The witching season is here, and so are the campaign tricks.
A union tactic is popping up in mailboxes this week in several areas from Ketchikan to Eagle, Alaska, is one of those tricks, and it has conservatives scratching their heads.
The look-alike flyers show two Republicans — Sen. Dan Sullivan and Congressman Don Young, and in the middle there’s the Democrats’ candidate, looking like one of the conservatives.
In District 27, the union political action committee appears to be endorsing Sullivan, Young, and hardline liberal Liz Snyder. Snyder, running against Rep. Lance Pruitt, was the only candidate that Democrat Mayor Ethan Berkowitz maxed out to this year with a $500 donation — and she has donated to Berkowitz’s campaign in the past.

The irony is especially rich because Snyder has also donated to Young’s opponent, Alyse Galvin, through the Democrats’ Act Blue giving program. Galvin is the pretend nonpartisan running for the second time against Young.
In District 28, the union’s pairing makes it look like leftist Suzanne LaFrance is endorsed by Sullivan and Young.

In District 36, the flyers pair Democrat caucus member Rep. Dan Ortiz with Sullivan and Young, even though there is a Republican running who would be the more likely pairing — Leslie Becker.

The flyers are being sent to homes of high-frequency Republican voters, also known as super-voters, who sent them along to Must Read Alaska.
“Do they think we’re that dumb?” commented a voter from Ketchikan.
In District 6, an Anchorage-based union political committee has a flyer that makes it appear that former Gov. Sean Parnell, Sen. Dan Sullivan, State Sen. Lora Reinbold and Rep. Dave Talerico are endorsing Elijah Verhagen, who is a no-party candidate.
In that race, the union intent appears to be to split the conservative vote so that the Democrats’ choice, Julie Hnilicka, can win the district, which is strongly conservative.

Mike Cronk is the Republican nominee in that district and is actually the candidate endorsed by Sen. Dan Sullivan.
And while Verhagen is running as a no-party candidate, he left the Republican Party over his distaste for Donald Trump and could split the conservative vote.
It’s all they have…lie cheat then steal.
The Big LIAR, Marna Sanford, now blasting the radio waves with her “conservative values” ads. LMFAO. Sanford is an old Lefty. Democrats are in big trouble in Fairbanks. And everybody knows it!
Marna, Stop Lying! You’re embarrassing yourself.
Marna’s beyond help. She too dumb to fool anyone. Even her own supporters now think she’s got loose screws.
BTW, worst campaign signs in the Interior. Looks more like an ad for “Sanford and Son” junk dealers.
That flyer/poster/whatever seems fraudulent to me. After the last gubernatorial election, if I see anything from the Alaska AFL/CIO, I assume it’s trash. Likewise if I see anything proximately or remotely connected with Vince Beltrami, I assume it’s trash.
All depends on how dumb voters are
How very pathetic. I wonder if Facebook would ban these ads.
My only hope is that most Alaskans can see through this charade-sham type of advertising. And that they gather up these flyers and use them where they will help the most … in the wood stove or in the birdcage.
Verhagen is a strict Mormon and has his Mormon “family” running his campaign. Mormons stick together like glue, so expect some votes to come his way, especially in Nenana. The Democrat, a start-up socialist named Julie Hnilicka, is also claiming to be from Nenana. Vern Carlson is running too, a bit further down the road in Cantwell. If Mike Cronk can keep District 6 voters wagering between Mormonism, Socialism/ Marxism, and Noism……….contained in Nenana and Cantwell, I’d say things are looking prletty good for Mike in the remainder of District 6.
Hnilicka lives in Fairbanks. She’s a far Lefty socialist, a 35-year old snowflake without a job and lives with her parents. She needs to grow up before she runs for political office.
In the age of information, misinformation is the enemy.
Libs should ask themselves why their candidates have to play Conservative in order to get elected. As my friend says: “A chameleon never shows his true colors”. He’s right, you can’t trust these “chameleons”.
Con artists.
Elijah Verhagen is out of his league, had to leave the Republican party because Trump hurts his snowflake feelings, He didnt denounce the false advertising on his facebook page , almost sounded like he was thankful that he received free advertising from the lefties. Take your campaign back to Verhagenville ( the city formally known as Nenana).
I’m confused about liz snyder’s lack of clothing on a political poster. Is she moonlighting at the Bush Company and forget to change out of her costume? Maybe she’s too poor to buy a shirt?
Riiggght….Because a tank top and overalls are clearly not Alaska summer fishing attire for men and women. I may not agree with her politics, but that comment seems rather unnecessary and childish. As opposed to the sarcasm in this one.
Do you really think that’s an appropriate photo for her political poster? Is she applying for a job in the fisheries? If she’s going to be half undressed as an attention grabber, which is an unnecessary an childish ploy, then I guess she deserves the snark. Or maybe you just want another Berkowitz?
Even the Democrat labor unions know that Al Gross I didn’t kill a bear doctor ( see the official record with the state) would be California’s Third Senator.
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