Trump’s massive bond slashed by appeals court


Donald Trump may not be the richest person in America. He’s not even among the top 25 richest Americans. When a New York judge set a bond for him that was by far the largest in history — $464 million — even the New York State Appeals Court thought that was excessive.

The Court of Appeals ruled Monday that Trump can post $175 million to cover a civil fraud judgment that is under appeal. It’s still one of the largest bonds ever set in American history. That is 38% of the initial penalty from the Manhattan court.

Trump’s attorneys had argued that liquidating assets to come up with the full $464 million was “a practical impossibility” by today’s deadline set by Judge Arthur Engoron of Manhattan.

Trump says that the judicial system is corrupt and is planning to take Trump Tower, one of his signature New York properties.

Meanwhile, the judicial system, which conservatives believe is partisan, is making it difficult for Trump to campaign for president. On Monday, while Trump looked on in the courtroom, New York Judge Juan Merchan announced that Trump’s first criminal trial is set for April 15 in Manhattan. The date puts the trial right in the middle of the summer campaign season and will probably guarantee a verdict before November’s general election. The criminal matter relates to alleged hush money that Trump gave to a porn actress before the 2016 election.

Also on Monday, Trump’s media company, TruthSocial, which has merged with the shell company Digital World Acquisition Corp., filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission that it will start trading on Tuesday on the NASDAQ stock market. The new company is called Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. and will trade under the DJT stock ticker.

Although Trump is not the official presidential nominee of the Republican Party for until the Republican National Convention, July 15-18 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, he is the presumptive nominee and has the backing of the RNC due to his winning of every primary and caucus to date, except for Washington, D.C. and Vermont. He has 1,686 delegates; he only needed 1,215 total to win the nomination officially.

Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee and now a dedicated leftist, said the only reason Trump’s historic bond was reduced is because the court treated him differently: “Yet again, @realDonaldTrump gets special treatment with his own private system of justice. The NY Appeals Court has decided to give Trump more time to pay less money by reducing his bond from $454M to $175 and giving him 10 days to get the money. This makes absolutely no sense.”


    • He could come up with the bond, but not in the ridiculously short timeframe the biased and partisan judge required.
      If I asked you to pony up 1/5th of your net worth, but only gave you a few hours to do so, odds are you would not be able to do it. What makes you think anyone else can?
      If you really want to talk about being a putz, talk to the person you see in the mirror.

      • Trump knew on Feb. 17th that he would need to come up with that larger amount if he wanted to appeal. That’s 5 weeks not a few hours. Most people with a net worth of at least $500,000 could probably cover a bond for $100,000 if given 5 weeks. Most of us didn’t leverage everything to grab onto more stuff. But then again most of us don’t have mom providing 3 squares/day and warm milk at bedtime CBM-Tek. Additionally most sane people don’t try to figure how to work “Shazam” into their daily vocabulary like your frat brother commenting below.

        • Oh, child…I never joined a frat. When I was in college I was too busy studying and dating girls.

          How go back to your tantrum.

          • Jealous? It’s not like he accomplished anything. I am arrogant when it comes to petulant children.

            You know that firsthand.

            Go get some crayons. You’re out of your league.

        • Oh…. Feb 17th…Five weeks.
          Reading comprehension is not your strong suit, is it? Here, let me repeat, with emphasis:
          “If I asked YOU to pony up 1/5th of YOUR net worth, but only gave YOU a few hours to do so, odds are YOU would not be able to do it.”
          See what I did there? Yeah, I made the assumption that you are not worth billions of dollars, most of which is tied up on hard assets. (Real estate). And, I tailored my question to your (YOUR) situation.
          Now to this ridiculous point:
          “Most people with a net worth of at least $500,000 could probably cover a bond for $100,000 if given 5 weeks.”
          Yes, you could easily. Because there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of bond issuers that would cover that amount. Hell, most bail bondsmen would cover 10 times that without flinching.
          Now, show me a bond issuer that will cover close to 3/4 of a billion. (And, if you do not know why I am choosing that number, instead of $464M, you are absolutely clueless.)

        • There’s nothing wrong with good hard work. I can remember when I was a kid we ate potted meat sandwiches everyday for lunch. And at night mom made a casserole. Didnt know what butter was. She was the casserole Queen because she knew she could spread out the ingredients for 6 people that way. Taped up tennis shouse. Green jeans. Nothing wrong with growing up poor. It taught me what not to do.

        • It also depends on the magnitude of the bond. Someone in commercial real estate should not have a lot of liquidity. Use the banks’ money, and make sure your real assets are making money.
          An individual should have liquid assets, but not a business.

    • The original bond was a violation of the 8th ammendment. Even if they started siezing properties, he would regain them and more after a legitimate court took the appeal. This was going no where fast, just as the rest of the political indictments against him. It’s all nothing more than election interference.

  1. If Michael Steele thinks the reduction in the bond amount doesn’t make sense, then Judge Arthur Engoron’s original bond amount doubly doesn’t make sense, since it is in violation of the Amendment 8 of the US Constitution, “Excessive bail shall NOT be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” Certain leftists just want to use the justice system to stop DJT in any way possible. Just remember, “what goes around, comes around.”
    Kenai Dad

    • A bond is not the same as bail. The Courts have ruled that Trump cheated, that verdict is not what is being appealed. The fine amount is being appealed. From what I have seen the fine will not be significantly reduced. If Trump really hates New York that much he would not have listed DJT on NADDAQ. Trump will pay the fine with $$$$ that suckers invest in DJT.

      • Wow Frank! You are all over the place here. Considering that the two major stock exchanges in the US are the NYSE and the NASDAQ, he really did not have a lot to choose from. You would have complained loudly if he had listed it on the Nikkei (don’t know if that is even possible for a US business) Yours is a silly argument.
        It is also interesting that you do not grasp the irony here. DJT’s trial is all about “inflating and over valuing” which apparently is a crime now, yet here we have Leticia James and the judge hyper-inflating the bond/fine. Aren’t they guilty of the same….??
        When the government uses its powers to harm one individual, simply because he/she does not conform to their ideals, that’s tyranny and we should all be ashamed. This is much bigger than DJT. It set a precedence of selective punitive and vengeful abuse of government to further and cement the demands of the perceived ruling class. It no longer speaks for the people.

  2. Steele is a lame spin artist looking for a job with CNN… But his distortion of truth does give us a look at how desperate the left is – and how much bs they’re willing to sling.

    • The fines result from tax year 2013, well before Trump ran in 2016. Trump knows he can get sympathy by simply lying about everything

      • When the so-called fraud took place is not the interference. The trial is, the fine is, and the attempt to ruin a candidate financially for a so-called “fraud” where no one was harmed in any way, is election interference.

  3. Well Shazam. Note the sounds of heads exploring all over the media. It’s delightful.

    Steele is a raging idiot. The only reason the bond was historically high WAS because the court treated him different.

    The court of appeals did treat him like anyone else. That is what pisses Steele off.

  4. What’s equally fun is the hysteria by the left as they realize this will only be decided at the ballot box.

    And their current lawfare is only drawing more support to him. Even some Democrats see this for what it is.

    • I know. Like how DJT was storing classified materials in his garage next to his Corvette… Oh… wait. Wasn’t him.
      Or how he set up an unsecured e-mail server, but conducted Official Federal Business on it to avoid… nope. Not him again.
      Maybe it is how a commission he led destroyed evidence after the Speaker of the House required it to be preserved by subpoena… dammit. Again, not DJT.
      I know. When a close female associate of Trump was jailed for running a child sex ring on his behalf, but for some reason none of the clients were ever charged… Whoops. My bad. Not Trump.
      I am struggling here. What law applies to everyone else, but not to Trump?

      • CB. If all your rightist claims were true and all the other complaints you have about Biden that you didn’t mention were true, they would disappear under the hot glare of the thousands of significant failures of trump.

        Let’s ask Seth Meyers for a list:

        “Presumptive GOP nominee for president, again, for a third time, despite the fact he is a twice-impeached, four-time criminal indictee and racist who’s been found liable for fraud and sexual abuse. Banned from doing business in the state of New York for three years. Owes over half a billion dollars in fines. Took millions from foreign governments while he was president. Tried to extort a foreign country to interfere in an election in 2020 and encouraged another to help him win in 2016,” Mr Trump “actively undermined a nation’s response to a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and let a deadly disease spiral out of control. Is about to go on trial for breaking campaign finance laws by paying hush money to cover up an affair during the 2016 campaign. Orchestrated a months-long coup attempt that culminated in a violent insurrection to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power and install him as an unelected dictator. Stole classified documents and obstructed attempts to get them back. Has never once won the popular vote and has been routinely rejected by a majority of Americans in election after election”. Mr Trump “spews deranged conspiracy theories about everything from climate change to immigration, to vaccines to windmills. Glitches on three-syllable words, two-syllable words and one-syllable words, cheats at golf, can’t spell his own name, his wife’s name or the words ‘indicted’, ‘education’, ‘unprecedented’, ‘stolen’, ‘Denmark’. ‘Kentucky’ or ‘tap’,” Meyers said.

        “And is on top of everything else, the single weirdest, most off-putting human being on the face of the f****** planet,” he concluded.

        • It’s quite telling you keep resorting to a comic for “facts”. And a lesser known one at that.

          Do you take your dating advice from Rodney Dangerfield? How to be a man from Kevin Hart? How to treat women from Bill Cosby?

          • MA -When you are dead, you don’t know you are dead. It’s pain only for others.

            It’s the same thing when you are stupid

            • Ah, you’re speaking from personal experience. Good on you.

              Junior, you are nowhere near smart enough to joust with me. My BMs, maybe. Me? Not in this life of any other.

              • MA. Ten bucks says you’re an incel. Your arrogance forms a force field around you that repeals people with integrity.

        • Seth Meyers is an entertainer who, like some folks who post comments on MRAK, cannot be bothered to read past the headline. His commentary is no more valid than yours is.
          Now, unless you can point to the law that is not being applied to President Donald Trump, but is being applied across the spectrum, like Patrick inferred, please go somewhere else.

        • Valley:
          Let me also respond on this front:
          “If all your rightist claims were true and all the other complaints you have about Biden that you didn’t mention were true, they would disappear under the hot glare of the thousands of significant failures of trump.”
          So, it is OK for someone to commit crimes because someone else committed a worse crime?
          Let’s ignore that murderer because Ted Bundy killed way more people.
          That is stupid, and so is your statement.

    • Every judge on the New York State Appeals Court was appointed by Cuomo or Hochul. Are they corrupt? Or would you like cheese with that whine?

    • Hahahahha cry more, don’t even start with that tripe, how many lefties skate on charge after charge, crime after crime?
      Hmmm let’s see, Pelosi, Biden, both Clintons, the black democrat that pulled the fire alarm in the capital, the gay democrat that made a sex tape in the capital, Obama, Eric Holder, Eric Swallwell, should we keep going?
      It seems like laws only apply to Trump, to me.

      • Floyd. What laws have pelosi, Obama, Swalwell and Biden broken? Don’t offer an accusation or a hunch from your screechweasel TV pundits. Cite a statute. Provide a quick summary of the evidence. Prove your claims, or provide some links.

        • Uhhhhhhh you can find pretty much all these stories right here on MRAK….Suzanne does a pretty comprehensive job of providing the information that the mainstream media ignores. You do read the reports here, right?


          • Floyd. Comprehensive? Nowhere close. For example, why doesn’t she report much on Trump? Can you guess? Cuz he’s a disaster for democracy that conservatives used to defend. Lose-lose supporting that m-effen loser.

        • Let’s see.
          Swallwell was sleeping with a Chinese spy. 18 USC §794 (potentially broken, no investigation was conducted.)
          Biden took classified documents from the secure area to an unsecure area when he was a Senator, and as VP. He then knowingly disclosed their contents (Read the Hur report) 18USC §798
          Weird you did not ask what law the Clintons broke? Wonder why…
          Taking a hammer to mobile phones that were subpoena’ed by Congress 18 USC §1361 and 18 USC §402
          Careful what you ask for. You might just get it.

      • James comey. don’t forget about him Floyd. POS destroyed the number 1 law enforcement agency in the world. I hear anyone mention the FBI I laugh anymore. There is NO law and order anymore. It’s a circus in our country. Can’t trust any law enforcement agencies.

  5. All my friends overseas I met through job keep sending me all this info before it comes out here and a lot doesn’t!! They just got 39% increase in all utilities with a one week notice!! And ask me why democrats have taken over everything in US and allowed to let illegals raid US? Why nothing is being done! Don’t we like our country! This was my African game guide chatting!! Where he is is close to being completely free!! They don’t even have yellow lines on road and no one has to be licenses, you can buy your meds over counter and get medical help from pharmacy! Ivermectin right over the counter! Excellent hospitals!

  6. The lender looked over the property valuations by people that do that for a living not a judge that doesn’t. They loaned money to Trump and he paid it back with interest. No crime, no harm, no foul. But some how the liberals think they should fine him half a billion. None of this makes any sense.

    • If Trump hates New York so much, why did he list DJT NASDAQ? Trump will pay off the legitimate fines with money from the losers that invest in DJT

  7. Keep this in mind leftists. What you begin you will not end.

    Your inability to see the long term effects of your actions is one of your Achilles heels. Just as one on the right is you better get it correct the first time, because that is how you will always do the thing.

    When both function properly it is a beautiful thing and each covers the others weakness.

    • I don’t know about a day of reckoning, but that remains to be seen. What you said was true. Though all this is harassment, they want to cost the boy money and make him lose sleep.

  8. Here most people’s in my country use cash and keep large amounts of gold in gold depositor. Our property is not taxed and can not be taken away. We have no property taxes!! We have sales tax. If u shop at western stores here it cost same as US store but if you shop at the local outdoor market (largest in world) everything super cheap and local! Our last election there was an attempt by Biden sponsored criminal to steal our election! Population stopped them and ran them out of country then burned their homes! Police helped and military too!
    We are the land of the Giants , Kumasi Africa!

  9. AnyY bets that any insurerthat was going to bond Trump was warned not to? ” nice business you have there”

  10. Pretty obvious that Trump is heavily leveraged. Trump lies about everything and most people that support him care exactly zero that he is ripping off honest businesses.

    • You know of some business that is not heavily leveraged?
      If you are running a business, and are using your own money, instead of the banks, you are a lousy businessman.

    • You mean Biden. Biden is ripping off honest businesses. Or do you not think killing all the small businesses during the fake lock down while the big box stores stayed open was a rip off?
      Biden lies about everything, his education, his career, his upbringing, his son, his business dealings, his “achievements”, Tara Reade, his classified documents in his garage, corn pop, Bidenomics, the border, how all the unvaccinated were going to cause a plague, how he’s unifying the country, how he almost lost Dr Jill and his house to a fire, his million miles on Amtrak, the high speed rail he was going to build, how many jobs he’s “created”….you really want to play this game?
      Your ignorance is laughable, I see why you slowed down on posting comments here.

      • Floyd. Nice rant. your willingness to lie for some lawless indefensible screechweasel is astonishing.

        Let’s turn back the clock a tad, shall we? You incorrectly claimed that Biden is responsible for killing “all the small businesses during the fake lock down”. Who was president in 2020?

  11. Oh yeah Frank, about his being leveraged……he is paying 175 million…and truth or his share of it is worth… uhhh….lets see…oh yeah, Billions.
    “Leveraged” you really fried your brain at Woodstock huh?

  12. What is amusing to me is all the earnest dickering and a little bickering to support somebody totally unfit to lead our nation. I hope he’s assigned latrine duty when he dons that orange jumpsuit, and is assigned to copy by hand one of those St James he’s hawking on national television for $60.00.

    • Mrs N (does the “N” stand for “Nitwit”?), get used to saying “President Trump” once again.

      You may now commence screaming at the sky.

  13. Now he’s got to get rid of corrupt, fat*ss Fanni Willis and Leticia James. Both are old Affirmative Action sows who’ve been feeding at the public trough for years. Neither understands the law or the principles of lawyering. Affirmative Action don’t teach that.

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