Statewide Drug Enforcement Unit and Coast Guard Investigative Service in Kodiak concluded part of a several-month investigation into the trafficking of controlled substances in Kodiak, during which 11,457 blue “M30” fentanyl pills were seized, along with 3.15 pounds of crystal methamphetamine, 89 grams of tar heroin, five handguns and $58,722 in cash.

Mark Daniel Nason, 55, of Kodiak, a 12-time convicted felon of violent offenses, was stopped by officers in the Safeway parking lot in Kodiak while he was getting into his vehicle. A search of his vehicle showed Nason had a loaded handgun within reach, along with a large quantity of controlled substances. He was locked up in the Kodiak Jail for multiple charges of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance and Misconduct Involving Weapons. 

Nason has a violent history. He lived in the Montana Creek area in the Mat-Su Borough in 2001, where he was convicted in Palmer Superior Court for shooting his then-pregnant 19-year-old girlfriend in the buttocks. He was 33 at the time and was sentenced to 18 years in prison. In 1994, he had been charged with attempted murder after shooting at an Alaska Regional Hospital security guard who would not allow him through a locked door. Nason has other convictions on his record at the Alaska Court System, stemming back to the 1980s.

Adam Ross, 42, of Kodiak, was stopped at a Sawmill Circle address and arrested while attempting to flee. Ross was remanded to the Kodiak jail for multiple counts of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance. 

Ross is a convicted felon for the sale of controlled substances. Ross had been arrested in 2014 on the Seward Highway at Mile 99 for possession of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and the investigation found the heroin was prepackaged for distribution. During that arrest, he tried to hide the drugs under the seat of the Trooper’s vehicle.

A common user amount is one fentanyl pill, 0.1 grams of heroin and 0.1 grams of methamphetamine. There are 10 user doses per gram of heroin and methamphetamine. One fentanyl pill has the potential to cause a fatal overdose, depending on the user tolerance or how much is already in someone’s system. Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin and up to 100 times stronger than morphine. Two milligrams of fentanyl can be lethal.

Over 11,000 doses is a sizable haul for law enforcement. In 2020, there were just 1,447.82 grams and 150 dosage units of fentanyl seized in Alaska by the State Drug Enforcement Unit.

The estimated profit from the seized drugs, if sold in Kodiak, may have been approximately $656,000.


    • “How do these societal rats keep wiggling out of their prison sentences? Are the judges really that stupid?”
      There just isn’t enough prison space to hold a scumbag like Nason for life. First, prisons are built to standards that are quite ridiculous, thus expensive. For example, why should somebody sentenced to prison for life be getting tv entertainment, internet access, gymnasiums, more than a certain number of calories per day, etc? They should be forced to work to help fray the costs of keeping them alive, and if they don’t, simply lock them in a cell with a toilet, drip faucet, and bring them food once per day.
      Society refuses to build enough prisons. Just one year’s statewide PFD payout would build three prisons, but the population is addicted to free money.
      So they are released to make room for the new scumbag for a while.

  1. No one was doing heroin for awhile. Then we saw it come back inexplicably. Well, it’s not inexplicable. It’s because the FDA told doctors oxy is non-addictive, and doctors with their hubris believed them because they, for some reason, don’t know how corrupt their industry really is.

    And the FDA still has never been held accountable.

  2. Because Fentanyl is the new Oxi. Drug trade hates a vacuum. Users equal money. It’s their own universe, unfortunately it bumps in to ours. I believe we should designate one of the Aluetan Islands as a banishment zone. Drop them MREs, and some tents, some tools—and a pound of Fentanyl. That should save on the high cost on MREs.

  3. We keep reading these heartbreaking stories about some beloved family member that has succumbed to a Fentanyl overdose and what a tragedy it is. I have lost loved ones to tragic circumstances and understand the anguish and the grief. We must however consider in the case of Fentanyl, the source. The source is the open border. If you have no borders you have no country. This plague of deadly drugs is hugely exacerbated by the insane and ridiculous policy from the current administration of open borders. Those who deal in and profit from this poison should receive no mercy. They are among the most vile and despicable of human vermin. No closed season and no limit.

  4. Thank you to our Alaska State Troopers and the Coast Guard officials in Kodiak for making this bust. Full support of our Alaskan law enforcement officers and agencies is the best way we can shut these thugs down. Next step, lawmakers need to step up the criminal penalties. Do what it takes to protect Alaskans. Our next generation deserves our time and effort on this front.

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